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First Timer-Whole30 starts Monday 1/20!


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Your super bowl food sounds delicious, your boyfriend is crazy lol.

Personally I am feeling a bit disheartened about the whole thing. Day 15 half way point. Its not that I want to eat any thing off plan I am just sick of constantly thinking about food. I have no clue what I am eating tomorrow because my brain is having a spaz and refusing to function. I know I just have to keep going but not loving it right now :(

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Happy half-way point!!!  Day 15, whooo hooo!  It's actually gone quite fast.  @Kage, we can do it!  I understand what you're saying though, I'm actually getting sick of eating, ha!  I had a rockin headache yesterday and all I wanted to eat was a bowl of Special K cereal!  That was tough.  I may have cried a little :unsure:  My boyfriend had the best looking pizza I have ever seen, or so I think.  BUT...I got through it, feel good today!!!  So much for the Broncos right...eeeeek!


So...my Super Bowl food: put the nicely overnight marinaded wings on the grille...boyfriend and I come in the house for maybe 8-10 minutes...he says to me, "i'm going to check on the wings"...he turns around looks out the window at the deck...the grille is on FIRE!  He runs out, tries to blow on it!  Ha!  I ran out with a pitcher full of water...put the fire out AND wings are charred!  SO...no wings for me :(  I was SO bummed.  They caught fire a bit and the fire came out the side of the grille door and caught our grille brush on fire and that is what the huge flames were...it could've been bad.  Phew!  I did have chicken tenderloins on there as well...so I made chicken lettuce wraps with cucumber and some cashews...marinaded in a olive oil/balsamic type glaze.  That is also what I brought today for noon time.


@Kage...I've been a bit bored w/food lately too.  But what inspired me to try new things was printing out some recipes to make new things.  I made a crockpot of chili last night...it was good and i'll have that later in the week too.  I cooked ALL day yesterday.  Keep up the good work everyone!  Whoo hoo to half way!

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Day 17!!  I second, where art thou Tiger Blood?  I can say, I feel pretty good today and not too tired.  Better than I have felt in a while. 


Cold, rainy, and icy here in Maryland...so I am having some hot turkey chili (beanless of course)  YUM! 


We're over the hump everyone! 

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I feel amazing. Better than ever. My first Whole30 was a joke compared to this one! I only mean, related to my cravings and all of that. I just can't believe that I'm not snacking anymore. And I'm really not having more than 2 tiny portions of fruit a day (and I try to go some days without fruit too). During my first w30, I remember I couldn't help myself and would munch mindlessly sometimes -it was all approved food, but still, I didn't feel like I conquered that habit (at all). It feels totally different this time. My workouts are amazing, on my first w30 I barely went to the gym, now I'm rocking it!


I did find a hidden ingredient in my coconut milk, not sure if it calls for a restart or just to extend my w30 (which I planned on doing anyways, so no biggie). I feel fantastic so I don't even mind. I'll post on the "troubleshoot your w30" forum to get some answers. 


Happy Day 17 everyone! (except Kage, happy Day 18 for you :D ).

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Glad to hear you are feeling amazing peskigirl. I do feel better but it is subtle. I've injured my neck and that has drained my energy and slowed me down a bit (I posted a thread about it in troubleshooting) . I didn't want to take anti inflammatory medication because it may effect my results but Tom (moderator) advised me to take them if I needed them. I feel soooooo much better tonight.

I made breakfast casserole last night for this morning and it was so filling I couldn't even think about food until almost 2pm (breakfast was at 7.30).

The days are passing quickly now. I need to get more adventuresome with my cooking. So much of what I ate before (mostly dinner) was either already whole30 compliant or could be made compliant with only a couple of tweeks I don't really feel like I am eating that differently and I can see myself getting bored soon.

Happy Day 18 every one :)

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I did find a hidden ingredient in my coconut milk, not sure if it calls for a restart or just to extend my w30 (which I planned on doing anyways, so no biggie). I feel fantastic so I don't even mind. I'll post on the "troubleshoot your w30" forum

That is a bummer :( I think it depends what it is whether you need to restart. A lot of them have carnegan (I know that isn't spelled correctly but it is almost bed time and my brain has already checked out lol). I guess it doesn't really matter if you are planning to extend any way.

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Great news about feeling better with your neck Kage! I bet that's gotta put a damper on all this other great stuff you're doing. 

I am with you on the cooking: I'll be making some new stuff over the weekend -looking forward to it too!


