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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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I ask Bear all kinds of questions and he's very matter of fact.

The burning question I have and I really want to know, do you think Bigfoot exists? 

He says, absolutely not! He's spent his entire lifetime hunting in the woods by himself. He's never run across any paleo-poop-sign of Bigfoot. Nadda. Zip. 

I say maybe they paleo-poop on the other side and just eat deer on this side.:D Spiritual creatures.:lol:

They say Bigfoot exists in my neck of the woods but I've never seen one. I've spent my share of time alone in the woods, too.

Sasquatch is a mystery. I still want to know but my time is better spent using fruit for a condiment and nuts for a decoration. 

Honestly, I don't ever want to see one. Neva eva. Grizzlies are enough, really.

That is all.   


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I eat good fats with carbs.  

Eating good fats with carbs ^^^ works for me. 


"People believe that in order to maximize fat loss, you should avoid eating fat and carbohydrate in the same meal."

"For one, the fact that a meal contains little or no carbohydrate is no guarantee that it won’t affect insulin levels."


"If eating carbohydrate and fat together increased fat storage, you’d expect to see a slower rate of weight loss in the balanced group. But that wasn’t the case.

After six weeks, subjects in the balanced group lost an average of 16.5 pounds. Those in the dissociated group (the ones separating carbohydrate and fat) lost an average of 13.6 pounds."

"I’ve seen it argued that the real benefit of separating carbohydrate and fat is that it forces you to stop and think about what you’re eating. 

While it may enhance compliance for some, it’s also going to reduce compliance for others, mainly because it adds to the confusion about what you can and can’t eat."

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Bear says that constant sweet cravings in adulthood indicate a hormone imbalance, levels are stuck in puberty. Told me to research it, so I am.


"But there seems to be an age limit on the super-sized sugar preference.

Sugar preferences changed during adolescence. They checked indicators, like body image and hormones, and then they checked bone growth. They gave the sugar-water test to adolescents while simultaneously measuring a marker of bone growth in their urine. What they found was that kids who were still growing preferred sweets. Those whose growth had already stopped –- around age 15 or 16 — had taste preferences similar to adults."

"Exactly how this all works is still somewhat of a mystery, but one important clue lies in the discovery that growing bones actually secrete hormones that can influence metabolism. Other well-known metabolic hormones like leptin and insulin have been shown to act on brain areas that control cravings and appetites, and even directly bind to the tongue, where they affect the preference for sweet tastes. Hormones from growing bones may be doing the same thing. In other words, it's not your kid's fault he raided the cookie jar – the hormones from his growing bones made him do it."

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Adrenal Burnout Syndrome:  The adrenal glands produce cortisol and cortisone.  These are called the glucocorticoid hormones.  One of their functions is to regulate the level of glucose in the blood.

If adrenal gland activity is low, blood sugar levels will tend to be too low on a chronic basis.  As a result, less sugar than optimal will be available to the body cells and sugar craving is the end result.

One must have adequate adrenal activity or one will constantly crave sweets. 

The adrenal glands can become weakened or even ‘burned out’ for numerous reasons.  The adrenal glands require vitamins C, E, and B-complex.  They also require many minerals such as zinc, manganese and others.  Deficiencies in these nutrients is all that is needed to have depleted adrenal glands.

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Low Fuel Efficiency.  An imbalanced oxidation rate can be said to diminish one’s “fuel efficiency”.  We all know about fuel efficiency due to our automobiles.  In terms of the body, it means that when the oxidation rate is very sluggish, one does not use food properly to generate much energy.  It is like driving a car or bicycle in the wrong gear with the engine turning too slow, or pedaling too slowly.  It just does not work well.

As a result, the person feels tired and often apathetic and even depressed, and tends to overeat sugars  in an attempt to clear up the low oxidation rate.

Some people burn their “fuel” at a faster-than-normal rate. These individuals have low reserves of glycogen, a storage fuel, in their liver and muscles. If their diets are inadequate in fats and oils, which are higher calorie foods, they can literally run out of available sugars.

When this occurs, a craving for sweets or alcohol will occur.  It will eventually also give rise to a large number of common metabolic illnesses and both physical and emotional symptoms. 

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That's heavy duty.

Diabetes does not suddenly show up on your doorstep. It's a long train a-runnin' right back to adolescence.

Years and years of adrenal burnout and tanking your thyroid.

Constant sweet cravings are the handwriting on the wall. I used to swill quarts of chocolate milk, eat chocolate covered orange jellied candies for lunch.  I did that for months and months as a young adult after I left home.  

I ate cinnamon rolls to clear my palate and boxes of granola for texture. Then it was back to gummy bears. Cortisol nightmare.

Time for a lil hair of the dog that bit me.

Mossy green tea with extra virginia olive oil.

Use optimal fats to keep the leapin'leptin lizards knocked back where they should be. 


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23 minutes ago, Hutlifr said:

I am right here... listening....

Whoa Hutlifr. I decided to check in and here you are! I'm glad you're out there.

Have you heard about the DNA cracker test. I did it and the results were not surprising. 

I won't be falling back into pasta and bread, HFCS, sugar sugars, artificial sugars. That ship already sailed.  

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Skipping meals every day is not fasting.  It is not intermittent.

A block of hours every day without food is simply not eating.

Reserving all of your meals for the end of the day does not mean you will become a fat burner or burn fat faster.

The body is so efficient and will adapt to anything you put it through. It will outsmart you.  The body is bent on survival.

If you have T1 or T2, simply not eating all day long or skipping meals will dig you into a further hole.

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The trickle down effect or trickle down economics of skipping meals everyday or simply not eating until the end of the day will slow your metabolism down to a crawl.

