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Start Date August 1, 2016

Alicia C

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Breakfast every day so far-  2 eggs half an avocado, salsa, bell peppers, 2 strips of complaint bacon, nectarine 

Lunch- 2 homemade meatballs with small amount of compliant marinara on top of spinach, cucumber, and carrots (for the last three days) I made a big batch

Dinner- 2 small chicken legs with small amount of potato and sweet potato, green beans, plum 

- the two nights before were meatballs again with zucchini noodles and compliant marinara 

All meat items and veggies are cooked in olive oil

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Ditch the avocado for a few days to see how you go - it can be very problematic in terms of bloating. The other veg are low FODMAP anyways, apart form the sweet potato which would be considered moderate and may cause issues if the gut is already inflamed but unless you're having any other symptoms (gastric distress, constipation/diarrhoea) then I'd be inclined to leave them for now.

As an aside you look like you could do with more fat - you don;t mention any added fat other than at breakfast - ignore the cooking oil.

Hope this helps!

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I am still aboard. Up until this weekend I have been feeling great. On Saturday my husband and I went for a walk and I started getting really light headed and over heated. I rested the rest of the day. Sunday still was not feeling right and when we went to the store I took my blood pressure. It was a little on the high side and so was my pulse. I have never had a problem with my blood pressure and thought it was a little weird. I am starting to feel better today and will just monitor it and hopefully it was just a fluke thing. Good Luck everyone we are half way there.

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7 hours ago, jmcbn said:

Ditch the avocado for a few days to see how you go - it can be very problematic in terms of bloating. The other veg are low FODMAP anyways, apart form the sweet potato which would be considered moderate and may cause issues if the gut is already inflamed but unless you're having any other symptoms (gastric distress, constipation/diarrhoea) then I'd be inclined to leave them for now.

As an aside you look like you could do with more fat - you don;t mention any added fat other than at breakfast - ignore the cooking oil.

Hope this helps!

Yes thank you so much! It helps a ton! 

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Hi all… great job getting to 50%!!  How is everyone doing?  So I mentioned I was fighting a cold that hit the rest of my family hard, and it turns out that I did get it but in a very mild form.  My nose got runny and my throat a tad bit scratchy (plus I’m sure it was the reason I was so tired the other day), but the weird thing was that my sinuses and head felt really clear!  Also, PMS symptoms this month were almost nonexistent (other than one morning when I was annoyed about everything) -- I didn’t experience the usual bloatedness.  I’m still waiting for my tendonitis to subside, but I will be patient.  I realize two weeks of beginning to heal isn’t very long in the overall scheme of things, and it is really amazing to me how quickly our bodies respond to years of being treated not so well.  I’m really proud of myself for resisting having even “just a little” wine last night at a gathering, because I was really tempted to have a taste.  But… I drank my water and tried to be mindful of the good friendships I have to enjoy.

Are you ready for the week?

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5 minutes ago, Christine_ said:

Also, PMS symptoms this month were almost nonexistent (other than one morning when I was annoyed about everything) -- I didn’t experience the usual bloatedness. 

Christine, I'm right there with ya on the PMS symptoms...I had none of the usual terrible cramping and everything just seemed to be lighter overall, compared to usual (trying not to be too graphic here!). 

These past two weeks seemed to go by pretty fast, here's to hoping the next two will as well! I'm really enjoying the process this time around, and I think having a game plan, as far as meal prep goes, every week has really contributed to that. Having the majority of my meals prepped on the weekend and ready to just grab out of the fridge every day makes it easy to make good food choices. I may even lengthen my Whole30 into a Whole45 or Whole60, as I'm heading to Tulum, Mexico on October 5th and would love to keep feeling this great right on into the trip!

I posted some progress pics today over on my blog, I'm really happy with the progress! My pants are starting to loosen up around my thighs and waist, and that was one of my main goals for this Whole30. I also have to have bloodwork done on 8/30, with a doctor's appointment on 9/14...I had bloodwork done back at the end of April, and my doctor told me if I couldn't get my cholesterol down with diet and exercise (it was at 279, with the LDL being 209), she was going to have to put me on medication. I'm trying to avoid that at all costs!!

