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big cheat...big pain


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Well, I made it to day 19 with no problems.  I was following along the timeline predictions pretty well, except I ended up with a virus that took a couple weeks so I never got the energy boost!  Bummer, but still hanging in there.  Then I had to run out of work and jump in the car for a two day road trip, very unprepared.  I made it up the road a couple of hours to the next town and had to stop to grab a bite.  I passed the mcdonalds and taco bell and chose a baked chicken, cut up veggies and some fruit at the store.  I ate the chicken.  I filled up with gas so fast, I could barely stay in the car. I don't know what was in there, but I thought it was an awfully violent reaction to a probable cross contamination!  I am talking ballon bloating with pain. On the way back I said, WTH and grabbed some chips for the road. I know, slow learner, right? It took me two days to recover. I thought I was actually going to have to wake my husband up and have him take me to the hospital the gas hurt so bad. Not romantic. Some gas x helped considerably.  Day 2 again and I am wondering what the heck happened?  Is this a typical phyisicall response to a cheat? I am guessing I am more sensitive to something then I ever knew but have no idea what.  Insight anyone?

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Keep in mind a lot of times "chicken" at a store on the go isn't actually chicken.  It's been processed and thrown full of fillers etc.  (Subway grilled chicken is a perfect example of this.) If it's one of those whole chickens - they very often are injected with things to keep them moist etc.  Very often they will cause stomach upset.


Without knowing the ingredients of something - it is hard to call out anything.


And keep in mind that everyone reactions to things are different.  On day 27 of my second whole 30 my SO and I went out for breakfast.  I inquired about many things but forgot to ask about the cooking oil.  What ensued afterwards was 3 - 4 hours of stabbing stomach pain.  Still to this day I don't know what caused that.  I have not had a reaction similar to this since.

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This why reintros are so very important.  That way you will know what affects you in what way.  It is all learning experiences.


Do I eat out less than I used to?  Yes - because I actually enjoy my home cooked food way better than a restaurant meal.  Very often I leave restaurants having consumed an entire meal and still feeling hungry.  If that's the worse thing that can happen.... I'm okay with it.


Everything we eat is all based on choices.... Do I eat whole 30 all the time?  No.  Why?  Because life does get in the way.  Generally I make the best choices with what's available to me.  If I am travelling or going somewhere special - then yes I will indulge a bit more.  Because I have done proper re-intros I know the worst thing that is going to happen for me.


For me a grocery store rotisserie chicken will cause me to get bloated and give me a roseacea flare.  Can I live with this?  Yes.  Because I know it will pass in a few days.  Dairy on the other hand is not worth it on so many levels.  So unless the something that is on the menu is super special (or I know I can eat it with minimal issues) it is off the menu.


But I am able to make these choices based on the information that the whole 30 gave to me.  If I make the choice to go off plan - then I made the choice to go off plan - I know the general ramifications ahead of time.  There are no fears - there is simply choice.

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This why reintros are so very important.  That way you will know what affects you in what way.  It is all learning experiences.


Do I eat out less than I used to?  Yes - because I actually enjoy my home cooked food way better than a restaurant meal.  Very often I leave restaurants having consumed an entire meal and still feeling hungry.  If that's the worse thing that can happen.... I'm okay with it.


Everything we eat is all based on choices.... Do I eat whole 30 all the time?  No.  Why?  Because life does get in the way.  Generally I make the best choices with what's available to me.  If I am travelling or going somewhere special - then yes I will indulge a bit more.  Because I have done proper re-intros I know the worst thing that is going to happen for me.


For me a grocery store rotisserie chicken will cause me to get bloated and give me a roseacea flare.  Can I live with this?  Yes.  Because I know it will pass in a few days.  Dairy on the other hand is not worth it on so many levels.  So unless the something that is on the menu is super special (or I know I can eat it with minimal issues) it is off the menu.


But I am able to make these choices based on the information that the whole 30 gave to me.  If I make the choice to go off plan - then I made the choice to go off plan - I know the general ramifications ahead of time.  There are no fears - there is simply choice.

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I am glad you mentioned you don't eat Whole30 100% of the time....That relieves my guilt!    :-)  I try to eat by the program most of the time because I feel so much  better....when I do go off program for a treat or special occasion, I can really tell what foods have a negative reaction for me......Choices are very important and as long as I know the consequence of eating a particular food is, I feel more empowered and in control of my nutrition. I have control over my food choices..not food/cravings has control over my choices! 

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I am glad you mentioned you don't eat Whole30 100% of the time....That relieves my guilt!    :-)  I try to eat by the program most of the time because I feel so much  better....when I do go off program for a treat or special occasion, I can really tell what foods have a negative reaction for me......Choices are very important and as long as I know the consequence of eating a particular food is, I feel more empowered and in control of my nutrition. I have control over my food choices..not food/cravings has control over my choices! 


Almost no one eats Whole30 100% of the time in life after their Whole30, and there's really no need to feel guilty about it. Use what you've learned on W30 to make the best decisions you can, and if you start to feel out of control, come back to Whole30 eating for a while -- maybe not a full-blown W30, maybe just a Whole7 or Whole15, to get yourself back on track.


You might want to read this series of Dear Melissa: How Do You Eat? (That links to part 1, at the bottom of that part there's a link to part 2, and at the bottom of it, a link to part 3.)  There's also information in the Life After Your Whole30 section of the website.

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"In addition, while the Whole30 is totally doable for a 30, 60, or 90 day period, it wasn’t designed to be a part of your everyday life forever. You may wish to permanently eliminate some of the really ugly things the Whole30 leaves out (like gluten), but you also may discover that other technically off-plan foods (like vanilla extract, cooking wine, or chewing gum) probably aren’t that big a deal once in a while. This is all a part of taking what you learned on the program (awareness, label-reading skills, and self-examination) and applying these things in the real world, in your own individual context.


Finally, and most important, doing the Whole30 for the rest of your life would completely elimininate the opportunity to indulge in some truly extraordinary, truly special off-plan foods. Think fresh pasta in Italy, the homemade birthday cake your co-workers made, a champagne toaste at your best friend’s wedding, or Gram’s famous baklava at Christmas… these are times when you at least want the option to choose to indulge. I’m not saying you would have to eat or drink those things, I’m just saying I’d want you to feel like you could if you wanted to.


Remember, at some point, you have to take the things you’ve learned on the program out into the real world, and make your own decisions about what you think is “worth it” or not. If you never practice—if you always use the rules of the Whole30 to make those decisions for you—you are never truly riding your own bike. Not to mention, you’ll probably miss out on some pretty amazing culinary, social, or family opportunities because of our rules."


- See more at: http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-forever/#sthash.3NNSyi87.dpuf

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