You can rebuild your metabolism but simply not eating or skipping meals every day will not fix it .

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Looking after yourself is the key to healing and a new beginning.

I have come to learn that the more difficult things are in your life the healthier we need to become.  That. Is. #1.

The trickle down effect of taking care of yourself spreads like a wildfire onto others.  

You are happier.  You have more energy.   

You can build a metabolism by eating right.  The weight will take care of itself.  It's all about having a Goodwill Bank. If you keep compromising your goodwill towards self you will become bankrupt. 

Enjoy whole foods when you're hungry. Add as much variety as you can. New tastes will begin.  Old relationships with multi-crap will break-up. 

If you are just working on weight loss, maintenance will be really, really tough for you.  If you're practicing self-induced starvation,  everything will be compromised. 

It is the trickle down effect.  It starts with food and it ends with food.

It starts with a diet and ends with a food disorder.

Be a Road Tester. 

Start building your metabolism from the ground UP.  It begins with a big breakfast within an hour of waking.  Mentally, it sets the tone for the entire day.  Just like making your bed and taking a shower.  shower-smiley.gif?1292867671


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The trickle down effect.

You may not notice it but others do.  They notice when things are off kilter.  All jacked UP with multi-crap and wild swings UP and down. Heckatoot, employers notice, coworkers notice, your family and friends, even children notice. It starts with the man in the mirror. You.

Good food fixes everything.  What other choice do we have?

Crummy food and no food affects every area of your life.  Your happiness and health depends on it.  The stakes are way too high to be tossed around with every wind of dieting doctrines.  

Don't be easily led off of a cliff.  Learn to follow your own arrow but make sure it's headed in the right direction.

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How many times in your lifetime have you found stability with your weight and overall well being?

Can you count those times on one hand? Less than 5 fingers. 

Have you edged up on stability with your weight, blood sugar...only to edge up against it briefly and then bounce right back out off with a hard glancing blow back out into the Universe.


The elusive "butter" fly...slipped right through your fingers. 


Today is the day that you can stop doing all of those destructive things you've been doing to yourself.  Flip the Switch.

It only takes one day and one choice and one decision. One. 

Tomorrow, we will get back UP and Big Kahuna trigger foods will not deter you.  Come hail or high water. 

You will find your pathway to healing and a returning back to your original factory settings. 





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When you detox from dieting, your life becomes an orchestration of silence.

A Japanese Garden. 

A Japanese Garden...where you don't put things.

An emotional transference of space.

The space that was originally filled with dieting books, exercise equipment you couldn't stand, meters, scales, calorie counting, mile marking, micros, macros is a blank canvas. 

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You're no longer going through the motions.

Ever listen to a band or ensemble just playing by rote without emotion. Leaves a bland, dusty taste in your mouth.

That's dieting.

Your hair and pockets are filled with dust. It clings to you like a rubberband. Dry and lifeless.  Dem ole dry bones.

A dynamic band is invested. They bring it.





They've mapped out their music as a unit but they begin to capture nuances that bring out all kinds of emotion in the listener.

The sky is not the limit and it never was.

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When you detox from dieting, filling it back up again with all things = dieting is a disconnect for the brain.

This is not a diet but then you immediately take your measurements, hop on the scale and track your progress. How is that not dieting.

You bemoan that 10 lbs have not left you in 10 days.

It brings more confusion and disconnect in your brain.

Shawshank it.

Set yourself free.

Going out and filling up your bookshelves with more dieting books will ruin your Japanese Garden.

It's dragging more items home from everyone's garage sale after you've just cleaned your house and garage up.

Yes, you may find some good deals but it's buying stuff you never really needed in the first place.  Filling up all of the space.

When you clutter up your mind with every wind of dieting doctrine, it may take years to get it all out of your head.




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The alcoholic throws out every bottle of booze.  For real.

The food addict throws out every dieting book and gadget, app that keeps you trapped in the constant loop of dieting.

You should read and try this new diet.  Nope.  I won't.

I'm not dragging anything in that will clutter up my Japanese Garden. 

The Tools of Titans.

The orchestration of silence.

Listening to the still, small voice inside you that will lead you into the future and help you follow your own arrow. 

Dieting Detox is being fully invested with vulnerability and emotion. Don't edit your emotions. 


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Journaling will also help you get to the bottomline of what's triggering your cravings. 

The medical research says that journaling....

Strengthens your immune system

Reduces blood pressure

Boosts mood and well-being

Fewer symptoms of depression


Find yourself the write way. 

Journaling improves your motivation.   

It is a stream of conciousness without making any attempts to edit yourself.  


Track your spiritual development and your new inner you.

Your overall health and well-being. Your symptoms and how food affects your moods and 'tudes. 

Let your stream of consciousness goooo and flooow way beyond into the future. 

Don't edit yourself. 

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What say you?

Bear says, Maw says, Paw says...

On the first part of the journey, it was always someone else says because food addiction eats your voice and emotions and vulnerability. 

Did you know that overquoting is right up there with overthinking, overresearching, over everything.  

Constantly quoting others and reinterpreting their words is a smoke signal of depression.

What say you?  

Dr. Perimeter says this....and that. (Stick to the outside aisles in the grocery store.)  

What's really eating Gilbert Grape?  

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Be a Road Tester.

Body. Mind. Spirit.  

Don't stay stuck in the loop of the body and mind.  Move beyond to the spirit.  The spirit is greater than the sum of the other two.

Those yayhoos will lead you astray.  Strong willed. Brats. 

The body wants what it wants and the mind goes along for the ride. They have their own fan club going on. A support system for addiction.

Take the wheel.



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