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Stomach problems at the end


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So I have done the whole30 twice now and have loved what it has done for me. From clearing up my skin to giving me a huge amount of energy I would absolutely recommend it to anyone. However both times now I have had bad stomach issues at the very last week of both whole30s.  This includes terrible stomach aches, diarrhea, and sometimes random bouts of constipation all within the last 7 days. I do nothing different with the final week from the other 3 but for some reason this happens.  This whole30 i have only allowed myself 1 to 2 servings of fruit and avoided snacking which is the only thing different than my first whole30.  Any help about why this might be happening and what to do now would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Me Too!!!  In fact, I came onto the forum searching to see if anyone had experienced the same!!...  I am just finishing my whole30, 2 more days to go.  Throughout the last 28 days, I have had a couple days that my stomach was just undone... Yesterday and today as I head into my final 2 days, I am again having stomach problems...  This is not typical for me.  Glad to hear I am not the only one??



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Could be part of your stomach's healing process. While you may know that you are close to the end of a predefined period of time, your body doesn't have that same calendar and goes about things in its own time.  I would almost recommend that you extend your Whole30 by a few days and only end it/go into the reintroduction phase when you are back to feeling good.

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Was coming on the board to ask about the same thing. I am on day 29, and I've had diarrhea the last 2 days, and really, my BMs have never returned to normal during my whole30.


My snacking and portion control haven't been perfect and I tend to eat a little more fruit than recommended, but not significantly so... but I think I've actually been better about that this time around than I was a year ago, and I had full on tiger blood for the whole last week. This time around, the only positive benefit I've noted mentally has been waking up easier in the morning. I haven't felt the mental clarity and focus that I got last time. I don't own a scale so I wont be able to tell until I take photos, but I also don't feel like I've lost the fat that I did last time either, which is frustrating. I did cut out potatoes and sweet potatoes about a week ago because I noticed they were causing me to bloat.


Yesterday was not a great food day for me... I overslept and didn't have time to make breakfast, so my breakfast was a spoonful of almond butter and tea with coconut milk. Lunch was commercially prepared - an 'iceburger" from mooyah with mustard, avocado, and grilled onions. Dinner, I made at home... a paleo-style chili with beef and pork (onions, bell peppers) and followed up with a mini frittata made with home-seasons pork sausage. Typically, one a better day, breakfast will be an egg, banana, and almond butter, lunch will be leftovers from the night before (usually a chicken thigh and whatever veggies I happened to make... I've done mostly brussel sprouts this time around), and dinner is more chicken and veggies OR a salad with tuna, pecans or almonds, handful of blueberries and a clementine, with a home-made balsamic vinaigrette.


I'm tempted to blame the restaurant burger patty, but this whole things has just felt different this time. I'm trying to decide if I should extend a few more days or another week to see if this finally normalizes and I hit that "feeling great" stage or if it's just not going to happen for me this time around.

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Typically, one a better day, breakfast will be an egg, banana, and almond butter, lunch will be leftovers from the night before (usually a chicken thigh and whatever veggies I happened to make... I've done mostly brussel sprouts this time around), and dinner is more chicken and veggies OR a salad with tuna, pecans or almonds, handful of blueberries and a clementine, with a home-made balsamic vinaigrette.


I'm tempted to blame the restaurant burger patty, but this whole things has just felt different this time. I'm trying to decide if I should extend a few more days or another week to see if this finally normalizes and I hit that "feeling great" stage or if it's just not going to happen for me this time around.

You are not eating enough. An egg and a banana for breakfast and a chicken thigh for lunch. To be honest, even if you combined those two meals into one meal that's still not enough food. Your lack of tiger blood, messed up digestion and not improved mental clarity would be due to severe nutrient restriction.

1-2 palms protein (or however many eggs you can hold in your hand without dropping)

1-3 cups veggies (more if it's salad greens)

1-2 thumbs fat (or half to whole avocado or handfuls olives)

*one serving of starchy veggie per day at least

Repeat this three times a day or more as needed depending on duration of day, overall physical feeling, activity level etc.

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You are not eating enough. An egg and a banana for breakfast and a chicken thigh for lunch. To be honest, even if you combined those two meals into one meal that's still not enough food. Your lack of tiger blood, messed up digestion and not improved mental clarity would be due to severe nutrient restriction.

1-2 palms protein (or however many eggs you can hold in your hand without dropping)

1-3 cups veggies (more if it's salad greens)

1-2 thumbs fat (or half to whole avocado or handfuls olives)

*one serving of starchy veggie per day at least

Repeat this three times a day or more as needed depending on duration of day, overall physical feeling, activity level etc.


"Severe nutrient restriction" sounds awfully, well, severe for what I am eating. I agree that I should probably be eating more for breakfast, but what I'm doing for lunch and dinner sounds pretty on par with what you're listing above.


A chicken thigh is pretty much the same size as my palm, and when I roast up brussels and sweet potatoes with it, there's at least a cup there. I roast the veggies with olive oil for my fat. The salad that I mentioned that I do frequently... I eat a whole packet of the tuna for my protein, my plate is full to the edges of salad greens, and I include nuts and olive oil in my dressing for fat.


Am I missing something? I spent nearly $500 on food in January, so it's not like I'm not eating. I can improve my breakfast, but it still doesn't explain the difference from last time, given that's the exact breakfast I ate then, too. Thanks for the input.

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Sorry, you're right, that wording was probably a bit harsh. One egg is not enough to sustain you though. And I based my chicken thigh answer on the ones that I get...which when cooked (without the bone) require 3 to be slightly more than "palm sized".

I would go on the higher end of the template with both the protein and the veggies and even the higher end is still the minimum recommendation. It's possible that with nutrient dense foods such as these that you simply need more than what you would predict for yourself. Also, although you did this a year ago, a lot can change in a year with your body, your hormones, stress, sleep etc. Most people here will tell you that every W30 that they do is different from the others.

I would encourage you to try and eat more simply because all the side effects and symptoms that you mention are caused by not eating enough.

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I am on Day 14 of my first Whole30.  

For the last 7 days I have been experiencing a dull ache in my stomach (actually my stomach and not my general abdomen area).

I have the ache when I wake in the morning, stays with me throughout the day, and is with me at bedtime.  I sort of feels like menstrual cramps...just higher up in my stomach.


Also, my bowel movements are very different from before I started on Whole30.  Scant amounts, harder consistency.  Not constipated


Average Day of Eating:

Breakfast:  sauteed garlic, onions, kale, and organic beef over a sweet potato, sometimes add a poached/fried egg (fried in coconut oil), water, black coffee (1 cup)

Lunch:  Well Fed2 Shepard's pie with added broccoli for extra veggies, 2 ruby red grapefruits with coconut flakes, water

Dinner:  Baked salmon or chicken, broccoli and/or kale, sometimes a sweet potato, water

After workout snack (if I am bonking):  3 slices of organic roast beef and a handful of coconut flakes, water

Water, water, water



2400IU D3

1000mg calcium


Might need to add magnesium and/or a probiotic; or maybe more veggies.  


Any thoughts or suggestions about the dull ache and BM change would be greatly appreciated!!




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