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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Destructive thought patterns lead to poor eating, overeating and lifestyle choices. 

Practice, practice, practice. 

Ima Dieting Detox.

Don't shout me down while Ima preachin' good...from preachers on the TV, I've told you where that takeaway comes from.

After the Whole 30, I rolled my bones on over to the Slow Roll Reintro. I've kept on a rollin' with the river of momentum until I reached my optimum setpoint.

I did not change a WINNING game. 

My optimum setpoint is only part and parcel of returning back to my original factory settings but it is still essential to my well being and overall happiness.

The Whole 30 is not a diet. We are not dieters and this is not a temporary diet of only 30 days.

It is a Food Reset. It will lead you into the Head Reset. The Head Reset will get you in touch with your spirit. Your spirit doesn't need a reset. 

It was always waiting for you the entire time. It's far smarter than those other two yayhoos....body and mind. 

Read ISWF. It says this is not a diet but if you immediately turn it back into a diet, it's a total disconnect for the brain. 



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The secret key is STOP saying that.  If I had a dollar for every time I've read that over the last 3 years, I'd be on beach in Hawaii. 

Every time I read that, it gives me a big pinch.

The brain has already went immediately back into a dieting mode and that's all she wrote.  Everything from there on out is all about the dieting and weight loss. 

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When it's all about the dieting and weight loss, you will be waiting, waiting, waiting for the 'weight' loss for the rest of your life.

It really will be a very WEIGHTY WAIT. 

Today is the day to get off of that merry-go-round where all of the horses saddles are worn smooth from our BUT's.

I know this not about the weight loss BUT.....

There's your problem right there.  It's a leaverite.  Leave it right there.  Pull that root out with all of the strength in your body.  Sit down on the ground and pull it out with your arms, legs...give it everything you've got. 

I know this is not about the weight loss, but....that disconnect for the brain will keep you an endless loop of dieting, with relapses and rebound weight gain for the rest of your life.

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On the first part of the journey, my brain was blowing gaskets all over the place. My sparkplugs were misfiring and I was a tee-total wreck of confusion.

This is not a diet but I need to see how much weight...Ima losing.

Noooo.  I did not need to see it.

I needed to believe that I really could change my relationship with food.  Seeing is not always believing.

The entirety of life is just too huge to contemplate with the constant yellow bellied lily livered sapsucker of dieting always breathing down your neck. 

One day at a time, you can detach those claws out of your back. It's not going to happen overnight.  Not when there's an entire lifetime of dieting deeply rooted in your innermost being.

Dieting = angst, internal struggle, urge towards rationalization, hair-pulling while imagining a life without the constant comfort of food. 

Food addiction is a chronic disease of food rewards. 

Another binge is not a cure for a food addiction. 



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When I backed off of coconut oil due to signs my gut had had enough, I went back to other organic cold pressed oils. Evening Primrose oil and cold pressed Black Currant oil. Black Currant is a seed oil so it is not compliant for a Whole 30. 

Black currant seed oil is usually from seeds by cold pressed method. Other methods like solvent extraction and supercritical carbon dioxide are also used. The last two methods do not yield organic oil as they use chemicals for extracting more oil from the seeds. For maximum health benefits, always go for the pure, organic and cold pressed black currant oil. 

I do well with berries and BCO. I can tell a difference.

Black currant seed oil 

  • Antioxidant 
  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Cardioprotective – It exerts a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Immunostimulant – The herb, berries and its seed oil are good for improving the functioning of the immune system.
  • Anti-dermatitis – It treats dermatitis in humans 
  • Anti-rheumatic – Black currant seed oil reduces pain and inflammation 
  • Anti-Allergic – It reduces the susceptibility of a person to allergies.
  • Anti-neuropathic – Gamma linolenic acid from black currant oil has shown protective effects in diabetic neuropathy
  •  Immune System
     Black currant seed oil provides  gamma linolenic acid and alpha linolenic acid ( omega -3 ) which reduces prostaglandin synthesis. Performance of immune system boosts up. It can help the body deal with pathogens,  infections caused by bactera, virus (flu and cold), auto-immune conditions. 
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Evening Primrose Oil. 

