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Starting on Jan 1


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So awesome to see so many like-minded people!  I learned about Whole30 a couple of days ago, did some research, and landed here. 


I will be starting my first Whole30 on Jan 1st as well.


I am not expecting it to be easy, but seeing all the enthusiasm on this forum is making me excited and motivated!  :)

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I'm starting my first Whole30 on Jan 1. I'm starting out by doing a Whole30 compliant menu from onceamonthmeals so I'll have compliant food ready to heat up and eat in my freezer. This way there will be less temptation to do a simple standby of a peanut butter sandwich on days when I get home late from work and don't have the time/energy to cook. The recipes look really tasty - I'm starting to look forward to it.

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I'd like to join you ladies for 1/1. I won't be doing a strict Whole30 as my original showed me what foods I'm sensitive too and not. However, I want to spend the time focusing on all of the other aspects, and learning to balance those "other" foods in my meal choices. So I won't discuss those foods, but in all other aspects, I'm in too!


My goals:

  • Eat Breakfast!
  • Drink Water
  • Get Sleep
  • Eat meals, not snacks and not drink meals (morning latte, I'm looking at you)


I'm also looking forward to re-establishing my water kefir and ferments. Good thing the ferments have kept in the cabinet, I bet they're about ready to eat anyway. :)

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I'm starting Jan 1 for my first Whole30! Super excited to start this new adventure and have a healthy happy 2016!  


After trying and failing at paleo a few times due to sugar and carb cravings, I'm determined to take my health into my own hands and break the endless cycle I'm in.  Looking forward to starting with you all!

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Starting second W30 on Jan 1. Did my first in October and it was a humbling experience. Looking forward to seeing how this one will differ from last time. My biggest issues are totally kicking the sugar habit. I am pretty minimal with it, 85-90 percent serving dark chocolate most nights. I will also limit myself to one dried fig or date nightly as well but it is still enough to keep my sugar dragon alive. My other issues are not over relying on nuts, eggs, and coconut AND dropping that afternoon cup of coffee that I tend to crutch on which believe it or not was a habit I picked up doing the last W30 that stuck. Between 2pm-5pm are my least fave hours of day.


Good Luck everyone. Looking forward to all the motivation.

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Count me in! This will be my 3rd official W30, but I ate a modified W30 for 8 months after having my baby. I gave myself permission to eat off-plan at Thanksgiving, and that leaked into the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and now I NEED a reset so I'm doing a strict W30 again, although I know certain foods (peas, oats, sauces with some added sugar) don't bother me. But I need the structure again! Good luck everyone! I believe this truly is the healthiest way to eat.

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Hi All! I'm also looking forward to kicking off my first-ever Whole30 on Jan. 1st!


Must admit that the 'Whole30 Timeline' kinda scares me... 'Kill All the Things'!? :huh: Uh-oh, might be a few days before I'm a fun person to be around. Yikes! 


Please help me hang in there, we can all do this which each others support! 


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Super excited to start Jan 1! I'm a why wait til tomorrow kinda gal and despise new year's resolutions for that same reason! I have always been an everything in moderation subscriber, but am really excited to try this. I have a massive sweet tooth and expect this program will lead to major withdrawl... but I don't think I could make the commitment to cut sugar otherwise. Any other beginners affraid of the no sugar thing? Any seasoned w30 vets have any suggestions for how to curb cravings?

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Super excited to start Jan 1! I'm a why wait til tomorrow kinda gal and despise new year's resolutions for that same reason! I have always been an everything in moderation subscriber, but am really excited to try this. I have a massive sweet tooth and expect this program will lead to major withdrawl... but I don't think I could make the commitment to cut sugar otherwise. Any other beginners affraid of the no sugar thing? Any seasoned w30 vets have any suggestions for how to curb cravings?


To curb cravings, make sure you're eating enough at meals -- many people, especially if they come from a background of counting calories or fat grams or points or whatever, will subconsciously continue to not eat enough. Drink plenty of water (aim for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so if you weigh 120 lbs, aim for at least 60 oz of water).


If you're truly hungry, eat. Ideally, you'd eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, and then eat every 4-5 hours or so after that (plus pre- and post-workout meals as needed), for most people that's three meals a day, but if you work long hours, it may be more. It's best not to snack between meals, but especially at first, as you're getting used to this way of eating, you may be hungry between meals, and if you're truly hungry, not just craving stuff or in the habit of eating something at certain times, go ahead and have a mini-meal of protein, fat, and vegetables.


If you have a craving, and you're pretty sure you're not actually hungry, find something to take your mind off of it. Go for a walk, wash the dishes, call a friend, read a book, work on a craft project, journal, play with your pets or kids, do a crossword puzzle, clean out your junk drawer, just something to distract yourself for a while. If it's just a craving, usually that will be enough to get you past it, since cravings usually won't last more than a few minutes. If distracting yourself doesn't work and you really must eat something, have a little something -- some olives, a hard boiled egg, leftovers, pickles. If you're craving sweet things, definitely do not have fruit by itself, that will just leave you craving more sweets.

