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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Hi Kelli good morning

No I don't have an opinion because I've never tried that yet it works for others

Idk I'd rather do a complient W30 and then reinto before I attempted that

As far as Booch no way I do like the idea if trying it already made but I don't think I could stand the mother or Skokie whatever it's called!


Apparantly it's called SCOBY (per the internet) and it does look pretty slimy... So I know what you mean.

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I'm not going to operate my own still.  I know some of Bear's ancestors might've....old timey like.  :ph34r: 


Some have great success with booch.   I buy the occasional bottle.  I think one could  start guzzling gallons of it if you got started..especially on a hot summer day.  For me, those 4 gms of  sugar could easily add up if I drank a gallon.  I'm better off leaving it at the health food store for the once in a blue moon.  I'm working on a bunch of sugar avoidance.   I tick better that way.


It's alright to have imaginary pints of it on the veranda of the OF Inn with the WD30'rs. 

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It gets pretty hot out there with intense UV rays on a hot summer day.  Booch on ice would be nice.  I was married on that balcony, you know.   I pledged to be faithful when Old Faithful was faithful.  Yes.  I did.   



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Sugar avoidance.  It's been 13 months, today.  I can't say I've been missing sugar at all.  Wheat makes me sad and the wheat/sugar combo is a recipe for disaster.   I have my DNA results.  I know who and where I've come from.   Some of my ancestors died as a result of being introduced to alcohol.  My Paw can't touch a drop.   I don't drink either.  I've never smoked.   I watched what both of those habits did to my family.   It got them nowhere good.   


Wheat makes me feel wretched.  Like old Tom Dooley,  I want to hang my head like a cat that is mesmerized by its water bowl.   The reaction is so immediate....within minutes,  I want to sob my head off.   I'm not a bawl baby but the tears won't stop when I eat wheat.   The sugar/wheat combo is so addictive.   It truly is like crack as Nadia says.   Everything is highly engineered to be craved.


Food is a business and it's all about the marketing.   Food is no longer about health.


We have to choose the path we're going to take way beyond 30 Whole days.   Choose life or choose food misery.  It's not for sissies or the faint of heart.  It takes WANT power.  So much so, that you have to want quality of life over immediate gratification that only lasts about 3 minutes.

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Won't power is Groundhog Day.   Won't power is self-defeating.   Won't power needs to be pulled along like a stubborn mule that has closed its' ears and refuses to listen to sound advice.   Won't power pretends that they're doing a Whole 30 when actually they're still dieting.


Doing what you've always done will get you what you've always gotten.   Won't power tells a Moderator...I don't need your gentle nudges or tweaks...I'm going to diet and do it my way.   Won't power tells everyone to get off of their lily pad.


Won't power will get you nowhere good.   Won't power will leave you shipwrecked or stranded by the side of the road with your hood up.   Won't power refuses 50 mechanics that have driven by and offered you a ride into town while they look after your vehicle.


Won't power is muley and stubborn.   Won't power doesn't realize that they're still flying by the seat of their pants.  Pride prevents them from listening to sound advice.     A Whole 30 institutes some extra structure vs. the loosey goosey approach to everything.  It's only 30 days.


It's so easy to slide off of the goose and land in a pile of extra pounds or heartache when you do what you've always done.   It takes humility and honesty with one's self to set pride aside and listen.



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Amen MeadowLily

All of the above Won't power is Ashley

Hiney kicks

Want power is here on this thread we take it all in like a sponge It's invaluable what we've learned in the past 6 weeks

You my friend congratulations on one year plus one month sugar free! That's huge accomplishment Why? Want Power everyday nonstop want power

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Now let's set a while with an icy Booch on those well worn down to comfortable benches and take in the view Let's reminisce about your beautiful ceremony and all good things About the time we were out on the Lake and that noise groaned up Took Kelli and LissFish right out of their laughing fit I just stared and said "Is that all?"

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MeGA ... I'm so sore today. Hurried home from work to walk the pup and get the muscles moving but we didn't get to walk very long before the rain started. Felt good though! 


Found something for all you Booch drinkers!!! 


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I'm sorry you are sore that's no fun just trying to walk straight! Make sure you give yourself enough time to heal before the next time

Yes we need that rain

Booch I've honestly never tried it I'm guessing it tastes something like iced tea? I'll try anything once lol I'm not making that scooby doo thingy (Scoby) yuk!

