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Take Two: Lady M's second Whole 30


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Day 63

M1 meat quiche, avomayo, bp decaf, 8

M2 couple fireballs, RX bar, tea, 11

M3 carrots, avomayo, Apple, kale chips, bnut squash, fireballs w sunshine sauce, RX bar, 4

Weird meal timing today, but I think I did the best I could given my schedule. Wasn't super hungry for meal 2 but knew I wouldn't have another chance to eat until the afternoon. The RX bars continue to be an unfortunate crutch, but again, at least I'm not eating them alone. Good to note that when I don't have a proper meal and get ravenous, I do tend to eat more. Not a binge, but a genuine hunger and need for food. Also, tried to make up for skimping on veg in m2 with m3.

Feeling punk in a couple different ways (back, cold), and this may drastically affect my weekend plans. May need to skip not just the race Sunday but also the yoga workshop tomorrow morning. That's cool. Might just enjoy the hell out of resting and cooking. Kalua pork, chili cilantro chicken, Korean short ribs ingredients all set to go. Good thing I have three crotch pots. Oh how I love being flush with meat.

In other happy news, I got my hairs did (cut and colored) today and I look gorgeous. I also had my first electrolysis appointment for my stray dark chin and lip hairs. It's genetic and not due to hormone irregularities (I've been checked), and I only have about a dozen or so that I've had to continuously pluck. But this sort of unwanted hair plagued my mom and only got worse as she aged, so I decided to nip it in the bud and do this for myself while it's still manageable. It's strangely exciting to expect to not have to worry about weird witchy facial hairs. The saga of M's pampering and beautification continues!

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Day 64

M1 bites short ribs (had to taste!), meat quiche, avomayo, bp decaf, 8

M2 kalua pork, kraut, greens, avocado, 12:45

M3 fireballs, carrots, duck pate, 6

Restocked today with delectable beef, chicken, and pork dishes. Lucky girl! Soon to have fresh bone broth and ghee, too. God bless the crotch pot. I've had all three of mine going at once. Good times, and good smells.

Skipped yoga in favor of babying my lower back. Farmers market opens today, and I think I'll make an appearance. Now I'm eager to try cevapcici and some other Mel joulwan ground lamb recipe of which I can't recall the name. Better come up with some veg, too. Been hungry for baba ghanoush, but worried about going too heavy on the nightshades. Might just go nuts with things I can spiralize for fun. Any ideas for me?

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Oh yeah. My mom also has those hairs. I am so with you on nipping that in the bud. I only have a couple spots now but I'm keeping a close eye on it.

Three crock pots! That's awesome. I've got a couple things bubbling away now and they both have ginger in them. Mmmmm.

Hope you get some back relief.

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Nope, it was my first time with the kalua pork recipe. Seemed too simple to be good, but man was I wrong. You'll love it, Beets. Great way to have lots of savory meat on hand. Very versatile.

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Day 65

M1 meat quiche, mayo, 5

M2 bacon, short rib bites, salmon cake, snap peas, bp decaf, 9:30

M3 romaine salad with grilled chicken and almonds (restaurant), 12:30

M4 salmon cakes, crudités, kale chips, pear, 5

An early breakfast may make for an additional meal today. We shall see.

No, I didn't run. I woke up at 4 to ice and stretch and stretch and ice, but no bueno. Saw my friend off and am awaiting his finish.

So, I've been mulling over this race not run and am trying to figure out if I'm fooling myself or not about how ok I am with the decision. Part of me says, geez, lady, you were over distance running a couple of weeks ago anyway. Another part of me says, there's always a next time! That same part of me says, and yeah, you'll be fitter and healthier and stronger then and can place in your age bracket! Then another part of me says stop with the ego bullshit. You're a process oriented person and you killed training! Now it's time to return fully to the activities you love, even if they're not about winning. In fact, that's one of the reasons you love swimming and biking and dancing and yoga. You do them fluidly and without end. But then another part of me wants to be able to say to people, especially people I want to impress, that I've achieved something measurable, like a pr in the half marathon. Ugh. But who cares what other people think anyway?

And then that got me thinking about W30 and how much it has helped pull me toward a center that doesn't actually care so much about what other people think, about external measures, about winning against competitors. This gal is the only competitor and life ain't no race. What if there's nothing to win, nothing to achieve, no endpoint at all? Just a continual process of figuring out and practicing what makes me feel excellent and most thoroughly like myself? There's no I'll be done when I can wear a size X or when I weigh X or when I can get off my thyroid meds or when my skin is perfectly clear or when I know for a fact that my ex boyfriend regrets leaving because I'm that much hotter and sweeter and smarter and more lovable than when we were together.

It's fantastical bullshit because there's no being done. Not that there's always some higher bar to strive toward, but there will always and forever be a need to love ourselves in action. To practice self care, to nourish ourselves, to love who and what we are through our behaviors because that's the only way we'll ever learn to reflect and express that outward.

