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What have YOU dreamt about?


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While I've read on the forum here that some food dreams during the Whole30 could consist of cheese toast, crackers, donuts, or even pickles with ice cream, I'm pretty sure my dream tops those.

I'm on day 15 right now, and last night I dreamt of smoked salmon and cherry pie filling flavored oreos. They even came in a special edition shiny silver and red bag! And what's worse, as I was eating them in the dream, I couldn't even enjoy their crazy flavor because I was worried about starting over at day 1 because of it!

What about you all? What are some of the food dreams you've had?

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Chocolate cake - and I don't really care for cake. My daughter made one the day before I started W30 and I didn't have a piece. Maybe that was my body's way of saying, "You idiot! Why didn't you eat chocolate cake when you could have?"

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I had a dream I was shoveling cheetos (which I detest) and whoopie pies (which....uh....I do not detest, but wish I did) in my mouth. Both at the same time! And in my dream I looked at my boyfriend and said "whelp! Guess I blew my whole30!" His response: "uhh....YEP." LOL

I woke up SO UPSET with myself until I realized it was just a dream. Phew! :)

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My one and only food dream was during my first Whole30. At first, for some reason, I dreamed I was going to drink some sweet iced tea. (I never, ever sweeten my iced tea, haven't since I was a kid.) I knew I was on Whole30, but I had some amount of sugar that I had determined it was okay to add to my tea (like, I can have a teaspoon of sugar, and that's okay, but no more than that). So I sweetened the tea, and drank it, and then had a slice of cake -- it was like apple cinnamon cake or something, not at all what I would have chosen if I were really going to have cake. I drank the tea and ate the cake very calmly, and then, once I'd finished them both, freaked out completely that I'd ruined my Whole30. When I woke up, it took me a few minutes to realize that it was just a dream and I didn't really have to start over.

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I'm on my second whole30 right now (day 25!). My first one I had a lot more food dreams, but just the last few days I've started having them again. The first was a bowl of cereal (seriously? cereal?). The second dream was better - I had a doughnut, lol. At least the doughnut is something that would have been indulgent. I was angry at myself in both the dreams, but was REALLY angry about the bowl of cereal.

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Haha, thankfully my food dreams have quieted down (day 27). But I remember I dreamt ate pizza without realizing it wasn't whole30 (really?? Lol). The last time I ate pizza was like 6 months ago. I also had a dream I ate ice cream and cake. Another one was when I dreamt I had some almond milk that had carrageenan in it. Every time I woke up so upset and stressed until I realized it was just a dream!

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Sondrals, that just cracked me up. I had a similar one that my boyfriend and I were eating soup, and I mindlessly popped a saltine cracker in my mouth and started chewing. Then thought NO, what am I doing?!? And tried to spit it out. Trying to spit a dry saltine into the trash is really unpleasant and nearly impossible, even in a dream!! So of course I yelled at him for not stopping me from eating it. Poor guy. :) When I woke up I made him promise he would intervene me if I was about to do such a thing.

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My first day was yesterday and last night was filled with wacky dreams, some food related and some now. One dream I remember, I forgot I was on whole 30 and ate a roast dinner that had roast potatoes on. I felt so upset and guilty and was trying to hide it form my boyfriend so he didn't make me start again. 


Only thing is, I guess they are actually allowed anyway haha! 


I felt so much like a failure this morning that it was even harder to resist work brunch because I feel like I've already given in...!

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