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I need help fast!

SSG Rodriguez

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Today's my birthday and my family is flipping out over dessert! as insignificant as this may sound, I can already see this day going south fast! I looked at the rules for info, it mentions birthdays for the what if's but nothing specific. I'm on day 14 I'm doing this for work reasons, should I say screw it and start from day one?  and I say this because I found a cake hiding in my garage. This is my first time doing any kind of eating change/"diet". I appreciate the help!

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Happy Birthday!


You can celebrate your birthday (or any occasion) without cake.  What about a nice fresh fruit salad instead?  Can your family understand the commitment you've made to your health and honor your committment?


If you do make the choice to eat cake, that does invoke the reset button for your Whole30 - no birthday cake exceptions ... sorry. 


When you say you're doing this for work reasons, can you elaborate more on that? Just curious.

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I don't think you should say "screw it" if the reason you came to Whole30 was for health considerations. I also don't think you should screw it because you made a committment to yourself and the best way to start a new year of life is to do so honoring that.

There was a lady on here just recently whose children made her a cake and she simply said "I'm a bit full right now, I'll have some later though!" and later never came. Maybe that would work for you?

PS, Happy Birthday!!!

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Do you want to say 'screw it'? Or do you want to stick with it...? Have you told your family about your committment to whole30?

I'm kind of from the school of tough love and I'd be telling my family that I really appreciate the cake and celebrations, but that it was really important for me to stick to my whole30 right now. I know my family may not understand the whys & wherefores of why I'm doing this, but they'd know & appreciate that if this was a decision I'd made then I'd a good reason to make it.

Celebrate your birthday with them. Blow out the candles, cut the cake, serve up a slice for everyone & dig into some fruit.


Happy Birthday by the way!! 

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Today's my birthday and my family is flipping out over dessert! as insignificant as this may sound, I can already see this day going south fast! I looked at the rules for info, it mentions birthdays for the what if's but nothing specific. I'm on day 14 I'm doing this for work reasons, should I say screw it and start from day one?  and I say this because I found a cake hiding in my garage. This is my first time doing any kind of eating change/"diet". I appreciate the help!

SSG....forge on with conviction.   Go ahead, let them cut you a piece of your pretty cake.  Tell them that you'll have to put some plastic wrap over yours after they finish their piece. Explain how you'll have it in the freezer for later.  You're doing this for work reasons.   Understood and appreciated.  My birthday, anniversary, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, Valentine's Day have all come and gone.   The treats were not worth starting over for or off-roading with....  In 16 days, you can have that cake if you really want to.  You can celebrate your birthday, again.



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