I guess I'm having a moment here, aren't I? One of those profound Whole 30 insights. Phew. Glad I captured it so I can return to it 88% of the time when I'm just doing it and not necessarily feeling it.

Speaking of, my back still hurts like hell, but I know it will get better. I used to get so stuck in the belief that things would always be the way they are right now when I was feeling bad in whatever way, but now I know better. I can now embrace and even find comfort in my truly changeable nature.

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Effectively eliminated coconut milk coffees and teas this week, but I have no idea what to conclude from that. I think I'll stick with the elimination anyway.

For this week my goal is to eliminate RX bars. Pretty sure they're giving me gas in addition to feeding my sugar dragon. No bueno.

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Day 66

M1 meat quiche w mayo, green tea, 8

M2 chicken thigh and drumstick, swpot w ghee, kraut, 1:30

M3 pork, guacamole, slaw, LO bison, 5:30

Back is improving but still painful, skipped Bootcamp, obv. Cutting out bp drinks and RX bars this week, maybe fruit too, though I haven't been overdoing it in that department. Focusing on real food, three meals a day. Throat is wicked sore and there's congestion in my chest despite preventative supplementation, or so I thought. I see fmd this morning. Hoping she can fix me up!

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Think you hit it on the head here: "there will always and forever be a need to love ourselves in action."

I have those same kind of circular thoughts. I can't call myself a "real photographer" because I don't have an MFA. So I limit myself. I'm shy around "real photographers," even though when I see their work I know I have nothing to be shy about.

This seems to have nothing to do with your race. But just that way of wanting some outward badge to wear so people respect us, or so we respect ourselves.

Ack. Just keep being aware of these self sabotaging thoughts and practice self-care. Read today a couple pieces about how food is only one piece of this puzzle--but we also need to bring down the cortisol. So do what you love and let's stop worrying about those external signs to anyone else.

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Day 67

M1 meat quiche, mayo, bacon, green tea, 9:15

M2 short ribs, mashed cauliflower w kale, carrots w mayo, 1:15

M3 romaine w green goddess, avo, bacon, cracklin chicken, 6:30

Day two home sick from work. Fmd gave me another supplement and increased doses of a couple others. Adjusted my sprained SI (that's what she's calling it) and surrounding areas, and she sees progress. I will mend. I just need rest.

In Chinese medicine lungs carry grief; according to Ayurveda, lungs are ruled by Kappha, and it's Kappha season. Somehow, having these things to point to make me feel better about things.

Avoided RX bars and cm and bp drinks yesterday, but it wasn't easy. Realizing how much I still crave an end-of-meal ritual to signify its end, especially after dinner. My intention is that a cup of herbal tea sans sweet or creaminess becomes that ritual. Or maybe a walk.

Here's to convalescence! (Extra happy food prep for the week is done.)

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Day 68

M1meat quiche, mayo, green tea, 7

M2 gingery sautéed cabbage, kalua pork, kraut, kale chips, noon

M3 Cracklin chicken, swpot, kale chips, bacon, carrots w mayo, 5

Rescheduled my evening class to accommodate Take Back The Night on campus and taught at 8 am. Brought my students really gorgeous French pastries from a local bakery to help ease the pain of morning and felt conflicted about it. I mean, if I wouldn't eat it, why would I serve it to others, right? But of course it was a huge treat for them and they enjoyed the croissants chocolat immensely. And me? I wasn't tempted one whit. Probably because I was full of delicious meat quiche w mayo and green tea. The thought of eating anything sweet in the morning is downright repulsive to me anymore. Kind of amazing if I step back for a sec and look at that.

Back to fmd/chiro this afternoon and man do I need her. It's almost as if my SI is worse today. And I was awakened throughout the night with my damn wet cough and then worries that I'm developing pneumonia. This switch to fmd and her ways still takes adjusting to after years of throwing antibiotics and painkillers at problems and getting immediate relief of symptoms. It requires trust and patience. Good things to flex and practice anyhow. I am fixing to be ready to feel 100 percent, however.

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Am I the only one who wakes up with the puffiest face on Earth if I drink before bedtime?


I am curious if it's possible to break the habit of craving a finish-er. Choose not to eat sweet stuff - maybe. Make up a little self talk about the benefits of the decision - maybe. But really break it? I think this one is so hard because of its' "social innocence".


Day 67? Holy Molly.  

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Am I the only one who wakes up with the puffiest face on Earth if I drink before bedtime?


I am curious if it's possible to break the habit of craving a finish-er. Choose not to eat sweet stuff - maybe. Make up a little self talk about the benefits of the decision - maybe. But really break it? I think this one is so hard because of its' "social innocence".


