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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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There are several threads about... can I have a Fat Tooth.  Yes.  You can.

If you return to the sugar sugars and upside down sugars and try falling back into bowls of pasta and bread while still incorporating endless servings of fat, fat, fat....you will relapse and rebound with every single pound and then some.

You can't have it both ways.  Highly refined carbs and fats, fats, fats don't mix.  Oils and refined carbs.  Oooo, you can try to return your former way of refined carb eating with endless fats but  that doesn't work over the long haul.  Even BPC can't pull it out of tail spin.  If you grown accustomed to the cubes of butter in your coffee and fall back into  eat whopping boatloads of bagels and cream cheese, toast slathered with GF KG butter...it doesnt' work.

You can skate on thin ice once in awhile but eventually it caves in.  My so worth it moments don't include food rewards.  They are every single day that I'm alive.

I don't believe in self-imposed starving, eating endless quantities of fat and then falling back into peanut m & m's, loaves of cinnamon toast and pizza as a food reward....followed by super intense cardio and all of the rest of it.  Nuh huh. That kind of eating will continue to ruin your relationship with food, not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

Consistency.  Prevention vs. Reactive.  That's the key.

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Kids absolutely thrive on routines.  I like to fly by the seat of my pants but incorporating routine is a huge part of my positive food management plan.  A child that is constantly moved from location to location, uprooted all of the time develops insecurities.  You may not be able to see it until later in life but putting down positive roots helps the child thrive.  Routine.  It's what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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If you had one wish and you knew you couldn't fail,  what would you do.

I would go back to the future.  I would do it all over again.  I want a Life Reset to go along with the Head Reset and Food Reset.  Oooo, what I'd give to do it all over again.  I would not live on chocolate milk and sweets chocolate orange jelly slices.   I would care about myself.  I would do everything differently and I wouldn't listen to anything about dieting.

I would know what and who to stay away from.  Oooo, yeah, and save myself alot of misery. I would not go back to another century.  The good ole days were not so good. I would not fail in my do-over.  I wouldn't change a single thing about the people I'm with, so they get to stay.

I would be Braveheart, pacing back and forth before going into battle.  Navigating all of the center aisles of the grocery store. My courage would flow out to all the food disordered everywhere.  I would ride on my horse in front of the army and help them find courage while out of their comfort zone. 

If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do.  I'd feed all of the hungry people and remove all of the center aisles of the grocery stores. Everyone would stick to the outside perimeters and that takes alot of courage and strength to do.  What's your action step.

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One more thing.  Someone I worked for, who got drunk every afternoon, I would help them. We had whopping boatloads of fun because hidden in the toity tank at work were bottles of hooch.  Not hooch booch but the really hard stuff.  They drank their lunch and let me do anything I wanted.  They had the best sense of humor and we laughed our heads off.  I was tanked up on corn syrup so it was basically the same.  We were both higher than kites.  I remember it like it was yesterday and I can even see my clothes.  I didn't know what I know now or would do everything I could to bring that person back before they died.  Drunk. 

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I wanted to know how many times aday the Olympic athletes were eating.  On the average, 4 X day. That was the norm during their regular training day...pre Olympics. Most are pre-loading before their big daily training workout. snack crazy rabbit I think that's what I'll do, too. While I'm watching in couch mode. NOT.ballerina crazy rabbit 

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I've been thinking all day about that first boss of mine.  I know I was the work enabler but I defended them to the hilt.  By 2 pm every day, they were drunker than a hoot owl. We worked like dogs in the morning getting everything done so they could coast in the afternoon.  At 3 pm, boss was snoozing in the office.  I had to close the door and pretend there was a conference. For the leader of the pack, I continued working on and ran interference for that big dog on the porch.  I was loyal.  

Before the snoozefest we shared some good laughs.  Boss would prop up against my desk so they didn't fall down. We shared snarkasms and snarkelations. There were constant snarkeling trips to the toity and occasional falling out of the chair over backwards.  Snoozing helped them sober up enough to drive home at quitting time.  Best boss I've ever had.  Sweeter, kinder and trying to drink the pain and stress away. 

There was a lesson for me then but I didn't understand it. Addiction.  

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Formalde-hyde.  There's an ingredient for you.  Used by morticians and make-up companies.  

