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Corn-fed Chicken

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I read an article that said if they don't say "vegetarian feed," then chicken feed could include animal byproducts in it (feces, bone meal, and other ick), from chickens or possibly even cows.  :(


While I don't love chickens eating corn any more than I love cows eating chicken, I'd rather they eat corn than eat animal byproducts.  I'd much rather they foraged, but that's hard to find. 

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Yeah, I've been able to find (now, at our farmer's market) chicken that's pastured.  Of course, they also throw grain into the field sometimes, but they are careful about sourcing.  I haven't gotten good answers on the chickens from some of the other farmers (I _think_ they have space, but still heavily feed grains more than foraging) at the market, so I'm kinda sticking with my one trusted source.


It's not totally perfect foraging, but it's waaaay better than grocery store chicken (and, IMHO, tastes SO MUCH BETTER).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chickens are omnivores.  So feeding them some grains isn't bad.  Left up to their own devices, they forage and eat a variety of things like bugs, grass, seeds etc.  I feed my chickens leftover food or table scraps.  Some things they love are sweet potatoes, bananas, seeds from acorn squashes, steaks.  One of their most favorite things is beef liver.  One will pick up a piece and the rest chase them around trying to get it.


They also get excited when I clean out the water trough.  When I flip it over, there are always lots of bugs to peck at.


Pastured chickens usually have a pinker meat than corn fed chickens.  I've noticed that pastured chicken can be a little tougher.  But I don't mind since I think it's much healthier meat.

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