About the hidden ingredient in my coconut milk, I got a response from Physibeth (here) and it was exactly what I thought it would be: it's really the same thing if I add more days to my W30 or if I start from Day 1. Since I've been keeping track of it all on my blog, and I already have a bunch of files and folders named with the days to follow, very neatly organized and all, I want to just keep on going (plus I'm receiving the daily emails and since I'm re-forwarding the ones from my first W30 to myself, and have them all programmed already to "delay delivery" so I get them every day in my inbox -it's just a lot of reasons why it's easier to keep on going).


Yesterday at my Soul Yoga session, I was able to do my very first inversion! The pose is called "Salamba Sirsasana", I just looked it up, and it's a supported headstand. Now I can do it and stay very still for a while! It feels so good!


I'm so very happy  :D


Have a great Day 18 everyone!

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Congrats on the Yoga stance!  Yoga is tough!  Day 18!!  Whoo hooo.  I'm still a bit tired today :(  I don't now what else to do.  I can say, that I cannot sit at my desk too long without getting fidgety and needing to move.  So I do laps, or run to the restroom...something.  I'll make an excuse to get up.  One thing my friend brought to my attention today (she's doing W30 too, but had to re-start) neither of us have had heartburn since doing this!  I totally forgot about it!  It's wonderful! 

@peskigirl, so happy you're feeling some energy surge!  Share some with me!

@kage, I think we're in the same boat. 


I agree with both of you...I am going to make some new dishes this weekend, I NEED to!  I am still eating my egg muffins for breakfast and just putting different veg or meat in them, not sick of them yet :)

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Been cooking up a storm today but still nothing we can eat for tea and I am so over cooking I cant psych myself up to cook dinner.

I have bone broth in the slow cooker, I picked and dried a heap of cherry tomatoes from the garden. We currently have them coming out of our ears. And I made tomato ketchup.

Feel great today, lots of energy, not tiger blood but definitely good. Tired now but I got so much done today. Skipped a heavy session at the gym in favour of a half hour gentle walk to look after my neck. It is feeling much better but I don't want to push it.

Just googled that yoga pose WOW impressive. Made my neck hurt just looking at it lol.

@Kristine yay for no heartburn

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Happy Day 19 everyone!


@Kage, hope that neck keeps getting better! And WOW that was a lot of stuff you did, awesome!


I'm stocking up to cook like crazy today and tomorrow too. This is one of the recipes I've always wanted to try, but never did because it has coconut aminos and fish sauce (both ingredients not available / compliant in my country), but I think I would still like to give it a try, maybe try to add processed mushrooms instead... not sure how that would turn out ( :rolleyes:). Still, dunno if I'll have the time, so much to do! :D


@misskrissy27, egg muffins sound nice! I am going frittata-cuckoo these past couple of days, but usually love soup for breakfast (sweet potato if I've worked out early). I also want to try this way to get poached eggs (I looooove poached eggs!), shared by Michelle Tam on facebook, but I don't have a steamer so I'm gonna get one tomorrow, yay  :)


Have an awesome weekend everyone!

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Happy Day 19!!!  Can you believe it!  It's going pretty fast.  I've never had poached eggs, maybe I'll try that.  I got stuck at work last night late and was STARVING!  My boyfriend, bless his heart, made me some chicken & veggies...he said he was so nervous to make it for me b/c he wanted to make sure everything was compliant, AND it was :)  It saved me.  I had two egg muffins this morning w/ a clementine, meal two is left over chicken with some carrots & asapargus.  I love cooked carrots. 


Question: has anyone been told they are starting to look yellowish/orange?  Like in the color of your face?  I've been told twice now...think it's b/c of eating so many veggies? 


@Kage, making ketchup is awesome!  Great idea. 


Have a great weekend ladies! 

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OK, your boyfriend totally rocks!  :)

My gf always helps me cook, calls herself my "sous-chef", but -bless her heart-, she can't cook a meal to save her life, LOL.


I haven't been told that I look yellow/orangish at all -but I found this online. Maybe you're eating tons of carrots? Or maybe it's the clementines!  :P


Oh and check this out, looks lovely! I'll definitely give it a try!

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I didn't even think of the clementines!  I eat them ALL the time!  (of course in my 1-2 fruit servings boundaries).  I don't eat too many carrots...hmmmmm.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention. 