In a land far away, my friend is a naturo.  The Cajun French know things like Paleoamericans do.  I quit taking all supplements during my W30 but I've incorporated a few things back in.  Essential oils of all kinds and these kinds. 

During the short days and long winter months with very little sunshine, it can become SAD.  It used to be SAD SAD while eating highly and crazily over engineered trigger foods.

Food triggers made of straight sugar, corn syrup, upside down sugar, more sugar, something really artificial and more high fructose corn syrup all in the same product. These foods made me cry and weep and bawl my head off.  Mopey. 

Fish, fish, fish and evening primrose oil put a real dent in the SAD. I stopped taking EPO during my W30, too.  This winter, one of the harshest on record has made me weepy and mopey.

The Universe reminded me of my oils. They are essential to my moods and 'tudes.  I added them back to my fish, fish, fish.  Research it for yourself.  I could go on but we just don't have the time.  Well, actually I do but it's best to do your own research. No one can make any decisions for you - what will or will not add to your satiety and overall well being.

I'm taking it back outside when the temp goes up to freezing. Until then, I'm tooling along.  Drinking mossy green tea with a tad of macadamia nut oil, too.  

The old me would've dived back into bags of gummy bears for relief, digging a much deeper hole, trying to fill a hole that can never be filled with food rewards. Wheat and pizza dough makes my guitar silently weep, too. 

I no longer believe everything in moderation as a concept due to the highly engineered to be craved foods.  Moderating and managing gummy bears is a ridiculous experiment and they are useless.

Ima Post Whole Digger and my time is better spent on investing in foods with dynamic and dunamis power. Good foods capture nuances of practical energy that turns into a really good feeling.

Just like music.  


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Fortified gummy bears? They are made of straight sugar, corn syrup, upside down sugar, more sugar, something really artificial and more high fructose corn syrup all in the same product with some form of vitamins.  I have been known to eat half a bottle of those at a whack. 

Everyone is eating fortified gummy bears these days. 

They trip my trigger.  I don't bring the offenders into my house or vehicle.  

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“The risks of alcohol are directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed and the time period over which it is used. Individual sensitivity and associated nutritional balance, supplements, allergy, and lifestyle factors also contribute to the specific problems that may result from alcohol. Empirically, a high risk may be caused by more than five drinks daily, moderate risk by three to five drinks daily, and low risk by one or two drinks daily. Social drinking of one or two drinks a week is considered light use.” “Alcohol abuse can lead to addiction, emotional problems, and a number of specific degenerative processes. Obesity, gastritis and ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hypoglycemia and diabetes, gout, nerve and brain dysfunction, cancer, nutritional deficiencies, immune suppression, or injury and death from falls and auto accidents are some of the more common problems. Overall, alcohol is a toxic irritant for the human being.”

 “Nutritional Programs for Alcohol Detoxification”, Dr. Elson M. Haas, M.D. 

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  • Drunkenness—dizziness, slowed mental functions, memory loss, poor judgment, emotional outbursts, incoordination
  • Hangover—headaches, upset stomach, fatigue, dehydration, and dizziness
  • Withdrawal—gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, fevers, chills, depression, insomnia, tremors, weakness, hallucinations, seizures, and delirium tremens (DTs)
  • Injuries, auto accidents, violent crimes, and jail
  • Liver disease
  • Stomach disorders - gastritis and ulcers
  • Pancreatitis and gallstones
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Carbohydrate metabolism—hypoglycemia and diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Nutritional deficiencies and an inability to properly metabolize nutrition

“Nutritional Programs for Alcohol Detoxification”, Dr. Elson M. Haas, M.D. 


Major Health Risks of Alcohol

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  1. Alcohol Facts and Statistics. National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  2. Haas, E. M., & Levin, B. (2006). Staying healthy with nutrition: The complete guide to diet and nutritional medicine. Berkeley: Celestial Arts. Print.
  3. Chitra Badii and Elizabeth Boskey, PhD. What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Healthline.
  4. CIWA-Ar for Alcohol Withdrawal. MD Calc.
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“Alcohol detoxification continues for at least several weeks after the withdrawal period. During this recovery time, the body will eliminate alcohol, its by-products, and other toxins and begin breaking down some of the fat that may have been stored during alcohol abuse. General supportive and balanced nourishment with a low-fat, moderate protein, basic complex carbohydrate diet is recommended.” “Since alcoholics often have blood sugar problems, basic hypoglycemic principles should be followed."