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Super excited to start Jan 1! I'm a why wait til tomorrow kinda gal and despise new year's resolutions for that same reason! I have always been an everything in moderation subscriber, but am really excited to try this. I have a massive sweet tooth and expect this program will lead to major withdrawl... but I don't think I could make the commitment to cut sugar otherwise. Any other beginners affraid of the no sugar thing? Any seasoned w30 vets have any suggestions for how to curb cravings?

FAT.  The answer, my friend, is fat.  Craving sweets?  Stick a few olives in your mouth, or a spoonful of homemade mayo.  Whatever you do, DON'T eat something sweet!  It will only make your cravings worse.  I used to always feel that I needed something sweet to "finish" a meal.  A helpful member here suggested I try a few salty olives instead.  It closes the meal just as nicely!


They really do go away if you stick to eating the recommended template meals.  Be wary of fruit (yes, healthy and delicious and packed with nutrients).  It will take on a surprising level of sweetness when you strip all other sweeteners away.  Just don't eat it by itself.  Consider it as a lovely addition to a template meal; don't ever let it replace vegetables on your plate.  You  may need to play around with timing of fruit, as well.  I'm best having my fruit in the beginning of the day (an orange with my breakfast); others find that this sets them up for sugar cravings and they think they are starving by mid-morning.  Experiment and find what works for you within the parameters of the program.


Fruit and nuts are probably one of the worst snacks to have (I hate that an apple and almonds are listed in the Timeline as a snack on Day1) because they can cause the same hormonal reaction once ingested as a candy bar.  Certainly more nutritious than a candy bar, but once those hormones get ahold of your brain, they can worsen cravings.


I really like the concept of everything in moderation, but I had to learn the hard way that it needs to be "everything in moderation except sweeteners."  No form of sugar, not ever for me.  No honey, no maple syrup, no agave nectar...you get the picture. 


Good luck!  Don't be scared; be excited!  Good things are coming!



-Lauren (GGG)

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I'm in! I did one a couple of years ago and it was amazing. Since then I have struggled to complete another Whole 30, but I am getting older and fatter and it's time. My husband and I get a meat share from a local farm, so I am going to pull out some stuff today to defrost and cook tomorrow in preparation for the 1st.

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Super excited to start Jan 1! I'm a why wait til tomorrow kinda gal and despise new year's resolutions for that same reason! I have always been an everything in moderation subscriber, but am really excited to try this. I have a massive sweet tooth and expect this program will lead to major withdrawl... but I don't think I could make the commitment to cut sugar otherwise. Any other beginners affraid of the no sugar thing? Any seasoned w30 vets have any suggestions for how to curb cravings?



Definitely follow the meal template and don't be afraid to eat.  This isn't a 'diet' so don't worry about calories, just make sure you are eating compliant food. Don't try to skimp on portion sizes or on your fats.  I think this definitely helped me on my first Whole 30.  I was a sugar junkie before I started the W30 and I was definitely intimidated by the program but knew I NEEDED it.  The first couple days I struggled with the sugar dragon but it gets easier as long as you are eating the right foods and following the template.  Since I finished my first W30 in Sept I've been about 90% W30 up until Xmas week. Then all hell broke loose!  LOL!  


This forum is awesome!  It definitely helped me along the way. It's great to hear about everyone's successes, tips, ideas, etc.  It's also nice to know there are others that are struggling with some of the same challenges and can understand where you're coming from and help you through them.

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Super excited to start Jan 1! I'm a why wait til tomorrow kinda gal and despise new year's resolutions for that same reason! I have always been an everything in moderation subscriber, but am really excited to try this. I have a massive sweet tooth and expect this program will lead to major withdrawl... but I don't think I could make the commitment to cut sugar otherwise. Any other beginners affraid of the no sugar thing? Any seasoned w30 vets have any suggestions for how to curb cravings?

The sugar withdrawal is brutal.  I did 3 w30's last year, Jan, May and September.  The January ones are tough for me because I indulged quite a bit from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  But because I was eating clean before the other 2 last year the withdrawal was not bad at all.  All that to say, YOU CAN DO IT!  Yes it  is tough, but it doesn't last long.  Just determine NOW that you will do this thing for 30 days and then do it.  

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Hi all,

I am starting my second W30 on Jan. 2nd and really looking forward to it. I really overindulged over the holidays and gained back a bit of the weight I lost in my June/July first W30. My allergies are worse and my sleep is not great, so back on track it is for me. The first one really opened my eyes to how the food we eat really can change how we feel and I want to feel good again. Prepping is everything. Here's to Whole30 starting our 2016!

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Hi sheiken

With you on the above - so can really empathize - I can thrown in 3 kids / FT Job and failed marriage - so get the fatigue etc

Good luck with the journey - looks like there are lots of us to help support


I'm so sorry, Zoe. Thanks for checking in & letting me know I'm not alone -- it helps me to know I'm not the only one facing some challenges, and the first, either. We can do this!

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