Hiding behind formalde-hyde while using make-ups formulated with formaldehyde. Bright neon red lips and layers and layers of foundation used to scare the hail out of children and potential boyfriends.  How ironic that women everywhere were using formaldehyde to preserve their hides while hiding behind all of that make-up.  

Who are you when no one else is looking.


Grandmaw and Maw used to go to make-up parties. All of that war paint made them look garish, gaudy and more like clowns.  Smiling with scary red lipstick sticking to the teeth did get attention. I'm sooo glad that Maw stopped wearing that red lipstick.  Everytime I see it I think of Bear's family. 

Being from the deep south,  Bear's family used to take photos of the loved ones in a pinebox.  Ayup.  He said they would all gather 'round and go on and on about how gooooood someone looked all made-up. Bear said they just looked dead and he told them so.   That went over like a lead balloon.

He also told me that there was fighting amongst the relatives.  Family members were chosen to do the hair and put the make-up on.  The sisters would literally go back in at night and redo everything that another sister had previously done.  Make-up and hair whipped up with an egg beater or squashed back down flat.  It was really cray cray.   Then they took progress pics and put them in albums.  

When he took me home, that's the first thing they pulled out of their cedar chests.  I really could not look.  People are strange.  I don't want to see dead people.   I have but I don't like it at all. 

So today,  let's live.  Let's really live.  Today is filled with 24 hours of so worth it moments.  Tomorrow is not promised to anyone but we have today. If red lipstick floats your boat,  go on with yourself.  I won't shout you down. My 0 My you're so good lookin' but I'm still going to run away from you as fast as my legs will carry me and hide. 

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While you're in binge eating recovery, things you've shoved down with food are going to reverb and come back up on you. The appetite control center is the brain.  The stomach is so easily led astray. It falls for every wily coyote, sneaky snake and yellow bellied lily livered sapsucker.  The stomach is always riding in the shotgun seat while the brain is driving you to the scene of the crime.  The center aisles of the grocery store. 

The stomach can be manipulated by any cue.  Time to get the cluegun.  The stomach will go through drive-thrus just to hit the reward center button.  Toy rewards are used to lure and entice the kids. 

Body. Mind. Spirit.  

Your spirit is stronger and has more courage than the stomach or brain.  Reintegrate yourself with movement.  Much love.  Bye Felicias. 

You never learn, do you? Picture Quote #1

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The first 90 days of food addiction/disorder recovery were crucial.   My W30 was just the beginning. There are all kinds of stages in recovery and they are as individual as your fingerprints.  One positive food management plan does not fit all.  I don't post my food.  Compliant foods didn't get me into the corner I made for myself.  

Posting food in tiny micro amounts is still dieting and I can tell when someone is still counting calories or macros and micros.  You can't pull the wool over a dieter/food addict's eyeballs. It's the handwriting on the wall for another binge.

Massive amounts of cardio and tiny micro amounts of food.  Dieting.  Self-imposed starving. It doesn't last. The body is bent on survival.  

We are each a unique universe unto ourselves and so much of this is still unexplored for each individual person. Who doesn't like to unlock all of their mysteries. While the why, why, why is very important...we each have to deal with the present.  Today.  

I've looked at the research and science,  I care about the why.  But I cannot obsess over it.  Getting bogged down in the loose ends or unknown roots of my food addiction is not very productive for me.

My doc is a pro at helping me realize that my time is better spent on dealing with the present while still exploring how I tick..... It is letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.  

I've read the theories, personal stories with interest, looking for connections and patterns and new ideas.  Cross-addictions are a very real thing.  Many dieters, WLS patients start drinking alcohol and it's true, they become alcoholics.  Research it.  They trade food in for alcohol.  Choosing agave tequila or some other zero carb alcohol as a substitute for food.  That's NOT letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.  

Did someone uncover all of their secret keys for binge eating and did it change everything for you then?


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High Stress = Big unhappy.   

Prevention vs. Reactive

Consistency works for me.  I'm not off or on.  All or nothing.  UP or down.  I don't eat my way through states and vacations only to return and have to start all over again.  I have not started over since 2014.  

O bliss, O joy, O happiness found. 

