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McJule's Post-Whole 30


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Thanks ladies!  My eating has been so clean that I was sure the scale would reflect it and while the number isn't bad I keep wanting to see my lowest (post-Whole 30 number). Need to manage my expectations a little better!

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Weight is a bit better.  Eating has been good.  A little nervous about tonight and tomorrow.  Tonight I'm hosting a dinner party for my girlfriends.  Almost all the food is Whole30-approved (there are some wheat crackers and cheese, but I also bought gluten-free crackers, and I made a gluten-free dessert).  I'm just hoping I don't over-indulge or eat things that make me sick.  Tomorrow I have a kid birthday party and a kid dinner party.  Not sure what, if anything, I'll be able to eat so just hoping I can stay on track and eat ahead of time for both.

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Very pleased with the weekend. I did not go off the rails with my eating despite hosting a dinner party and then attending two other parties over the weekend.  Weight is only up 0.8 lb, which may be a record for me.  I probably had more wine than I needed and I did have a little dessert from the dinner party but overall, not bad.  Got a lot of outdoor time yesterday today hiking through the woods.  Back to normalish eating today. I completely forgot to buy sweet potatoes so that is throwing off my breakfast.  We'll see how it goes!

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Weight is holding steady, eating yesterday was good and today should be similar.  I didn't do my weights last night though.  I slept horribly Sunday night and I was just way too exhausted.  But going to yoga today.  Yay!

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Yoga is the best.  I wish I could do it daily.  I do the twice-weekly classes that are in my workplace so super easy.  Obviously there are lots of other places to take yoga but it's hard to make the classes work with little kids so I do the best I can.


AF is here today. I guess I know that was coming but it was still a bit of a surprise.  I'm already feeling bloated and crampy and craving salt!

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Oh my goodness, the last two days were completely insane.  I was home Wednesday because my boys' schools were closed for Veteran's Day and then one of my boys got sick so I was home yesterday as well.  Totally playing catch-up at work plus husband is out of town for work plus dog had to get teeth pulled at the vet.  Ah!  I admit that I treated myself to sushi the past two nights and had a glass of wine last night.  Have managed to avoid the sugar though!  Weight is actually down despite AF being here -- I'm shocked!  


Today I'm back at work and despite the workload and stress I'm trying to eat calm.

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So I have no idea what is going on with my weight.  I got on the scale this morning and it's lower than it was when I finished my Whole 30, which means it's lower than it's been in several years (a couple years ago we moved I was stressed and lost weight).  Honestly I don't know what I'm doing right!  I've been eating exactly the same as always and over the weekend we had Indian take-out on Friday night and then went to an event Saturday night.  I'm surprised those didn't drive up my weight!  The only thing I can think of is that I've been really busy so maybe not thinking about food and snacking as much and also my husband was out of town, which means I had no one to cook for and made smaller meals.  Whatever it is it seems to be working.  I'm also trying not to get too caught up in the number because I know it will fluctuate and I don't want to be super upset when it goes up.


Eating the same today, yoga at lunchtime.  I have a crazy busy week at work and feeling a bit stressed about Thanksgiving next week (we're going away but that means we need to pack and I am bringing the desserts).

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It's so weird.  I was trying for much of the year to lose weight and nothing was working.  Then I lost weight for no apparent reason.  I also gain for no apparent reason.  Oh well -- gotta go with it!


I completely forgot that I was meeting friends for drinks/dinner last night.  It was a French restaurant so I did have a few bites of bread and some cheese (as well as wine!).  Could have been worse though -- I definitely didn't overdo it.  Weight was up a pound today but totally expected that.  

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So my eating this week has been pretty good but my exercise not so much.  I failed to do my weight workout both Monday and Wednesday, although I did make it to yoga on Tuesday.  Today I forgot we have a work event over lunch so I can't make it to yoga.  Maybe I can rally and do my weights tonight!

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My work lunch was a bit on the heavy side and I was full all afternoon and just had a salad for dinner.  Except for two small desserts, I kept it clean, but I just ate more than I usually do.  Scale was up a pound, again, not a surprise.  I think I'm where I was on Monday before the low Tuesday.  I did do weights last night so that's good.


Today eating is back to normal and weekend should be too.  Going to the zoo with my kids and their friends on Saturday and then lunch and going to a friend's house Sunday afternoon.  Hoping there aren't too many temptations or foods I cannot eat!  Husband will be out of town for part of the weekend so just hoping for calm with the kids!

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Weekend went pretty well.  With my husband out of town things are always a bit busier since I'm watching both kids alone, but we had fun.  Good zoo trip and I had chili for lunch at a restaurant afterward.  It was one of those places where it's mostly sandwiches and I guess I could have just not eaten the bread but I went with the chili.  Seemed to be okay on the tummy.  The rest of my weekend eating was fine although overall I feel I had too many non-gluten grains and too few vegetables.  But nothing horrible.  Weight is about the same as it was Friday (hit another low on Saturday).  I seem to be down a pound or two from my post-Whole 30 weight so I'm thrilled but nervous as we go into the holidays.

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So I think the holidays are already getting to me!  My eating has been fine but I'm definitely feeling a little frazzled and stressed.  We are traveling to visit family for Thanksgiving and I am only making the desserts but I haven't been able to make it to the store and I'm not getting enough sleep so it's a bit of a struggle this week.  I stopped in at the adoration chapel in the church at my son's school this morning and enjoyed about five minutes of silence so that was good.  I have to keep in mind my mental health in addition to my physical health!  


I also did not do weights last night -- I have so much on my mind that I didn't remember until 10 pm and then it was too late.  But I'm trying to be more forgiving of myself for things like that.  I'll go to yoga today, which will be wonderful.  We're doing a turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning so more exercise/outdoor time.  


Hope you all are staying sane!

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So verdict on Thanksgiving weekend -- I did okay.  Thanksgiving itself was fine.  I had some gluten-free stuffing and wine but only a couple bites of dessert (did not have a piece of pie myself but sampled from my husband's).  No gluten that I know of (didn't eat the pie crusts).  I was full, but not yucky full.  In retrospect I shouldn't have had seconds of stuffing and veggies (they were good but not necessary).  Friday was the same.  Saturday the family ordered pizza for a non-pizza dinner and I ended up having a piece (major stomach ache).  Then because I apparently I do not learn my lesson I had another piece on Sunday!  So the plan for this week is normal, calm eating.  No more gluten, no sweets, which should be easy enough because my house is pretty free of those foods (except for kid food).  My weight was up a pound on Sunday and then two pounds today.  I blame the pizza!  


Two Christmas parties on Saturday but taking everything one day at a time.  This week should be normal until then.

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