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day 16 and I'm soooo pooped!


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I keep reading about the skyrocketing energy I should be feeling by now! I've gone from 2 cups of coffee a day to 4 cups today and I'm still tired! Haven't cheated at all! Not even a lick of a knife with peanut butter when making my kids lunch! I've been perfect on this and I am seeing some change for sure! Pants getting loose and my face has thinned out. I'm pleased with the results but why am I so stinking tired every day? I do crossfit 3 days a week and get 8 to 9 hours of sleep! I've been taking Unisom every couple of nights because I've been waking up during the night. I just want to feel energized and I don't at all!

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I wouldn't worry about more coffee, but make sure you are getting enough fat. Crossfit can be a pretty intense workout, so make sure to get a pre and post WO meals on top of your other 3 meals. It might also be helpful to post the past 3 days of your daily intake to pinpoint the issue.

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WebMD lists these side effects for Unisom: Drowsiness, dizzinessheadacheconstipation, stomach upset, blurred vision, decreased coordination, or dry mouth/nose/throat may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, contact your doctor or pharmacist promptly.


So maybe you should stop taking the Unisom. Maybe it makes you sleep, but it is wreaking havoc with the rest of your life. You probably have some things out of whack in your hormones that make sleep difficult. I am a light sleeper and struggle more than most with sleep so I sympathize, but there are some healthier ways to support sleep than taking Unisom.


Try taking Natural Calm magnesium supplement before bed time. The magnesium works as a sedative for many people and makes falling asleep easier. I also take timed release melatonin. Melatonin is produced naturally by the body in the absence of light, but many of us don't produce enough (or don't experience enough darkness at night) and need some help. Only the timed release stuff works for me. The ordinary melatonin wears off after 4-5 hours for me and I wake up. The timed release stuff helps me stay sleepy through the night. There are also things to do to improve sleep like avoiding all screens for at least an hour before bed time - no computers, TV, smart phones, iPads, etc. And sleeping in a really dark room. Light has an influence on your hormones that interferes with sleep!


You may need to change some things that you are eating. Drinking coffee during the day may make your sleep worse at night. It is also important to eat a big breakfast within an hour of waking in the AM. This helps establish a good hormonal rhythm that sets you up for better sleep at night. You may need to increase the starchy carbs that you eat. Some people sleep better when they eat a sweet potato every day.

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I didn't take unisom last night and so far I don't feel too tired (yet). Breakfast is always the same: Paleo pancake (1 banana, 2 eggs), sweet pot fried in coconut oil. 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (1 tbsp.).

Lunch: mixed salad greens, onion, 1/4 avocado, chicken breast, walnut salad dressing (about 2 TBSP).

Dinner: chicken soup or some type of hamburger combo with veggies and a carb (usually sweet pot again fried in coconut oil).

I have never eaten before or after my crossfit workouts. Maybe I should google what I should be eating. I've noticed that I don't workout as hard if I have food in my belly. Also if I'm super hungry, my workouts are weak. Need to find a remedy for that.

I should also mention that I've been eating clean for years now but not having wine or a tequila drink nightly is new to me. I've been a bit of a lush so maybe the lack of alcohol in my body is effecting my sleep too!

I really appreciate your input and thank you!


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I didn't take unisom last night and so far I don't feel too tired (yet). Breakfast is always the same: Paleo pancake (1 banana, 2 eggs), sweet pot fried in coconut oil. 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (1 tbsp.).

Lunch: mixed salad greens, onion, 1/4 avocado, chicken breast, walnut salad dressing (about 2 TBSP).

Dinner: chicken soup or some type of hamb combo with veggies and a carb (usually sweet pot again fried in coconut oil).

I have never eaten before or after my crossfit workouts. Maybe I should google what I should be eating. I've noticed that I don't workout as hard if I have food in my belly. Also if I'm super hungry, my workouts are weak. Need to find a remedy for that.

I should also mention that I've been eating clean for years now but not having wine or a tequila drink nightly is new to me. I've been a bit of a lush so maybe the lack of alcohol in my body is effecting my sleep too!

I really appreciate your input and thank you!



Sorry, no Paleo pancakes on a Whole30. So, start making another choice at breakfast. 

Is your ham compliant? (i.e., no sugar or other nasties) It's tricky to find compliant ham.

You should absolutely add pre and post workout snacks. Pre WO is a protein and optional fat. Post WO is a protein and carb. 


Overall, with your meals, you may want to try increasing your portion sizes to the upper end of the template: 2 palms of protein, 3 cups of veggies, and the appropriate amount of compliant fat.

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Don't discount the lack of ETOH in the changes you are feeling, especially as regards sleep. It is a big change to go from daily use to none. You might think about staying off ETOH through your whole post Whole 30 transition so the effect of it are isolated from other things you reintroduce.

I agree with the moderator. Try to stop taking unisom. Hydrate well, get into good sleep hygiene habits. Sometimes a half benadryl (12.5 mg) helps in falling asleep.

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Here is the article that talks about pancakes. You cannot have ANY pancake at all, even the kind only made with eggs and banana, due to the emotional connections people have to pancakes. It is called "sex with your pants on," and is also forbidden in the part of the published free program that says no paleo-fying treats or bread-y foods.

"Pancakes: No

Sometimes, we feel like if we have to have one more conversation about pancakes, we might explode. No, you can't have pancakes. Yes, even if they're just bananas and eggs. First, they are explicitly ruled out in the Whole30 program guidelines. This should be enough of a reason, but in case you're still wondering why (they're just bananas and eggs!)…

Pancakes in any form do not encourage success with the Whole30 program. Reaching your health goals depends on committing to both the rules and the spirit and intention of the program. The Whole30 is designed to change your relationship with food, first and foremost. And the psychological impact of eating pancakes as part of your healthy eating, life-changing plan cannot be ignored.

Eating eggs, a banana, and some olive oil is not the same as combining those ingredients into a pancake. There are studies that show that how your brain perceives the food influences satiation. This is often cited with liquid food (smoothies or shakes, as we reference in the back of It Starts With Food), but experientially we see this with whole foods as well, depending on how they are combined. Pancakes bring up a totally different psychological response than frying some eggs and eating a banana. And it's that psychological response that we are trying to target with the program.

You may not have an affinity for pancakes, but we find that most people who complete our program do best without any of these comfort/trigger/reminiscent-of-the-SAD-stuff-you-used-to-eat foods. So, because we need to create one program that applies to as many people as possible, we rule these Paleo recreations out. In our vast experience, this sets everyone up for the best Whole30success possible. And, of course, what you choose to do after your 30 days are up is entirely up to you."


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not ham, hamburger! I abbreviated wrong. (I hate ham). I did not see anywhere that a banana and two eggs are not aloud. That is what my pancake has. I can't believe I have to start over. I need to recheck this!


As missmary said, no one said you need to start over.  Just stop having pancakes for the rest of your Whole30.

Here are a couple places where it's called out that Paleo pancakes are a no no on a Whole30:

- the Whole30 program rules (under "No Paleo-ifying baked goods, desserts, or junk foods")http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/

- the Whole30 Can I Have ... Guide: http://whole30.com/2013/06/the-official-can-i-have-guide-to-the-whole30/

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Glad you feel happy, and glad you are sticking it out with us!

Honestly, I have gotten that result a lot more than the energy... I just feel a lot more happy and calm, as opposed to WOO LET'S GO BENCH-PRESS A TRUCK!

SO happy for you that you feel better without the Unisom! You go girl!

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