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Was doing so well. Now I want to cry or quit


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Today is day 6 of my first Whole30. I'd had such high hopes and was following it to the letter. I even spit out a piece of gum the other day because I realized it had soy (!!!!) in it. I have been feeling awesome; high energy levels, eating regularly. I've had digestive issues for years that they can't seem to diagnose. But I haven't been sick at all for the past week!

Today has been the hardest day for me. I've been starving all day, and really craving Friday pizza and beer. I came home and made a taco salad with compliant taco seasoning, homemade compliant salsa and guacamole, and I was feeling so proud of myself for not giving in to temptation. An hour after dinner, I was sick as a dog. Just like normal when I eat.

I'm so discouraged!! If I'm going to get sick anyway, why not have the pizza??? I'm back to my fears about eating and getting sick and I'm worried that the thing that kept me going (not getting sick) takes away my motivation and willpower. Thanks for listening.

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First, 6 days isn't really long enough to say for sure what improvements you might end up seeing, so try to hang in there.

On days when you're particularly hungry, it's okay to eat more. Everyone has days where they're more hungry or less hungry, that's normal. Many women find that in the week or so leading up to their period, they are much hungrier than normal and find it helpful to eat more in general and more starchy vegetables in particular. I don't know if that applies to you, but something to consider.

For the getting sick after you ate, was there anything in that meal that you haven't had during the time you were feeling good? It's possible for something to be compliant but not necessarily good for you as an individual, or maybe you ate something that was a little off.

You've seen that it's possible to feel good, so try to hang in there and see if you can figure out if there is a way you can keep feeling good. If you're not already, I'd highly recommend keeping a food journal to keep track of what you're eating and any reactions you have, to try to pinpoint where the problem is.

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Maybe consider that if you were getting quite ill after every meal before, that the fact you have only gotten ill once in 6 days (18 meals), that is not a set back but a huge step forward! Give your body a chance to heal, you have 24 days left, so much can change, stick with it!

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Kimberlymp1, you might try to find a group that started around the same time you did. That's a great way to get some ideas and support on a regular basis. There are lots of members with plenty of experience to help you along. I'm on day 8 of my second W30. I feel much better when I know that there are people going through the same thing as me. It's SO worth the struggle to do this!

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Whole 30 is great for helping you to pinpoint the cause of your digestive issues. Obviously reintros are the main place for this, but just because something is compliant doesn't mean it agrees with you personally. I realised I had tummy pains whenever I ate tomatoes - especially raw ones. I have huge issues with gluten so had got used to having tummy pain after every single meal. Eliminating the gluten (and rice, which also disagrees with me) helped me pinpoint the tomatoes. I'm also learning that onions and garlic don't make my tummy happy.

It's worth noting when you get sick and seeing if there's a pattern related to what foods you are. And stick with it for 30 days plus thorough reintros. This is the way to learn how to be your healthiest.

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Stay with it. There are things happening that you can't see. I'm sure your body is just adjusting! Do not quit! I started telling people that I was doing it on facebook etc and now I feel I have to finish. Maybe that "social accountability" will help get you through some low times. Good luck!!

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