Hope you're all having a great start to your week!

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Halfway Point- wow. Have to say, it is both getting easier in some ways and new challenges keep popping up. What is easier: its more automatic, and the cravings are alot less. What is harder: eating. So I guess NOT eating is easier right now for me than eating. Im still good at breakfast, I can wolf down a whole bunch of eggs, sausage, veggies (except I hate to say it, i am actually sick of avocados, never thought the day would come...)

 But my other meals, ugh. To be honest I get this way from time to time when I eat the way I normally do.  So I force myself to eat as much as I can at lunch/dinner but really just want something less food-like like a bowl of cereal or crackers and cheese or a protein shake. Not because they are so delicious but because they are easy and not too flavorful if that makes any sense. I almost feel like I do when I was pregnant (first trimester) and I just needed simple food that had little smell or flavor.

Anyone else having trouble with low appetite and low enthusiasm towards eating?

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Way to go Christine! 

AmyRosina...I'm feeling the same way! I'm kind of getting sick of everything!

i was so bummed for the past couple of days because I just felt so bloated and huge all the time. I went for a run last night and I only planned to run 5 miles and ended up running 8 at my fastest pace. I could have even run longer, but it was getting dark. So I'm going to get over feeling like I'm getting bigger, and focus on how great it felt to run the 8 miles with tons of energy left! Hopefully I will begin to feel less bloated over the next week! I can't believe we made it half way! Great job everyone! 

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5 hours ago, AmyRosina said:

Anyone else having trouble with low appetite and low enthusiasm towards eating?

This is actually pretty common. When I get this way (as happens from time to time) I either stick with really simple foods like you said (mashed root veg & ground beef with carrots is an old favourite my childhood), or I go for really strong flavours - curries, pickles, hot sauce - things that will really tickle my taste buds. I'm in the hait of sticking to a handful of tried & tested recipes for the most part, so I've found this is also a good time to really mix it up & try something new... Either way we don't recommend skipping meals - plate up your template meal as always, eat a smuch of it as you can (ensuring you get a little of each food group), then wrap up the remainder to eat as soon as you feel able.

And as with everything, this too shall pass!!

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4 hours ago, Elizabeth3 said:

 I went for a run last night and I only planned to run 5 miles and ended up running 8 at my fastest pace. I could have even run longer, but it was getting dark. So I'm going to get over feeling like I'm getting bigger, and focus on how great it felt to run the 8 miles with tons of energy left! Hopefully I will begin to feel less bloated over the next week! I can't believe we made it half way! Great job everyone! 

Elizabeth3, what a great NSV!!! Awesome!!

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Halfway through! A couple of reflections here at the midway point ...

-- I only finished the Whole30 book a couple of days ago and am trying to follow the meal template a little more closely, particularly the "try not to snack" part. I was eating 5-6 smaller meals before and this is pretty different. I find that when I walk into the kitchen -- and I work from home -- there's an automatic impulse to grab something.

-- The food is really good. Fat really enhances flavor. 

-- Traveling is doable. All about the planning!

-- Having a little bit of a hard time with the size of meals. I can eat a lot and I like to eat! And I'm definitely eating what seems like more food but not sure if that's because I'm hungry or because it's on my plate. I'm very much a multi-tasking eater so I'm taking the next 15 days to try and focus on satiety.

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On August 14, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Christine_ said:

I’m really proud of myself for resisting having even “just a little” wine last night at a gathering, because I was really tempted to have a taste.  But… I drank my water and tried to be mindful of the good friendships I have to enjoy.

Christine- wine was calling my name last Friday but I splurged for a massage instead. It was such a nurturing treat.  Good morning to day 17! Awesome job everyone! We got this!

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I dreamed last night that I went to Dairy Queen and ate a whole Blizzard, and had to start over again!! Thank goodness it was only a dream!!

