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Sensitive Mouth

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Hmmm Sounds like an allergy to me.


Are you eating a lot of a specific, vegetable, fruit, or protein that you didn't previously eat a lot of?


I actually get a similar reaction from eating too many tomatoes and peppers.  Have you been eating a lot of these?  Especially raw?  I've heard similar issues with citrus fruit.

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Well, I have incorporated alot of newer things so its hard to pinpoint. Maybe its a bunch of things. I hope it goes down sooner than later so i can enjoy eating again. Gonna stick to bland foods until its back to normal. 

Just was curious if this has happened to others. But it may be a reaction instead. 


Im miserable. lol :(

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Please read this: 




My oldest son has this problem from time to time.  It is related to certain groups of fruits & vegetables.  There is a chart on the page that lists them.  Very interesting.


I am willing to bet you've had seasonal allergies in your life?


If not, maybe you are having a healing crisis.  I did not read the above link.  :)

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  • 1 year later...

Today I noticed a little soreness on my tongue while I was eating my lunch. I'm not allergic to anything, so I'm assuming that it might be from all the salty/savory foods I've been eating for the last three days since I started. I thought salt could cause canker sores, but I'm not a doctor, so... It's just a thought. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in Austin, TX, where we are known for bad seasonal allergies. I started my Whole 30 on Nov 1 and I'm developing a FOURTH canker sore. Other than this month, I've only had 2 in my entire life.


My rosacea has gotten worse also since starting and I do have seasonal allergies. I tested positive to mold, dust mites, one rare desert plant and Ash (tree).


I'm not eating that differently than before, on the whole. I'm a celiac and I only ate grains at one meal a day anyway. The biggest changes are the lack of soy, sugar and dairy from my diet, and now I'm almost exclusively eating meats, eggs and produce that are organic, pastured and local.


I'm at a complete loss for what could be making these things worse. As far as I know, I haven't introduced any new spices or types of produce and if anything I've been eating my food less-spicy-hot. Any ideas?

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Skin issues do have a tendency to get worse before they get better.


I have rosacea too.  As well as 3 other skin "issues"


I have confirmed that seed oils make my rosacea worse - But in the whole 30 scheme of things seed oils are not consumed unless eating out.


However are you eating many tomatoes or peppers at the moment?  They used to give me mouth sores on what you describe. Now they give psoriasis.


Are you consuming many nuts or seeds, dried fruit nut butters?  These will cause skin reactions for some.  They are definitely one of the major culprits for gut distress.


In order to help skin clear - we need to focus on healing our digestive tract first.  The skin issues are just symptoms of something bigger that is going on in our digestion.


Drinking Bone broth and taking probiotics will help with this as well.

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I'm in Austin, TX, where we are known for bad seasonal allergies. I started my Whole 30 on Nov 1 and I'm developing a FOURTH canker sore. Other than this month, I've only had 2 in my entire life.


My rosacea has gotten worse also since starting and I do have seasonal allergies. I tested positive to mold, dust mites, one rare desert plant and Ash (tree).


I'm not eating that differently than before, on the whole. I'm a celiac and I only ate grains at one meal a day anyway. The biggest changes are the lack of soy, sugar and dairy from my diet, and now I'm almost exclusively eating meats, eggs and produce that are organic, pastured and local.


I'm at a complete loss for what could be making these things worse. As far as I know, I haven't introduced any new spices or types of produce and if anything I've been eating my food less-spicy-hot. Any ideas?

I get enormous awful blisters in my mouth from eating raw tomatoes... cooked tomato in a sauce doesnt seem to bother me but the acid in raw tomatoes gives me an almost instant reaction... are you eating a lot more of something that could be more acidic than your body wants to welcome?

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