I will not start anything over again.  I'm breaking all of the cycles of binge eating and starting over is not part of my program.   Constant redos are not for me.  Redux is being brought back to life.  Revived.  

To unlock all of the mysteries of what you can do, we can't overthink it.  We can't focus on the day to day WINNING if we keep looking back to all of the things we've done wrong. 

If your yesterdays were not optimum, refocus on what you know how to do.  Do not focus on how you've constantly messed up in the past. We are not in competition with one another. 

Hit the Reset Button.  Today.  

Focus on everything you know how to do TODAY and not what you've done wrong in your past. 

I can't promise you any medals or honors or rewards.  There is no such thing as the FINISH LINE. There may not be anyone cheering you along. You have to take complete responsibility for yourself as you tool along.

There were will months and months of sucking it UP,  Buttercup.   My overall goal is health and well being.  I want to release endorphins, stay limber and in decent working order into my super duper future.  Like, waaaaay.

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If you have to Hit the Reset Button every single day as a way of refocusing yourself.  That's alright.  I don't wish my life away in giant month hunks.  ONE DAY at a time,  I can give myself a signal boost.  I replenish my spirit to make positive choices and decisions, one day a time.   Tomorrow has enough mysteries of its own.  Today, I carry on. 

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What is this then.  Has any of this made a difference for me,  talking to the Universe every day and mostly to myself.

I haven't been on a thrill eating food bender in well over 2 years.   Heck-a-toot, YES, it's made a difference for me.  I have found weight stability for the first time since I was a child.  That all matters. 

They say that social media isn't worth a multi-crap and we should just close up shop and go away. thread-sneaker-smiley.gif?1292867689

But I think that's very depressing. I tried to do my own thing and it was about as interesting as watching paint dry.   Someone suggested my own pin page.  It didn't do a thing for me.  

Only the Shadow :ph34r: knows the troubles we've seen.   Birds of a feather fly together.  Nobody cares about what I'm having for supper.  And you may be bawling your head off today.  Maybe someone has hurt your feelers.  I care.

I think about this place every single day.  I'm real.  You're real.  Let's just keep going.  There was always room for two on that raft.   There's room for whopping boatloads.  We're not going down with the ship. Move it on over, Rose.  Move it on over! The lil doggies are bent on survival.



 Jack deserves to live. 


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Not entirely.^  The mind is not the end all to beat all.  Your spirit trumps everything.  

Pi and the spirit go on forever, so when the brain is exhausted, your spirit is not tired.  The mind can become your greatest energy hack.  It's the mule.  Stubborn.  It will wear you out with circular thinking, overthinking and overlearning.  

Taken to extremes, circular thinking, the endless loop about the number on the scale becomes a downright obsession.  People have their perfect number on the scale always running in the background of their mind.  

They see their number everywhere.  It's on the dashboard of their car, written on the fridge, they use it for the perfect number of reps in the gym and stepping over the cracks on the sidewalk so they don't break anyone's back.  They glance over at their digital clock at the right time just to catch their perfect number on the scale.  On their oven, you'll find the cleaning clock turned to the perfect number on the scale.

You can't talk to the perfect scaler without seeing that number written into  in their eyes. It's everywhere, it's everywhere.

Clickity clack down the railroad track.  Your mind is the ultimate energy hack. 

You can't pull the wool over a 'cereal' dieter's eyes.  I know when someone is saying their number on the scale doesn't matter but really, that's all they're thinking about.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth is speaking.  The truth comes out a little at a time.  

There are times I have to tell my mind to shut the hail up. 

For the weight obsessed, telling them to put the scale away is like water running off a duck's back. It takes alot of patience and empathy to visit with dieting relatives. They hardly hold my attention anymore.   Talk to the hand because I'm not really listening at all. 

The perfect weight has become their numerology pathway. They believe their life will be absolutely perfect when they reach that perfect number.  A mystical relationship with food and weight. Divine.

Calculating their life path number with the perfect number on the scale. The mystical weight relationship between their numerical value and coinciding dieting events. Numbers and patterns and calculators and tracking.  Step on a crack, don't let the scale come back and become your ultimate energy hack. 

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I was hanging out by my garden gate visiting with a neighbor. Several of her relatives have cancer. They're at the end of the line and willing to try anything.  When we're backed into a corner, we will throw everything up against the wall to see what sticks.