In real life, happy Day 17 everyone! Still going strong, no Blizzards over here :-D

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Hi, just checking in!  How is everyone doing/feeling?  I am getting some help with my digestive issues, and the integrative doctor likes my Whole30 plan but now wants me (for the next 2 weeks) to go with even lower FODMAPs, cutting out all fruit and some additional vegetables… so I was kind of feeling desperate yesterday about what I am going to eat (because I don’t even LIKE meat all that much).  Then I will be continuing after the 30 days (at least 15-30 more) before I start reintroducing, so whoever wants to continue, I’m with you.  That chef devil on my shoulder suggested I should splurge first with a glass of wine and a taco (that’s all I really want, haha), but at this point I’m now stubborn and protective about what is going into my body and causing havoc, so out of principal I am not going to have anything that is going to set me back at all!  It was good timing, so now I have only 2 weeks of restriction and then I can go back to the regular Whole30 (so consider yourselves lucky to have ALL your choices, ha!).

AbbyQ17, you look fantastic after 2 weeks!  I wish I would have taken before pictures… I really meant to but didn’t quite get there.  Glad you enjoyed a blizzard in your dreams… or sorry if you didn’t enjoy it!

AmyR, yes, I’m pretty bored too and don’t feel much like eating… not finding all that much enjoyment in it right now.  Has it gotten any better for you?

Elizabeth, how are things going for you?  8 miles is excellent!  Are you marathon training? 

Repartee, one of the hardest things for me has been to stop grazing!  I don’t like eating large meals and would rather just grab small snacks throughout the day when hungry.  Out of habit I still find myself in the kitchen sometimes, opening the refrigerator door and then wondering why I’m there.

Kannk, I love your idea of a massage for a treat!  Does anyone else have ideas or favorite non-food treats for yourself?   

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13 minutes ago, Christine_ said:

 Then I will be continuing after the 30 days (at least 15-30 more) before I start reintroducing, so whoever wants to continue, I’m with you. 

Kannk, I love your idea of a massage for a treat!  Does anyone else have ideas or favorite non-food treats for yourself?   

Christine, thank you for the kind words, and I'm in for the extended Whole30! I know I'm gonna need extra support to keep food boredom from setting in and just in general. Looks like there's gonna be tons of support for the September Whole30, so that is good!

I am actually planning to buy myself a GoPro as a non-food treat...I've been thinking about getting one for months now, especially with my trip coming up in October, and I realized it would be a great motivation for doing this Whole30. I'll probably order it at the end of August, for a 30 days well done!

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I can't believe we are already halfway through the month! Go us! I am also thinking about continuing for longer than 30 days. I got a nasty cold at the end of July and while I'm over it for the most part, I have had a terrible cough for 3 weeks now that has affected my sleep and ability to work out. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and thankfully it's not bronchitis or pneumonia (he thinks I'm having a hard time getting over it due to having mild asthma to begin with). As a result of this cough, I don't feel like I've gotten to have the full Whole30 experience. Even though I haven't always felt the greatest, I have remained compliant, so I'm pretty proud of that! 

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Day 17 - I was wondering where the Tiger Blood was, but I may be experiencing a little bit of it today.  I conducted a 2 hour meeting this morning and was definitely on my game.  Alert, responsive, engaged and ready to kick some managers into gear.  Haven't had such a good meeting in a while and it felt great.

I also feel good that yesterday I avoided any issues when I had to go to the local bakery to pick up a baby shower cake for a work luncheon for our receptionist.  Managed to avoid looking at the other pastries, but this was an Italian Bakery that also had a deli - and the Mortadella, which looked amazing, was calling to me.  I resisted and did not answer its call - but boy was it tempting.

My husband is also still being compliant - I can't believe he hasn't had a diet soda in 17 days.  Meal planning has definitely gotten easier.  I'm really not craving sugar anymore, just cheese and now Mortadella.

Stay strong everyone.  I note that a lot of you are much younger than me (I'll be 58 in about a month) and am so proud that you have all taken this challenge at this time in your life - I've been eating poorly for many years and have a bit of damage that I have done to my body over those years of overeating - wish I would have done this earlier.  So stick with it.

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Happy Day 18 everyone! I have to admit, I was starting the planning process last night for the upcoming week's meal prep, and I was kind of getting a little burnt out on figuring what to make next week. I'm hoping this will pass. Part of it has to do with the fact that I've got a few things going on this weekend that'll cut into my usual meal prep time, so I think I'm stressing a little about that. 

