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Robbin's Log - am I doing this right?


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I'm on Day 5, and so far, haven't experienced anything like the timeline suggests I might, which makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong? I've got a sugar craving here and there, and although I'm trying not to snack, I've had to a couple of times to get me through until the next meal. But no fatigue, major cravings, etc. I'm doing Whole30 to lose weight, and honestly think overweight is just as valid a health reason to do it as any other. I'm 50 years old and in reasonably good health, save about 25-30 extra pounds and a ltitle bit of hypertension that, of course, is directly related to that. If anyone has any feedback about what I'm eating, I'd appreciate it lots :)



AM - Last gross meal, nobody needs to know what that was

PM - pulled pork + grape tomatoes


breakfast - pulled pork, tomatoes, ½ avocado

lunch - tuna wraps (w/ homemade mayo, 1 carrot, pineapple, almond slivers), 2 hard boiled eggs

dinner - lara bar


breakfast - hard boiled egg x 2, raspberries

snack - lara bar

lunch - panera salad w/ romaine, chicken, avocado, tomatoes, rice wine vinegar + olive oil

dinner - pulled pork, sweet potato



breakfast - pulled pork, grape tomatoes, 1 hard boiled egg

snack hard boiled b egg

lunch - tuna wraps (tuna w/ homemeade mayo, 1 carrot, ⅓ yellow pepper, 1 celery stalk, pineapple chunks, almond slivers), ½ avocado

dinner - pulled pork, sweet potato


breakfast - 2 hardboiled eggs, 1 carrot, handful grape tomatos, handful berries, monkey salad (coconut/cashews/1/2 banana)

lunch - salad w/ grilled chicken breast, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, balsamic vinegar, EVOO

dinner - handful olives, lara bar


breakfast - taco meat lettuce wraps, monkey salad, 1 egg

lunch - taco meat on shredded cabbage, tomato/cucumber/carrot/vinegar salad, few berries, lara bar


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Welcome Robbin!


Here is some feedback, all with the intention of having you get the best results:
- Do you have a copy of the recommended meal template? Folks with the best outcomes build each meal to follow this template. You have some meals missing or low in vegetables. Don't let fruit push vegetables off your plate. At other meals, it's not clear that you're including a fat.  Have each meal contain 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of veggies, and the appropriate amount of compliant fat. Create meals that satiate you for 4-5 hours.

- If you are sometimes genuinely hungry in between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini meal containing a protein and fat. 

- Drop the Larabars. Those are emergency food only on a Whole30.

The Panera chicken you ate was not compliant. Their chicken's seasoning contains sugar and rice starch (per this website http://paneranutrition.com/).  Accidentally eating these ingredients does not require a restart: just don't have Panera chicken again for the rest of your Whole30.

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Yes to everything Chris said. I would add, drop the monkey salad. This monkey business has become popular in Paleo circles and has invaded Whole30 circles, but is not a good meal choice. It is basically dessert and we want you to learn to eat all month without adding dessert. 

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Thanks for the feedback! I've been using monkey salad to supplement my breakfast vs. using it as a dessert. This morning I made a big frittata and included more veggies (kale, bell pepper, asparagus, onion, tomato), drizzed with some sunshine sauce. I also did a monkey salad. If I ditched the monkey salad, I feel like I would have had to eat even more of the frittata (I ate 1/4, which amounted to about 2. 5 eggs). What would you recommend to make the meal more filling so that I don't snack before lunch? I thought I was supposed to add a fat and a fruit, so the cashews/coconut/banana thing made sense to me. :unsure:

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Honestly, you should eat more frittata instead. When eggs are your protein, you should eat as many as you can hold in your hand. That's 3-4 for most of us. 2.5 eggs is probably not enough for you. You could also add another veggie on the side, and/or add some avocado or olives for additional fat. And you are not "supposed" to add fruit. Fruit is allowed but not necessary.

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Don't be afraid of eating too much real food or of fat. If you are getting hungry, you need more food. And probably more fat. I know a lot of people find chicken breast is simply not fatty enough to keep you sated till your next meal (unless maybe you're adding double extra avocado or other fat).

I find I can really only eat chicken breast for dinner. I prefer red meat at breakfast, fatty fish or red meat for lunch and then dinner can be the skimpiest.

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So, I've never thought of myself as an emotional eater, or someone who needed to make thoughtful connections between feelings and food, but maybe need to start … I cheated (paleo cheat, but still not whole30) and for some reason am also maintaining a resistance to giving up lara bars. Grr. Why am I doing this to myself?


