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Day 12. Feeling "ok" and Veggies


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I am on Day 12 and am feeling "ok" Honestly nothing special. This is how I typically feel when I eat healthy 80% of the time. Could this have anything to do with not getting enough veggies? I grew up a very picky eater and raw vegetables still make me want to gag. Today I tried to have a salad of spinach, tomato, cucumber and dressing and just couldnt make it happen. I gave up and only ate about 1/3 of the salad. I ended up having an egg, nut butter, strawberries and an rxbar. All in all it has left me pretty discouraged and wondering if I am capable of getting great results.


Any thoughts or feedback would be helpful!

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Raw veggies are terrible.  <-- personal opinion


Feeling "OK" is actually really good and is what many people get when they are doing Whole30.  They get a good feeling, stable mood and energy, good sleep and just generally feel.....good.  LOTS of people don't get the fireworks and flash-bangs that Tiger Blood is touted to be. And don't worry, you're only on Day 12 so it's hard to say what you'll feel like at the end.  :)


That said, you need to eat your veggies.  Try roasting a big tray of carrots, broccoli, red onion, mushrooms and baby potatoes with some salt, pepper and garlic powder.  High heat (around 450) for about 20-25 minutes.  The natural sugars in the veggies caramelize, the outsides get crispy and the insides stay soft and creamy.  Nothing like roasted veggies!  Salads aren't ideal because you need a truckload to really get any sort of bulk.  Feel free to put salads aside for now and focus on cooked veggies.  Steamed green beans tossed in sesame oil and sprinkled with sliced almonds is delightful.  Broccoli tossed in fat and then sprinkled with cumin and paprika and roasted until almost burnt is awesome,.  Sprinkle with some lemon or lime juice and eat; crispy and delicious!


You can also make homemade mayo or other dips for your veggies to dip them in, that can help at the beginning with getting used to eating more veggies.

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Raw veggies are terrible.  <-- personal opinion


Feeling "OK" is actually really good and is what many people get when they are doing Whole30.  They get a good feeling, stable mood and energy, good sleep and just generally feel.....good.  LOTS of people don't get the fireworks and flash-bangs that Tiger Blood is touted to be. And don't worry, you're only on Day 12 so it's hard to say what you'll feel like at the end.   :)


That said, you need to eat your veggies.  Try roasting a big tray of carrots, broccoli, red onion, mushrooms and baby potatoes with some salt, pepper and garlic powder.  High heat (around 450) for about 20-25 minutes.  The natural sugars in the veggies caramelize, the outsides get crispy and the insides stay soft and creamy.  Nothing like roasted veggies!  Salads aren't ideal because you need a truckload to really get any sort of bulk.  Feel free to put salads aside for now and focus on cooked veggies.  Steamed green beans tossed in sesame oil and sprinkled with sliced almonds is delightful.  Broccoli tossed in fat and then sprinkled with cumin and paprika and roasted until almost burnt is awesome,.  Sprinkle with some lemon or lime juice and eat; crispy and delicious!


You can also make homemade mayo or other dips for your veggies to dip them in, that can help at the beginning with getting used to eating more veggies.

Thank you so much! I actually loved roasted veggies and typically have those with dinner. I guess i was just under the impression that for lunch I "need" to have raw. I will roast some the night before and see how the go for lunch.


Really, thank you! Feeling alot less anxious and ready to take on the next 18 days :)

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I see SO many people here eating salads for lunch every day..... And I have no idea why.

Don't get me wrong -- I like to have a salad sometimes (it seems to go in phases, like I will want a huge salad for a few nights in a row)... But they are just not very filling, unless there is a ton of protein & fat involved.

Raw veggies cause digestive complaint for a lot of folks, too, I think. (Raising my hand)

We do a lot of stir-frying, throwing together whatever we have -- but the roasting sounds glorious, too!

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I see SO many people here eating salads for lunch every day..... And I have no idea why.

The old "diet" mindset, I think.  Bland, cold, raw, unappetizing = virtue and commitment.  Maybe?


That said, I did just have a taco salad for lunch that was covered in taco meat, black olives, guacamole etc and was the most luscious bowl of spicy, goopy goodness ever!  

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I have to be in the mood for a salad or else I just kind of poke at it and wonder why I made it in the first place. I usually have them at dinner because I really just don't like salads for lunch. It's so weird. 


I've been prepping a lot of veg so that it can be cooked up in a quick saute' whenever it's mealtime. Bell peppers, brussels sprouts (I run 'em through the shredder blade on my food processor), haricot vert, par-cook broccoli and sweet potato so they only take a couple minutes to warm through and get toasty. It's a bit of work at one time to plow through a mountain of veg, but makes busy week days so much easier

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I agree about salads- definitely all about being in the mood for it. My favorite way to have one is grilled chicken, lots of guacamole and some salsa. Or tons of curry chicken salad on top of some greens and tomatoes. I don't really bother with compliant dressings since I personally think most of them suck.

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