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Sweet Leaf Tea (Lemon & Lime Unsweet Tea)


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Hi! First post. I just started my Whole30 today and am excited about it, but fear an accidental slip. My sister and her husband completed their first Whole30 earlier this month and are providing me with a good support group, but I figured I'd expand my support network and join the forums!


What I foresee being my biggest challenge will be giving up sodas. They are how I get my caffeine and I was happy to see that the plan allows coffee and tea since I would almost inevitably get a caffeine headache (but perhaps thats one of the points of the plan!).  Anyway, I was just writing to find out if a tea is compliant.  The company is called Sweet Leaf Tea.  They make a Lemon & Lime Unsweet Tea.  The ingredient list is what confused me.  Here's what it says:


Ingredients: Water, Black Tea Concentrate, Natural Flavors, Natural Tea Essence, Citric Acid.


From what I've been able to gather on the forums natural flavors shouldn't be a deal breaker. My main question comes about "Natural Tea Essence". In my search I didn't see any definitive statement on "natural tea essence". I was just hoping to get clarification on whether or not natural essences were permissible. The company makes really good tea and I'd like to buy it if it is compliant so I get a tea that is already containing the lemon & lime flavors.  Thanks in advance for the help!


Here's a link to the product: http://www.sweetleaftea.com/flavors/zero-calorie-teas/lemon-lime-unsweet-tea

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This is fine, but I would encourage you to move to brewing your own teas and not buying it in a bottle. Not only will you save a lot of money that way, but you will open the door to lots of flavors. Look for compliant herbal teas for a new world of flavor. Lots of grocery store herbal teas contain soy lecithin, which makes them not okay for a Whole30, but there are hundreds of choices available when you look for them. 

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Thanks for the responses!

Tom: I never really thought much about brewing my own tea in large batches. I figured I'd be better about brewing a cup at a time when I started this journey. Who knows, by the end I might just make myself large batches on the regular!

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I have an ice tea pot -- think of like a coffee pot -- that brews over ice, and makes up to a gallon at a time. I make one every day or so using herbal tea so I can drink it all day long. Course I do drink plain water too, but I love that tea pot-- specially when it gets hot! 

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For iced tea, you can put a few tea bags (whatever kind you like) in a pitcher or jar of water in the fridge for a few hours -- this article talks about how long to leave some flavors, but I usually just throw a couple of tea bags in a quart-sized mason jar, stick a lid on it, put it in the fridge overnight. If it's too strong, I water it down -- some flavors seem to get stronger than others.

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