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Alcohol detoxification continues for at least several weeks after the withdrawal period. During this recovery time, the body will eliminate alcohol, its by-products, and other toxins and begin breaking down some of the fat that may have been stored.

If you did not experience tiger blood, it's entirely possible that your body is still detoxing from alcohol. Immediately returning to alcohol on Day 31 after 30 days of eliminating alcohol can halt the body's process of removing further alcohol toxins.

Choices and Consequences.

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Grandpaw used to say that the most secure position in the Universe is a bar owner.  He said that even during the Great Depression, a bar owner could still earn their keep and keep on a tickin' while everyone else was really struggling.

People will always muster enough money together for a drink. It's security and surety for an income. Alcohol. There's a reckoning.

The half has not been told what I've witnessed and how many members of my family I've lost forever to alcohol. 

There are peoples who have to give up alcohol. Like for real. 

It will require some serious sucking it UP, buttercup. 

Returning back to your original factory settings is soooo worth it. Alcohol shortens lifespans. Yours and maybe someone else's if you're driving around drunk. 

Making health a priority may not include an immediate return to drinking on Day 31.  

Alcoholics feel angst and the constant urge towards rationalization. They must contemplate the big picture of a life of no margaritas with nachos, no guinness with pizza, no wine with popcorn. Like for REAL, for real giving it UP.

Imagining that concept of never gets big points for bravery. 

Sugar and alcohol withdrawal is miserable for the alcoholic. On a one day at a time basis, they make a decision not to drink alcohol___and fortunately, with every day that goes by that decision does get easier.

Sugar and alcohol make lives a living hail....and really, who needs that? 




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They say that positive affirmations don't really work.

If you tell yourself this is not a diet but at the unconscious level you really are a dieter, your brain will register that as another disconnect.

"The reason positive affirmations don’t work is that they target the conscious level of your mind, but not the unconscious. If what you are trying to affirm is incongruent with a deeply held negative belief, then all that results is an inner struggle. 

Declarative self-talk is about making self-statements, either positive (e.g., affirmations) or negative (e.g., core beliefs). In contrast, interrogative self-talk is about asking questions."

They say that asking yourself  questions works much better. 


"From this and similar studies the researchers conducted, they found that asking ourselves is far more powerful than telling ourselves something when we wish to create successful end results.

Questions are powerful because they probe for answers. They remind us of the resources we do have and they activate our curiosity. All that is required is a simple tweak."

Who are you when no one else is looking?

  • Tweak these statements into questions; “I am” into “Am I?”
  • Mull over possible answers to these questions and come up with additional questions. “What if..?” produces a particularly fruitful line of enquiry.

Am I instead of Ima.

Am I dieting? 

If the pants still fit... you must acquit, Ima. 

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Maintaining and finding weight stability is always a big WIN in my book.

Am I dieting?

No.  Ima not.

When you toss out all of your dieting books and dieting dross out of your head, you have to learn to live with the orchestration of silence.

Like a Japanese garden, it's all about where you don't put things.  A transference of space.  Open. Mind. Insert. Possibilities.

We can't begin to compare ourselves to others because we don't know their story. 

I say prayers instead of positive affirmations.  The body and mind are in cahoots with one another. You know what those yayhoos are capable of.  Taking you on another thrill eating ride into relapse. They don't have any answers to my questions. 

The prayers go UP and the answers come down. When a belief becomes a deep conviction....things begin to happen. 



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Body. Mind. Spirit.

Listening to the body and mind is like listening to a couple of squirrels chattering in a tree. All they care about is that cache of nuts they have hidden all over the place.  Squirrels don't forget where they've stashed all of their nuts.

How much more are we capable of remembering if don't limit ourselves. They sky is not the limit and it never was.


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