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I weighed myself today... bleh. I also did my measurements. Just wanted to see where I was at going into this July 1 new start even though I didn't sign up in the thread. Just want to be able to record all my wins at the end of the month. Now the scale is happily back in my cowboys bathroom. For the next 30 days.  :ph34r:

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Good for you I did finally weigh in too the other day and now that reminds me to measure ew

But I'll do it once

I'm not drinking Booch if I'm gonna get a kick it'll be a noncompliant one post W30 and if I get this right this time I'll have one

Yup hamstrings ugh that's tight Have you slightly stretched at all? Sometimes they're so painful id go up sideways and down too

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Yes I stretched a bit. I'm trying to here at work as well. Sitting, standing and bending while working. I might pull out a yoga dvd tonight though! I'm more excited about measurements than weight. Haha. I started wearing a waist trimmer while at work to see if that makes any difference. I know a few people that said it works. We'll see. 

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I think Kombucha tastes a little bit like apple cider vinegar. No sweetness to it to me at all. I do really like it but have to stop DH from stocking it in the house. He has developed a taste for it. Right now we have it very occationsally one every couple of weeks or so.


It starts out as brewed tea with sugar and then is fermented which removes the sugar content.

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Well my boys are all packed up & on the road....  :( 

Thankfully the sun made an appearance as promised and it turned out like proper summer weather - here's hoping it stays that way until they get back - there's nothing worse than camping in the rain. One time many years ago when my ex and I were still together it rained non-stop for so long that we took our valuables, zipped up our tent, & gave the park ranger the heads up that we'd be back to take down the tent when the rain had stopped.....  :D 

These days I opt for wooden camping pods out in the woods - we call it glamping - glamorous camping. You still have trek to the loo in the middle of the night though!!  :ph34r: 

Got a store bought rotisserie chicken for handiness for tea tonight. After the power cut yesterday I wasn't going to risk the chicken I'd cooked. I'm regretting that now as the store bought one was more than I pay, smaller than I normally buy, and didn't taste half as good as my own. I won't be doing that again in a hurry.

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Got a store bought rotisserie chicken for handiness for tea tonight. After the power cut yesterday I wasn't going to risk the chicken I'd cooked. I'm regretting that now as the store bought one was more than I pay, smaller than I normally buy, and didn't taste half as good as my own. I won't be doing that again in a hurry.


Sorry about the boys being gone... I know you will miss them. I have looked a few of the rotisserie chickens and they have flour added... maybe we only do that kind of thing in the States. Silly, us.

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LissFish the measurements mean more to me too than that dummy scale I've thrown out quite a few over the years!

Kelli if that Kombucha Tastes like ACV then I may think about trying some I know my husband would like it because he drinks the ACV in water everyday We will look for it next time I'm in Whole Foods market

Jmcbn what to say about the boys.. I know it doesn't get easier after their grown either I still miss them and they have their own lives It's just being a Mom I guess

Miss Meadow must be a busy bee more than usual today Just know it's not the same around here with some of the buds missing from the roses You can't be here all the time cuz you

Have a life lol Where's Dream GAgal Laurie April

Espie Dave ???? We are thinking of you too!

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Booch tastes like apple cider vinegar, soda water and yes,  I can taste the sugar.   All of it.  If there's more than 4 gms,  like the Mango one....tastes super sweet.     One bottle of Mango has 20 gms sugar.  If all of the sugar magically disappeared, it wouldn't be listed on the bottle.  I think it's really there.  I can taste it.  If I started making my own, I'd have no idea how much sugar was in there.  I've been working on sugar avoidance so my tuning fork resonates at a constant high pitch when my teeth and tongue strike up against a food object with sugar.   It does not emit a pure musical tone but I start hitting some serious sour notes.   


If I had it under the sink or down in the basement,  I might be swilling it by the gallon.  I can't go there.   MegaG would find me in a stupor, loaded to the gills and three sheets to the wind on my own hooch booch.  Maybe my alcohol content could end up higher than the store brand and  I might drink a bathtub full of it.   Only the Shadow knows.  :ph34r: So, I'll leave it to the experts and dip my toe in, once in a blue moon. 

  • Serving Size 8 fl oz.
  • Servings Per Container 2
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories 50
  • Calories from Fat 0
  • % Daily Value*
  • Total Fat 0g 0%
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 10mg 1%
  • Total Carbohydrate 12g (3%)
  • Sugar 10g
  • Protein 0g
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The cranberry and other compliant ones have 4 gms sugar per bottle. 


  • Serving Size 8 fl oz.
  • Servings Per Container 2
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories 30
  • Calories from Fat 0
  • % Daily Value*
  • Total Fat 0g 0%
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 10mg 1%
  • Total Carbohydrate 7g (2%)
  • Sugar 2g
  • Protein 0g
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