I dont' know if he rocks, but it was definitely nice of him!  ha!  He is notorious for bringing cookies, cake, pizza, french fries, and just plain junk into the house.  Peanut M&M's are his go to.  The list goes on and on.  :)  I'll keep him around for a little bit.  :)

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Question: has anyone been told they are starting to look yellowish/orange? Like in the color of your face? I've been told twice now...think it's b/c of eating so many veggies?

What colour are the whites of your eyes? If they are still white you have just been eating too many orange things. If they are yellow at all go to the doctor and have your liver function checked. I turned my eldest child orange when she started solid food. She really loved her orange veggies, she looked like she had a dodgy spray tan lol.

Your boyfriend sounds sweet very glad he got it all right. Sounds like he would have been disappointed if he went to all that trouble and you couldn't eat it.

Last night hubby was around at our friends house and rang to ask if the kids and I wanted to go over there. We went and they had a heap of food delivered (they own a pizza bar). I had had dinner so I wasn't hungry (although I know their pizza is amazing) I was quite happy to drink my water. Our poor friend just could not cope with the fact I couldn't eat any thing and wouldn't have a drink. In the end he figured out I could have nuts and went and got out some cashews. He was so excited to have finally fed me lol.

Day 20, 2/3 of the way there!! We will be having brunch/lunch out today, eating out makes me so nervous! I've only done it once in the last 20 days and that was good but I am suspicious there was sugar some where in my meal (no idea where though) because I had bad sugar cravings in the afternoon. But I have read all the info about it and am looking forward to eating some thing I didn't cook and not having to clean up lol.

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Sitting in the lounge room while the rest of the extended family eats home made spinach and ricotta ravioli in the dining room at family diner night. Sigh. I know how amazing it tastes and I am salivating. Looking forward to the chicken and salad that is the next course

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Good for you Kage for staying strong!  I went to a bridal shower yesterday at an Italian restaurant...I didn't eat ONE thing.  I had a black coffee and two glasses of water.  I felt like ladies were looking at me, but it could've been paranoia.  I passed up homemade pizza, rolls, grilled wings (don't know what they were cooked in), it all looked good. BUT... I went home and ate afterwards, my yummy spaghetti squash w/a veggie/turkey meat sauce, YUMMY!!! 

Day 22!  Almost there girls.  Whoo hooo! 


So my friend that was doing this w/me, fell completely off, she had rice and a potato.  She's done.  She can't believe i'm still going strong. 


p.s. ate more carrots today, gonna look like an oompa loompa soon  :wacko:  


OH!  I'm going to attempt to eat out this evening, SO SCARED!  I haven't in 21 days!!!!  My choice (i already looked at the menu) is steamed shrimp...it's steamed with shell on and all that, with seasoning and onion...that's it.  It's a MD thing.  AND a side salad, and i'm bringing my own dressing!  Not gonna lie, having a tad of anxiety about it.

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You'll do awesome misskrissy27, you even checked the menu online and everything! :) 


I ate out on Saturday, second time during this W30, looked through the menu and the only thing I could have was (again, surprise surprise), the house salad. Dressing on the side (didn't touch it), steamed chicken (tasted like lint, as usual). So yeah, same conclusion: it's always better at home! But I did have fun. 


Happy Day 22 everyone!  :)

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Day 23: did fine at the restaurant yesterday!  Brought my own dressing, had it on the side salad.  Had some steamed shrimp as well.  My boyfriend had a burger, fries, and fried pickles...oh and a BEER!  I wasn't even tempted!  It smelled good, but that's about it. 

Went to a local running store that I participate in running groups with and was fitted for a new pair of running shoes...so got those.  Excited to start running outside again...if it ever warms up over 30 degrees!  We're supposed to get hit with snow on Weds night...expecting a foot or more, we'll see.


Happy Tuesday all.


p.s. still can't find coconut aminos...the one place I found that carries them, were sold out :(

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The chicken I was waiting on the last time I posted ended up being amazing, my MIL is such an awesome cook.

I ended up eating breakfast lunch and dinner out Saturday. Did ok apart from stuffing up a little at lunch which left me with no protein so I was feeling very empty by tea time came around. I had to send my (already altered) dish back because they dressed the salad (after I asked them not to). But in the end got an amazing steak.

Peskigirl that meal sounds awful. Paying money for that would be depressing.

Feeling pretty good, day 24 all done it will be day 31 before I know it. I would like to continue eating like this but with a little butter and cheese and Nonna's home made pasta every now and again but not every week. I wonder what my body will think of that?

Wow Krissy it sounds cold where you live. We are in another heatwave, it was the hottest february day since 1890 something yesterday. Cool change tonight though horay!

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