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Day 65 and still having intestinal issues

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I started a Whole 90 back in July. I'm on day 65 and the last month has been horrible. The first month I only had IBS issues when I ate out. If I ate at home my BM (sorry) was harder and stronger and I finished it easily. This is such a gross conversation. But after the first month I started having sludge and mucousy and diarrhea BMs a lot more often. I just started school three weeks ago and can barely concentrate because of I'm so uncomfortable. I have a ton of painful gas and then horrible explosive BMs all day long. They usually start after breakfast and don't end until bed time. I've eaten basically the same things for ninety days and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did a Whole 45 two years ago and never had this kind of problem. I'm used to a Whole 30 fixing my issues, not making them worse. I read an article on Whole 9 about digestive enzymes and have been taking the Jarrow formula that was suggested. Today is my forth day and I had diarrhea earlier this morning. I only had one day out of four were I had a normal BM and felt hopeful. I don't know if I should up my dose or ride it out?


Here's what I have been eating:



M1: two eggs, prosciutto, zucchini, cooked in coconut oil, coconut oil in coffee

M2: sardines and raw bell pepper with olive oil

M3: chicken and sweet potato with compliant mayo



M1: two eggs, half bell pepper (cooked in coconut oil), and prosciutto, coffee with coconut oil

M2: cooked carrots and brussel sprouts with ground pork and compliant bacon and guacamole

Snack - nuts

M3: chicken soup, potato latkes, brisket, cooked carrots and potatoes



M1: two eggs, half bell pepper, guacamole,coffee with coconut oil


I definitely do not drink enough water. I weigh 200lbs and before this Whole 90 started I was drinking a gallon a day of BCAAs and now probably drink 64 ounces a day. I am still having a hard time getting water in without the flavor of the BCAAs. 


I don't know what to do. I feel like my food is pretty consistent. I do have a sort of IBS and have noticed that spinach - cooked or raw - does not get digested. Raw vegetables are hard for me to digest so as much as I can I try and cook them. I don't drink a ton of bubbly water but i do have a can of Lacroix every few days. I drink kombucha and eat sauerkraut and I don't know what else to do.


Any advice would be awesome! Thank you :)

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I would start by dropping the brussel sprouts, nuts and raw veggies (all can cause digestive issues for some) and making sure you're getting 1/2 an ounce of water per pound of body weight, daily.

Also, in some cases, I'm not sure you're eating enough.

- When eggs are your sole protein, the serving size is the number of whole eggs you can hold in one hand without dropping them. For most folks, that's 3-4 eggs.

- Get in 1-3 cups of veggies per meal.

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I usually eat 3 eggs, this last week though its gone down to 2, I'll bring it back up to three. I'm definitely going to try and up my veggies. I usually stuck to the 1 cup end of the portion just cause that kept me satiated till the next meal. I was also worried about how to eat that many veggies without being sick.


The Jarrow digestive enzymes I'm taking say to take one per meal, so I take one before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I'm not sure if I should start upping those doses. That Whole 9 article said to increase them with three days in between until you find a dose that works for you. Should I do that now? Or give this first round a week to work?


My real issue is that a lot of these vegetables I used to be able to eat raw and since starting this Whole 90 I've developed an issue with a lot of them even after switching to cooked.


And I just poured myself a big glass of water so I'm going to try and get to 100 ounces today... 

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Don't hesitate to purchase and use an over the counter anti-diarrhea medication. I used to have a problem with diarrhea and never stopped a cycle without taking medication.
I stopped having a problem after my doctor figured out that I was especially sensitive to the magnesium citrate in Natural Calm. I started taking a magnesium aspartate supplement instead and my diarrhea problems stopped immediately.
I would not assume that you need digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are important if you have not been eating meat or fat for a long time and your gut has down-regulated the bacteria it needs to digest them. Probiotics, however, may be what you need. http://whole9life.com/2012/04/probiotics-101/


My favorite probiotic is Prescript-Assist. I buy it from Amazon.com. I am currently testing the probiotic supplement that Mark's Daily Apple sells and it seems to be a good one. 

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Alex, I have suffered with bowel disease for years. Whole30 has been a Godsend in controlling my symptoms and I am grateful for it. Even so, sometimes it is possible to get an infection no matter how good you are or how well you eat. Diarrhea for more than a few days isn't good. If I were you and it continued on I would see a doctor.