Ok, so picking up where we left off, day 6:


breakfast - ¼ frittata (10 eggs, 2 C kale, ½ bell pepper, 2 stalks asparagus, ½ onion, 1 roma tomato sauteed in evoo) drizzed w/ sunshine sauce (sunbutter, rice vinegar, coconut milk, monkey salad

lunch - red curry chicken (asparagus, peppers, onions, carrot on cabbage)

dinner - lara bar, few cashews


breakfast - ¼ frittata, monkey salad

snack - lara bar

lunch - taco meat on cabbage, carrot, sweet potato, tomatoes, olives

dinner - salad bar from work (oil and vinegar dressing, lots of veggies, some olives and chicken)


breakfast - ¼ frittata w/ sunshine sauce, coconuts + cashews

lunch - red curry chicken on cabbage,

dinner - chicken w/ guacamole, lara bar


breakfast - â…› frittata, red curry chicken on cabbage, cashews, coconut

lunch - chicken w/ ½ avocado, guacamole/pico, tomatoes, cucumber, ½ sw potato

dinner - chicken w/ pico, lara bar


breakfast - red curry (chicken, veggies) on cabbage, handful coconut/cashew mix

lunch - 2 hamburger patties (work pitch in), bunch of raw veggies, lara bar

dinner -  sweet potato chips & chardonnay  ---------> why did I do this to myself? I ended up at a party after work, knew from the second that I walked in that I was going to cheat … rationalized that, given my options, sweet potato chips and chardonnay were the closest I could get to being “good.†Looking in the rearview mirror, I'm super pissed at myself. I knew in my gut, when I started this, that this was going to be my best chance at setting myself up for great health going forward, and then I did this. Gah.


This morning, just trying to brush it off and take the wonderful advice to heart. Breakfast was a 4-egg frittata w/ kale, orange bell pepper, asparagus, carrot, onion, jalapeno, garlic in coconut oil, sunshine sauce on top, 1 banana



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So, I've never thought of myself as an emotional eater, or someone who needed to make thoughtful connections between feelings and food, but maybe need to start … I cheated (paleo cheat, but still not whole30) and for some reason am also maintaining a resistance to giving up lara bars. Grr. Why am I doing this to myself?


Ok, so picking up where we left off, day 6:


breakfast - ¼ frittata (10 eggs, 2 C kale, ½ bell pepper, 2 stalks asparagus, ½ onion, 1 roma tomato sauteed in evoo) drizzed w/ sunshine sauce (sunbutter, rice vinegar, coconut milk, monkey salad

lunch - red curry chicken (asparagus, peppers, onions, carrot on cabbage)

dinner - lara bar, few cashews


breakfast - ¼ frittata, monkey salad

snack - lara bar

lunch - taco meat on cabbage, carrot, sweet potato, tomatoes, olives

dinner - salad bar from work (oil and vinegar dressing, lots of veggies, some olives and chicken)


breakfast - ¼ frittata w/ sunshine sauce, coconuts + cashews

lunch - red curry chicken on cabbage,

dinner - chicken w/ guacamole, lara bar


breakfast - â…› frittata, red curry chicken on cabbage, cashews, coconut

lunch - chicken w/ ½ avocado, guacamole/pico, tomatoes, cucumber, ½ sw potato

dinner - chicken w/ pico, lara bar


breakfast - red curry (chicken, veggies) on cabbage, handful coconut/cashew mix

lunch - 2 hamburger patties (work pitch in), bunch of raw veggies, lara bar

dinner -  sweet potato chips & chardonnay  ---------> why did I do this to myself? I ended up at a party after work, knew from the second that I walked in that I was going to cheat … rationalized that, given my options, sweet potato chips and chardonnay were the closest I could get to being “good.†Looking in the rearview mirror, I'm super pissed at myself. I knew in my gut, when I started this, that this was going to be my best chance at setting myself up for great health going forward, and then I did this. Gah.


This morning, just trying to brush it off and take the wonderful advice to heart. Breakfast was a 4-egg frittata w/ kale, orange bell pepper, asparagus, carrot, onion, jalapeno, garlic in coconut oil, sunshine sauce on top, 1 banana




Brush it off, indeed, Robbin.  A new day 1, a clean slate.  The important thing is getting back on the horse, and apply what you've learned thus far.


Ideas that may help you stay on track going forward:

- Can you commit to get the Lara Bars out of the house for the next 30 days?  Also to shelve the monkey salad: not helpful in battling the sugar dragon.

- Also, look at what compelled you to have wine: not from a punitive stance, but to understand the trigger for you. Bring some curiosity to this situation. Decide how you will handle that trigger differently, should it arise again in the next 30 days. 

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