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Watch out for coffee...

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First of all, I was surprised that coffee is allowed on Whole30 since it is usually cut out for most detox regimens, but there would be a lot of people that would have trouble with that exclusion I'm sure! My husband would not have been on board for 30 days of no coffee! :)


Anyway, I was drinking very little coffee pre-W30--maybe 2x per week if that. With little beverage options, I started having coffee daily. I previously posted about constipation issues. I decided to try taking a break from coffee to see if that would help. I had a horrible headache the day I cut it out, but constipation issues completely disappeared. Hmm


Anyone else have that experience? Wondering how much coffee I should drink in a week.

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Maybe this is overly paranoid, but I've read a few articles saying that ground coffee may not be 100% coffee due to drought conditions in Brazil.  Here's one article: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/08/12/your-coffee-may-not-be-just-coffee/


So maybe the coffee you are drinking is not just coffee?


(Also: this phenomenon freaks me out.  Why can't we just have foods that are exactly what they say they are?!)

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