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Alex - I totally, totally feel your pain (and discomfort) - I could have been writing your post January of this year.


Here are some observations / things that I found helped.


Are you particularly stressed over anything specific at the moment?  If you naturally have IBS or IBS type symptoms - stress can exacerbate the symptoms and make them very apparent.  So try to do something that you really enjoy to bring down the stress levels.  


Start consuming bone broth - whether it be on its own or in a blended soup - it will seriously help with the diarrhea and overall gut distress. 


Start cooking with ginger or make ginger tea - again ginger is well known for soothing the stomach and gut.  Mint too. I love a mint tea before bed.  Ginger tea I like to drink after lunch.


Drop all raw veggies. Eat veggies cooked.


Possibly think about doing low FODMAP whole 30. Here is a copy of the shopping list: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-FODMAP.pdf


If not completely low FODMAP - reduce the amount of FODMAPs

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Don't hesitate to purchase and use an over the counter anti-diarrhea medication. I used to have a problem with diarrhea and never stopped a cycle without taking medication.
I stopped having a problem after my doctor figured out that I was especially sensitive to the magnesium citrate in Natural Calm. I started taking a magnesium aspartate supplement instead and my diarrhea problems stopped immediately.
I would not assume that you need digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are important if you have not been eating meat or fat for a long time and your gut has down-regulated the bacteria it needs to digest them. Probiotics, however, may be what you need. http://whole9life.com/2012/04/probiotics-101/


My favorite probiotic is Prescript-Assist. I buy it from Amazon.com. I am currently testing the probiotic supplement that Mark's Daily Apple sells and it seems to be a good one. 



Tom this is very interesting because it seems to have gotten much worse once I started taking PurePharmas three pack with Fish Oil, Vitamin D, and magnesium. I wonder if the magnesium could be the issue. Also, I thought I was getting enough probiotics from the kombucha and sauerkraut and thought maybe my issues could be from having eaten SAD for so many years that I lacked the enzymes needed to digest certain things. I'm going to look into those probiotics though thank you!

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Alex, I have suffered with bowel disease for years. Whole30 has been a Godsend in controlling my symptoms and I am grateful for it. Even so, sometimes it is possible to get an infection no matter how good you are or how well you eat. Diarrhea for more than a few days isn't good. If I were you and it continued on I would see a doctor.


I have a doctor appointment on the 10th so if this doesn't end I'm going to bring it up.


Alex - I totally, totally feel your pain (and discomfort) - I could have been writing your post January of this year.


Here are some observations / things that I found helped.


Are you particularly stressed over anything specific at the moment?  If you naturally have IBS or IBS type symptoms - stress can exacerbate the symptoms and make them very apparent.  So try to do something that you really enjoy to bring down the stress levels.  


Start consuming bone broth - whether it be on its own or in a blended soup - it will seriously help with the diarrhea and overall gut distress. 


Start cooking with ginger or make ginger tea - again ginger is well known for soothing the stomach and gut.  Mint too. I love a mint tea before bed.  Ginger tea I like to drink after lunch.


Drop all raw veggies. Eat veggies cooked.


Possibly think about doing low FODMAP whole 30. Here is a copy of the shopping list: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-FODMAP.pdf


If not completely low FODMAP - reduce the amount of FODMAPs


Well, I'm in law school, so that's definitely stressful, but not as bad since eating this way. I do notice that a lot of the cramping and stuff starts around classes and ends when I'm done or an hour later, but I get sick on the weekends too. Its weird. I have been drinking more bone broth but now I'll try a cup a day and all those teas too. Thank you so much! I'm going to check out the FODMAPs diet. This is so frustrating cause I went from eating real crap to eating a super restrictive diet that has helped every other aspect of my life, but I've got worse intestinal issues now. 


Thank you for all the suggestions! 

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 This is so frustrating cause I went from eating real crap to eating a super restrictive diet that has helped every other aspect of my life, but I've got worse intestinal issues now. 



Yep - I hear you on this point too.  I have gone through this phase too.


However - I am also healthier overall than I was before.  


I did throw a bit a mental tantrum when I discovered than I have many more food sensitivities than just the standard ones that we eliminate from the basic whole 30 (I need to follow closer to a AIP and low FODMAP style) Which leaves me with cucumber, zucchini, leafy greens, and some starchy veg - and on top of this I hate cucumber (practically one of the only veggies that I hate).


