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Lactose Intolerant -- Reintro Dairy?


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I already know that I'm lactose intolerant -- I was diagnosed 10 years ago.  Knowing that I will react badly is there any reason to reintro dairy?  I was planning to skip that reintro.  That being said, while I don't plan to eat dairy regularly I can't say that I'll never have a piece of cheese again.  Here's some background:


10 years ago I was having horrible cramps and other yuckiness after eating and eventually a doctor diagnosed me with lactose intolerance.  I was super good for awhile and avoided dairy.  Then I started letting it creep back into my life.  I wasn't having ice cream or lattes but I would have some occasionally yogurt or cheese, which did not upset my stomach as much as other milk products.  As a result of the Whole 30 I am realizing that dairy really is detrimental to me and I ought to get rid of it as much as possible, but I'm sure I'll occasionally decide the cramping is worth the indulgence.

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Reintroduction gives you information. Do you know how you react to different dairy products? Milk makes me really sick, yoghurt I always thought was fine until I did a reintro with it, same with cheese. Dairy is a complete gut disruptor for me. It seems to open the gate to feeling terrible and getting sick, but it's a slow response, so I didn't realise until doing proper reintros.


If you want to have it occassionally, you could try to identify the least-disruptive version. I'm not sure why, but Jarlsberg swiss cheese I am least reactive to, all soft cheeses are the worst ones :(

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Interesting -- I hadn't thought of that.  Since I know dairy has a negative effect I don't think it makes sense to do a full dairy reintro day -- do you agree?  BUT it sounds like I should try isolated dairy items.  Is that how you did it?  So try goat cheese one day . . . try yogurt another?

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Your story sounds about the same as mine.  I could eat yogurt.  But now that I don't, looking back on it, I had other lactose intolerant issues (other than cramping that you mention.)  Now that I eat very little dairy, my stomach is much happier.  I can tolerate some cream in my tea, but other than that, I pretty much stay away from it.  I did have a big serving of ice cream after finishing my whole30.  It was SO painful.  I thought I needed to go to the hospital!  To be honest, I don't really miss dairy. 


I also think my blood sugar is much more stable.  I used to eat a greek yogurt every morning for breakfast.  I think the sugary fruit in it was causing me blood sugar swings that weren't good.  Now I eat deviled eggs and a salad for breakfast and my blood sugar is much better (in addition to my tummy!)

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Hi all is it true if you have sniffles and itchy throat that's a lactose allergy and the more gas, bloating intestinal is a sensitivity? Or does it not matter?


IMHO, it doesn't matter, as it sounds like, for you (based on other posts I've read about your dairy reintro), ingesting dairy makes you less healthy rather than more healthy.

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Very helpful.  AllyB, yeah there is no way I could eat ice cream!  I am definitely not going to reintroduce that or milk.  I may try cream and cheeses.  Not sure about yogurt -- I just feel like dairy is going to be bad for me and I should try to minimize it as much as possible.  I like yogurt but I certainly don't need it.  Will have to think about that one.

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