Day 67? Holy Molly.

If you drink anything at all? Really?

I think you're spot on, Nadia, and I really do hope to break the habit altogether. It's just been in baby steps. Replaced sweets with cm tea replaced cm tea with bp tea replaced bp tea with plain tea, replace plain tea with a walk. I don't think there's anything wrong with a ritual to signify the end of a meal per se, but I want to make my habits deliberate and as healthy as possible. So, that's the progression. Weird thing is I don't need that ritual/habit/finisher at the end of every meal. Just dinner. Which makes me think maybe it's partly a calming wind down routine that I'm really after.

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Day 69

M1 meat quiche, mayo, green tea, 8

M2 chilicilantrolime chicken, zoodles, avocado, 11:30

M3 pad Thai (finally made it with my questionable and slightly funky chicken thighs), crudités, blackberries, kale chips, 6

SI sprain is still making me suffer, but fmd is happy with progress there as well as with the respiratory stuff. Feeling much better in that area after sleeping nearly 11 hours last night, mostly uninterrupted. She did suggest that I get an SI support belt to wear, so I've ordered one; and also that I should continue to ice the area, and so I'm back to that. I will not take my mobility for granted once I get it back. I sure do miss exercising! And it promises to be 80 degrees today. I really want to get on my bike!

Experienced an unusual evening of hunger/grazing but not quite bingeing last night. I did stay away from everything I've promised myself to stay away from (fruit, nuts, nut butters, cm, cm flesh, bp drinks, RX bars) and reached for bacon and kale chips instead. Like, two bunches of kale kale chips. Could be worse, I guess. I also guess I was having a moment of a different variety than on Sunday. Probably the self-pity and boredom variety. Well, at least I can name it and move on. All while staying compliant and keeping promises to myself. When I put it that way, it feels like I've come an awfully long way!

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I think you're right that what you're after is a calming down. Good detective work. I like this route. When I eat chocolate in the afternoon bc my kids are driving me crazy, what I'm really after is a little alone time, a little self-care. What I should do is meditate for even five mins.

The SI stuff is so hard. When my back/SI is bad it colors my whole day it never stops hurting and I can't do simple things like open our heavy windows.

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Yea, any liquid. Like last night I had one giant glass of club soda at the bar/concert. I couldn't fit my feet into the shoes this morning. I know it might be heart and other stuff, but I've already tried to address is with a regular doc and it led to nothing. I wish our "hippie" ways could help with that :D


Sorry your injury is making you feel this way. On the bright side - it will pass, it's not a chronic inflammation (if I gather it right). Sending good vibes and wishes of fast healing.


I was talking to J about the slow cooker his Mom gave to him and automatically was calling it crotch pot all the way. It took him 5 minutes to get what exactly I am talking about. That face. I thought I'll share. 

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Yea, any liquid. Like last night I had one giant glass of club soda at the bar/concert. I couldn't fit my feet into the shoes this morning. I know it might be heart and other stuff, but I've already tried to address is with a regular doc and it led to nothing. I wish our "hippie" ways could help with that :D


Sorry your injury is making you feel this way. On the bright side - it will pass, it's not a chronic inflammation (if I gather it right). Sending good vibes and wishes of fast healing.


I was talking to J about the slow cooker his Mom gave to him and automatically was calling it crotch pot all the way. It took him 5 minutes to get what exactly I am talking about. That face. I thought I'll share. 


Dang, Nadia, sounds like it could be kidney related, honestly. I sure wish you could find a health care provider you could trust and really work with.

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Day 60 70

M1 meat quiche, mayo, green tea, 6:30

M2 pad thai, bp decaf 11:30

M3 pork bites, crudités w gr goddess, 3:30

M4 cevapcici, ajvar, green beans, roast beets, cuke salad, 9:30

Continuing to make progress, but not 100 percent just quite yet.

I'm making dinner for a man tonight. Should be fun. He knows all about W30 from me and was already paleo of his own volition before we met, so cool. I made the ajvar for the cevapcici last night and thought it tasted terrible. But I'm averse to nightshades. Bummer, because it was kind of a pain to make. I'll try to link to the recipes later when I'm on my computer.

I've got a lot of prep to do, especially in terms of cleaning the house, before he gets here. Full day of work plus electrolysis appt 2 and a pedicure will make for lots of running around. Good thing I'm truly starting to feel better!

An aside: I impulsively purchased a spiralizer, and am I ever glad I did! So fun and easy and oodles and oodles of zoodles, the addition of which to the pad Thai was superb. IMHO spaghetti squash can only do so much.

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Club soda makes me pretty bloated, I've found.  It's the carbonation, I think,  If water does that, I'd see a dr!


M - I think you're on day 70 - don't cheat yourself 10 days! LOL  Enjoy your dinner date and your spiralizer.  I love zoodles!

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