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What "symptoms" should I look for?


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My last day of my third Whole30 is tomorrow (WOOHOO!), but this will mark the first time I've ever actually followed the proper reintroduction protocol. The first time, I ended on Thanksgiving so... you can imagine. Last time, I ended with a family vacation so... you can also imagine, LOL.


THIS time, I'm doing it right (well, except I'm not bringing legumes back becase I don't miss them and I know beans give me awful gas)! No excuses! But I'm curious...


What symptoms am I supposed to be looking for? I know that after a long time on the SAD, I start to gain weight. But in the immediate term, what kinds of symptoms would be a sign that a food group is problematic for me? I've heard everything from tummy upsets to depression, so I'm a little confused.


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Yes, the symptoms vary because we're all unique - everyone reacts (or doesn't) differently.


Look for anything that puts you physically or psychologically "off."  Off the top of my head: Bloating, gas, other digestive issues, tummy issues, brain fog, feeling yuck.  On the psychological side, eating a food that negatively impacts your emotions, sleep or has you crave another food more. 

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Not everyone has the same symptoms. I have trouble sleeping when I consume dairy during the day. I've never heard of anyone else having that problem. The most common complaints I hear from people reintroducing dairy is sinus congestion or stomach distress. Some people notice that they suffer stomach distress from eating gluten or other grains. Some can eat a little, but suffer noticeably when they consume a lot or several days in a row. 


The reason we ask you to go 30 full days without eating any potential problem foods is that is long enough for you to notice changes when you reintroduce. If you don't notice any changes, that is a good sign that you are okay with that food. However, you might find it becomes a problem if you eat it regularly or your symptoms may be subtle and take a while to notice. It took me several years to figure out that dairy messed with my sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, here's what I've learned so far:


  • Everything is making me feel sick.

Had a latte on Day 1 and (half a) chocolate mousse that night. They were amazing and delicious and everything I had dreamed of. An hour later, I had some mild stomach cramps.


Had pancakes (no syrup) for breakfast on Day 4 and a whole wheat tortilla that night. I felt okay afterward, maybe a little sluggish... And then all this week I've felt incredibly sick. Bloated, gassy, stomach achey, some mild constipation, and even some mysterious upper back pain.

I'm honestly a little confused because after my last two W30s, I didn't have any of these symptoms, even when I went hog wild! Did I just really sensitize myself to these things? Does this mean I can never have pizza again? Cuz I might need to have a day of mourning if that's really true...

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Welp, here's what I've learned so far:


  • Everything is making me feel sick.

Had a latte on Day 1 and (half a) chocolate mousse that night. They were amazing and delicious and everything I had dreamed of. An hour later, I had some mild stomach cramps.


Had pancakes (no syrup) for breakfast on Day 4 and a whole wheat tortilla that night. I felt okay afterward, maybe a little sluggish... And then all this week I've felt incredibly sick. Bloated, gassy, stomach achey, some mild constipation, and even some mysterious upper back pain.

I'm honestly a little confused because after my last two W30s, I didn't have any of these symptoms, even when I went hog wild! Did I just really sensitize myself to these things? Does this mean I can never have pizza again? Cuz I might need to have a day of mourning if that's really true...


First off make sure you are not just sick. That delayed sever reaction seems a little suspicious to me. If you want to be sure you can try the experiment again after you feel better. The fact that you didn't have these symptoms before also makes me think it might be an illness. Though...if your body has healed more this round some of it could be real. I know for me dairy quality has a great deal to do with how I react to it. What other ingredients were in the tortillas? 


What you decide to have again is entirely up to you and whether something is special and worth it to you. I will on occasion have a real slice of pizza if it is really good and worth the brain fog I know I will have later. 

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