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Unreasonably Grumpy?


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This is my first Whole30 and I have been unreasonably grumpy the entire time. Almost like permanent, mega-PMS. I've also been exhausted, and exhaustion was the reason I started the plan in the first place. I'm on Day 22 currently and am really close to just stopping the madness and eating some rice or pizza! 


Has anyone else had unreasonable moods during their Whole30?


I'm not sure what is going on and I really don't like how I've been treating people lately, yet can't seem to help it. I just react, and it's always bad. I am able to go back later and apologize, but I'd rather not be that way in the first place.  


(And because people usually ask, I get a solid 8-9 hours of sleep each night, and am drinking more than enough water. And here are some example meals:

Here's a couple of days worth of menu for me:

1st meal- compliant sausage (2 hot dog size), potato (small), a whole avocado, and 1 cup of spinach

2nd meal- chicken, hard boiled egg, whole avocado, carrots, and half a pear

3rd meal- chicken in tomato sauce and spices, spinach, sweet potato, and watermelon slice. 


1st meal- 2 eggs (I'm working up to 3), spinach, potato, salsa

2nd meal- leftover chicken from dinner, carrots, and pear, hard boiled egg

3rd- chicken stir fry with peppers and onions, spinach, asparagus, sweet potato, banana. 


1st- 2 sausage, potato, avocado

2nd- leftover chicken stir fry, spinach, pear, hard boiled egg

3rd- fish, salsa, avocado, spinach

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Are you hungry?   How about some beef  to switch things up.  It might help your energy levels, too.   A nice steak, beef roast or brisket slices with roasted vegetables.  Have you tried Bone Broth?  I think a cup or two every day helps spruce up the mood and health. More beef and vegetables - good food makes everyone feel better.  Since my Whole 30,  I've lost all desire for chicken.  I don't know why that happened but I rarely/if ever eat chicken.

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I walked downstairs,  I was thinking about you....and I thought, how can I tell jaqp that Bone Broth might really help?


I see you're willing to try it.   Whewwww, what a relief.   I think if I was feeling run down and as you said "unreasonably grumpy", I'd be willing to try anything to get myself out of a low spot.   I'd practice with the textures until I could go to a steakhouse and enjoy one with a baked potato and vegetables.   Then you could test yourself and see if some of that exhaustion went right out the window.  That would be cause for a true celebration.   :) 

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This is my first Whole30 and I have been unreasonably grumpy the entire time. Almost like permanent, mega-PMS. I've also been exhausted....

...am really close to just stopping the madness and eating some rice or pizza!

I think it could be useful to ask how the rice or pizza would address your issues. I think across a wide range of possible answers (carbs, calories, taste, convenience, habit, etc.) you could manage to find W30-compliant solutions.

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Hey jaqp, I suspect you might not be eating enough. Yes you are eating within the template but it's possible that you as the unique human that you are, needs to be eating more. You could certainly use more starchy veggies and for the next couple of days I would suggest to eat a fist sized serving with at least two of your meals.

The fact that you are wishing for rice and pizza to me means that you need the extra carbs and probably more fat. Is your fat source always avocado? Could you try making homemade mayo? It's just a more dense fat source and might do you well.

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I just thought of rice and pizza because they are convenient. And I'll also use olive oil and coconut oil/milk for fat as well


I have some beef bone broth in the crockpot right now. It took a little effort to find the bones, but at the 3rd store they had some. 

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I just thought of rice and pizza because they are convenient. And I'll also use olive oil and coconut oil/milk for fat as well


I have some beef bone broth in the crockpot right now. It took a little effort to find the bones, but at the 3rd store they had some. 

How're you doing, jaqp? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate when I am being such a B*tch that I don't even want to be around myself.  I am on Day 11 and I had a couple days like that.  I was being grumpy and mean for no apparent reason.  Maybe you should try some exercise.  It helped me and I normally hate the gym.  It might be that the time alone away from home and college stress brought me back to my senses.  Everyone needs some ME time every now and then.  Who knows?  Good luck! :)

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