Preventative vs. Reactive.   That's the key.

One is having success with greens and plants/coconut oil and some proteins.   Waiting until diabetes strikes or some other disease is human nature but it doesn't have to be that way.  It's not much different from alcoholism or a food disorder.  Waiting until the bottom falls out is not the way to go. 

When the doctors give up all hope and there's nothing left to try,  people become open to alternative health practices.  Eating whole foods shouldn't be an alternative treatment but a way of life. 

People say they're getting physically sick from eating 3 whole foods meals aday,  I wonder what in the world are they going to do when there's nothing left to try.  Don't wait until it gets that far.

Whatever you do,  get rid of corn syrup.  Gummy bears and jujubes, licorice and all of that candy.  That HFCS is nothing but a chemical corn derivative that will mess up your your pancreas.  The pancreas and liver have a life span.  When it's over, it's over.  Those organs often fall apart at the same time.  When they can no longer deal with a lifetime of booze and liquor, they give up the ghost.  That's all she wrote. Return to sender.  Stick a fork in them, they're done.  

They'll haul you in on a gurney and you may not come back. 

Get in there today and shred some carrots over your vege.  Two carrots aday along with 9 cups of vege. Cooked vege mostly but shredded raw carrots do wonders for you.  Your skin and they are preventatives.  There are thousands of green whole foods/vege that will make your liver and pancreas full of happy awareness. 

Be thoughtful and considerate to your internal organs and external friends. They're all you've got. You're not getting any more of them without paying an enormous price.  No more rationalizations about candy and multi-crap for dinner.  

Your family wants you around.

Much love.  Bye Felicias. 


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This has always been one of my favorite threads about food rewards. Bedouins don't think of dates as food rewards.  It is one of the main staples of their diet.  They have a healthy relationship with dates and survive on a handful aday with a smidge of yogurt for months.

Bear says paleo poops are non-existent when you're living on so little. He would wither into a dried grape if he tried to survive on dates and yogurt. 

Potato chips sweep me off my feet and make me shakey.  They're such fast, refined carbs.  I'm no longer tuned up for potato chips, crackers, cake, donuts, cookies, bread or boxed cereals.  They all have the same reaction.  

Food rewards are not worth it for me even on a hit or miss basis.  They always have the same reaction and I'm over it.  I've made all of the same mistakes 5000 or 6000 times just to be sure.  Highly engineered foods make me feel swoony and dizzy and sick, even in small amounts.  

After two years,  my body chemistry is finely tuned.  The reactions are immediate and I won't eat any of these foods to make other people happy.  They don't ask me anymore to try this and that and I'm relieved.

Recovering alcoholics have to give up alcohol. For real.  They feel badgered and hounded but fight to stay sober.   Playfoods and alcohol go together but can burn someone like kerosene. 

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Company has blown in with the prevailing winds so I am battening down the hatches.

I have definitely realized over the years that what worked physically required that my thinking was on an even keel.   Every dieting plan worked for only a short time. Rotating carb restriction and carb loading.atkins.WW.deck-o-cards.40-30-30.nutrisystem.slimfast.dash.mind.zone.bodyreset.rawfood.southbeach.volumetrics.acidalkaline.jcraig.sparkpeople.flexitarian.lowfat.highfat.exerciselikeawomanoutofhermind.

It all worked for a period of time and then I went back to eating in a way that was easier for me.  Binge eating.   

For me, the only plan that now works is the long-term commitment consistency.  My positive food management plan does not need to be complicated. I don't count anything or mix macro types. The only thing that has ever worked for me is now executing my plan day after day, week after week and month after month.

If I had aimed for a big weight releasing deficit this plan would have become unsustainable.  Consistency is the only positive food management plan that has ever worked. And there you have it.  

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All the body knows is that you've been sugar punched.  It doesn't care what form it takes. HFCS, sugar sugars or upside down sugars.  All forms are a sugar punch to the stomach and brain.  

No Felicias, I don't take kindly to food rewards.  Food rewards and praising kids with food doesn't work either. All of that got me nowhere good.  We don't hand out ashtrays and lighters to students for good behavior. 

We enable emotional eating when we hand out food rewards. It can sabotage the best of intentions.

