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Raw vegetables problems


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Hi I found out that after eating raw vegetables I feel bloating and I have stomach aches. Does anyone else have problems with it? So I am eating cooked vegetables now but will it get better after Whole 30? I am afraid these is less vitamins in cooked vegetables. Thank you.

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cooked veggies are nutritious and good for you, so don't worry if that works better for you right now. Some veggies, like starchy veggies (sweet potato, squash, potato, etc.) and crucifers (broccoli, kale, etc.) are better for you cooked.


Things may improve over time too, so you could consider adding back a small amount of raw veggies to test after a while.

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Some veggies are more nutritious with cooking, carrots are an example of this. The cooking breaks them down a little to free the nutrients which are hard to get to raw. Just don't boil anything to a pulp and you will be fine.



Hi I found out that after eating raw vegetables I feel bloating and I have stomach aches. Does anyone else have problems with it? So I am eating cooked vegetables now but will it get better after Whole 30? I am afraid these is less vitamins in cooked vegetables. Thank you.

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