But I was 100% relieved when I was able to see the skin on my hands finally get clear - no longer rough, chapped and wrinkly - my joint pain go away, and my chronic bloating go away.


So when you figure out what you parameters are - eating this way will be worth it.  But sometimes it takes a while to find the puzzle pieces.

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Yep - I hear you on this point too.  I have gone through this phase too.


However - I am also healthier overall than I was before.  


I did throw a bit a mental tantrum when I discovered than I have many more food sensitivities than just the standard ones that we eliminate from the basic whole 30 (I need to follow closer to a AIP and low FODMAP style) Which leaves me with cucumber, zucchini, leafy greens, and some starchy veg - and on top of this I hate cucumber (practically one of the only veggies that I hate).


But I was 100% relieved when I was able to see the skin on my hands finally get clear - no longer rough, chapped and wrinkly - my joint pain go away, and my chronic bloating go away.


So when you figure out what you parameters are - eating this way will be worth it.  But sometimes it takes a while to find the puzzle pieces.


That's a good way to think about it. I just bought the probiotics Tom suggested and I'm going to probably do them with the digestive enzymes. And I guess I'll spend this round of the ninety sticking to low FODMAP. Its interesting cause I eat everything in grey on that chart and get sick...so I guess its true. It sucks though. But at least if I prepare like I am now and just swap out some veggies I should be okay. I am also healthier overall than when I started. And I have just been assuming this intestinal distress is par for the course. We'll see how things go. 


I also upped my water today and veggies and I feel okay. I also brought imodium so if I need it I have it. 


Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! 

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Hey, Alex!


I wanted to chime in and let you know that I had a similar experience.  I did a Whole45 last year and after Day 32(ish), things started getting worse with my GI tract.  Then, this year, I did a Whole60 and for the second half of it, although other areas of my life improved, my GI issues came back again!  At the end of both of these, I also felt bloated again and like I had gained some weight back.


There are certain foods that I think give me issues.  Nightshades are definitely a problem, and cruciferous vegetables could be a culprit as well.  I'm afraid certain FODMAP fruits may be causing issues too.


I'm on Day 2 of another Whole30 now, if I continue on, I wonder what will happen...  I'm curious to see how things are going for you at the end of your 90 days.

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I've had some recent digestive distress issues which I thought I'd resolved by eliminating wheat, rice and minimising tomatoes over my whole 30 rounds. I read all the fodmap stuff and realised I'd been eating a lot of m3 leftovers for m1. My m3s tend to contain a lot of onion and garlic. I've stopped that, and also eliminated onions from my m2,and dropped the quantity I use in cooking m3. Feeling much better. Seems I can handle some, but onions and garlic 3 meals a day was just too much and causing me lots of pain and bloating. It's certainly a process!!

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Hey, Alex!


I wanted to chime in and let you know that I had a similar experience.  I did a Whole45 last year and after Day 32(ish), things started getting worse with my GI tract.  Then, this year, I did a Whole60 and for the second half of it, although other areas of my life improved, my GI issues came back again!  At the end of both of these, I also felt bloated again and like I had gained some weight back.


There are certain foods that I think give me issues.  Nightshades are definitely a problem, and cruciferous vegetables could be a culprit as well.  I'm afraid certain FODMAP fruits may be causing issues too.


I'm on Day 2 of another Whole30 now, if I continue on, I wonder what will happen...  I'm curious to see how things are going for you at the end of your 90 days.


Hi Raven! It's so disheartening to feel awful towards the end of such a long fight. I have been better the last two weeks. Still a lot of gas and I'm starting to wonder if its my pants digging into my gut...I havent lost any more weight though which is a bummer but I feel like once I figure out this digestive stuff it'll get better quickly and fall right off again. Hopefully its the same for you. I have been trying relatively low FODMAP and I think that's helping. I cook all my vegetables now and that also helps. But my digestive health isn't consistent. I'm going to keep going. I have 19 days left and hopefully by the end of it I'll be feeling better. But I'm also going to be doing Whole 30 approved meals for a while to see if it is just taking me longer. I have a feeling its just taking me longer cause of how sick my gut was. I started pickling. I made my first pickled carrots and radishes yesterday and hopefully - if they come out well - that will be a regular occurrence so I'll always have some ferments to help me. 

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