Thanks for listening, kids...Ooooo, here's an ashtray, lighter and a shot glass. 


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I've used vegetables to move out of T2 diabetes. My husband has always been a blue ribbon winner for champion farm animals.  I  wanted him to use me for a guinea pig. feed planet smiley  We've incorporated many of his good animal husbandry practices on myself.

Some will remain a secret but these things worked.  My today's health minute spot on the radio confirmed what I've been telling you about raw carrots.  I've been eating 2 raw shredded carrots every day for a long time.  Two raw carrots aday shuts off the genes that causes insulin resistance. Everything you've heard about carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin being too high in sugar...that's a bunch of hooey.  

Two raw shredded carrots could cut your risk for T2 diabetes by 42%.  I knew that and I've done it.

Next on the agenda is coleslaw.  Eating raw or cooked cabbage, 1 cup every day blocks the absorption of dietary sugars and another BIG plus, it encourages your muscles to absorb and burn excess blood sugar for fuel before those sugars can damage your blood vessels or be converted to the wrong kind of fat in your body.

Alrighty then.  Moving along to 1/2 cup of avocado daily cuts your risk of T2 by another 22%. The potassium, mono fats increase the amount of glucose that muscle cells convert into fuel.   

I make Carrot Cabbage Avocado coleslaw almost every day.  It's a huge part of my positive food management plan.  I throw fresh blackberries or any kind of berry over the top.  Add your homemade mayo, Felicias.  

These are the things I cannot live without.  When you use whole foods like these to control your blood sugar, you are slowing down the aging process of every cell in your body.  You are cutting the risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer and heart disease.   These strategies have worked for me.  

My husband helped me pull the slack out of my hide.  I did not want to be hanging like a deflated balloon after all of the weight releasing was done.   You can do it without surgery.  Raw carrots do wonders for your skin.   

Not get in there and make your vege slaw...you won't be sorry.  The friendly fats of the avocado, that gorgeous orange pigment in carrots and pumpkin and sweet potatoes, the greenie goodness of cabbage will stop those spikes in your blood sugar.   

Much love.  Bye Felicias. 

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Wake UP.  Time to rise and shine  and time for more dispensing of notions like confetti. 


The Olympics are over and I'm sad when the last horn is tooted. I think all of them deserve a medal for participating.  My eyes are always on the tender sprouts who don't win anything.  Nerves get the best of them and I feel their pain.  I watch their faces and I can't help but wonder what happens to them when all of the games are over.

We all want to release endorpins that cause an analgesic effect. I hope for all of our efforts we get a little euphoria bump when all of the exercise is done.  But it's never done and there's no such thing as the Finish Line.


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The Whole 30 is only 30 days but taking care of ourselves goes on until we take a dirt nap.  sigh crazy rabbit

After that, no one really knows what we're going to be doing. We can surmise until the cows come home but I'm almost certain there won't be any piles of HFCS gummy bears waiting there.  Here or there, I will not be overstuffed. Man will no longer act like beasts looser crazy rabbit and we will all get along. 

Maybe we'll have sprinting and running abilities without any negative repercussions.  No cramps, bulging discs, pinched nerves, bone spurs and arthritis.  We'll be treading lightly and no one's nose will ever get out of joint because we'll love one another like ourselves.  

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Every day is time for renewal, reassessment and a reassertion of our overall health and well-being. 

Start with your Happy Awareness first.   

I've been willing to plumb the depths of my soul, looking back into my childhood for the root causes of binge eating in my life. I search the dark corners and ugly places of ego and super ego.

Time to get the cluegun and there are days I'm clueless as ever about unlocking the mysteries of thrill eating. Your mind is a a garden and your thoughts are the seeds.  You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds. 

Was your school career blissfully uneventful. No particular peer pressure.  Nobody seemed hung-up on food in general around your house.  You did not suffer the slings and arrows of bullies. 

Is it genetic somehow.  Binge eating is dis-eating. It is a chronic disease of food rewards with wild swings UP and down.  

Why do certain foods make people crazy pants. In the later stages of binge eating you may find secret eating and hiding in closets. Eating and hiding a multi-crap food stash under the bed. 

If you have uncovered all of the secret keys for binge eating in your life, did it change everything for you then?

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