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Help for Headaches!


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Hello Friends,

My sister and three of our friends have started Whole30. We are on day four and several of the girls have been complaining about headaches. We all take in a lot of water, tea, coffee throughout the day but need help in figuring out how to combat these horrible headaches.



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Headaches are pretty common at the beginning of a Whole30, keep on with the water, increase your starchy veggies so that you're not inadvertently doing a "low carb" eating plan.  Water recommendation is 1/2 ounce per pound of bodyweight....tea and coffee would be considered extra on top of the water.


Check out our timeline, linked below in my signature, you'll find that you're probably right on track.  :)

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I had a relentless headache for the first 10 days. I may have had a head cold/sinus infection at the same time (I work with special needs kids, and one of the little cherubs had coughed right in my face!), so it's impossible to separate out where the headache really came from. All that being said, just hang in there- it WILL go away! I actually started the program to try to give myself some relief from regular headaches, so it was frustrating to have them for 10 days to start. I'm on day 19 and feeling really good.

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