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Coconut flour mixed with milk thistle seed (ground) and gelatin powder


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I believe I can have these items in the correct context. I am mixing the gelatin powder in my salads, vegetables and meats....makes it gooey and I like that. Could it be bad for sibo or just an issue of compliance with whole 30 guidelines?

The coconut flour and milk thistle ground, I just put a few tablespoons of each in a bowl and eat it after lunch and dinner with a little salt on it. Could this be a problem? I would like to lose 5 to 10 lbs...could these things be a contributing problem?

Thank you


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"Compliance" for Whole30 is the yes/no food lists and following all the rules (linked below). There are no seperate compliance qualifiers for SIBO or any other medical issue. The gelatin is fine.

My question would be what purpose eating a bowl full of coconut flour is serving you? If it's a dessert like item then you should put it away for your Whole30.

Edit: Woops, sugarcubeod and I were typing at the same time.

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Hi Heaven,


We really want you to get away from the idea that you need a dessert at the end of dinner, whether it's technically compliant or not.  And you're right, this is harder than just a yes/no food list.  It's changing your relationship with food....and part of that relationship is a temporary restraining order against dessert.  :)

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Think of it this way. For 30 days, we want you to feed your body only the MOST nutritious foods possible. Imagine you are in a life or death battle against a terrible disease or threat and your only hope is to emerge as strong as possible in 30 days -- ready to fight the foe. There's no room for technically compliant foods that aren't contributing to making you MORE healthy.


You can do this!

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thanks for replying.


It is serving as a "dessert".  this is going to be harder than i thought.


I sometimes have fruit after dinner.  That is my dessert as well.  Is that allowed?


Occasionally I'll have fruit after dinner, but right after and I'm still a bit hungry. You can do this! :) 

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