I've also got another wrench thrown into my usual weekly routine, but in a good way...I've got a first date planned for Monday night! AHHHH!! All of the details aren't worked out yet, but I'm assuming it's going to involve a meal, so I'm sorta stressing about making good food choices in a restaurant, while also not weirding the guy out over how picky I seem to be! I'm thinking that sushi may be a good option, if I order rolls wrapped in cucumber and smuggle in some coconut aminos (this may also drift into the weirdo category too though, lol). Do you guys have any good suggestions??

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35 minutes ago, AbbyQ17 said:


I've also got another wrench thrown into my usual weekly routine, but in a good way...I've got a first date planned for Monday night! AHHHH!! All of the details aren't worked out yet, but I'm assuming it's going to involve a meal, so I'm sorta stressing about making good food choices in a restaurant, while also not weirding the guy out over how picky I seem to be! I'm thinking that sushi may be a good option, if I order rolls wrapped in cucumber and smuggle in some coconut aminos (this may also drift into the weirdo category too though, lol). Do you guys have any good suggestions??

Fun! Have you seen this Ask Melissa? 


I've been struggling with my energy dipping in the afternoon like it always had before W30. I'm going to try to eat more today and make sure I'm getting enough fat. If it doesn't level out, I'm going to post to the troubleshooting board. 

I am having success with new recipes I'm trying  I really like following Whole30 recipes on Instagram. 

Hope everyone has a great day!


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Day 18

over half way there and this is no longer a struggle. My only thing that remains a struggle is I refuse to go anywhere near pizza lol and I nanny so I always have some yogurt or peanut butter or jelly that drips on my fingers and every single time I almost lick it off not because I want it because of habit haha. But otherwise it's a breeze at this point.  


I I did make cookies with my girls successfully without taste testing them or licking dough off my fingers so that's good! The smell was kinda tortureous though.  Last week I had the problem (as I see other people are having)  of not wanting to eat like at all.  I always force myself to eat as much as I can and just move on with my day but sometimes it was hard to get even half down. I seem to be getting better about that though this week. And as I think someone else had said I kinda get like that when I'm eating normal too. You know what really helped? I had some whole 30 approved "cereal" (it's just nuts toasted in coconut oil and cinnamon with some chopped dates and coconut shreds sprinkled over with just a little coconut milk poured in.  I know that's not a typical meal and shouldn't be used often but it just really hit the spot and I was able to get through more than just a few bites and I also had some carrots and bell peppers too to give me some more veggies. 

Keep up the good work everyone! I can already tell I'm definitely down a pant size! I also have some extra energy, though no where near as much as I wished for. I'm hopping to find some time to start adding actual exercise to my day. I mean I nanny a 3 and a 4 year old so that's basically exercise but I could use a few push-ups ;) 

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On August 17, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Christine_ said:

Hi, just checking in!  How is everyone doing/feeling?  I am getting some help with my digestive issues, and the integrative doctor likes my Whole30 plan but now wants me (for the next 2 weeks) to go with even lower FODMAPs, cutting out all fruit and some additional vegetables… so I was kind of feeling desperate yesterday about what I am going to eat (because I don’t even LIKE meat all that much).  Then I will be continuing after the 30 days (at least 15-30 more) before I start reintroducing, so whoever wants to continue, I’m with you.  That chef devil on my shoulder suggested I should splurge first with a glass of wine and a taco (that’s all I really want, haha), but at this point I’m now stubborn and protective about what is going into my body and causing havoc, so out of principal I am not going to have anything that is going to set me back at all!  It was good timing, so now I have only 2 weeks of restriction and then I can go back to the regular Whole30 (so consider yourselves lucky to have ALL your choices, ha!).

AbbyQ17, you look fantastic after 2 weeks!  I wish I would have taken before pictures… I really meant to but didn’t quite get there.  Glad you enjoyed a blizzard in your dreams… or sorry if you didn’t enjoy it!

AmyR, yes, I’m pretty bored too and don’t feel much like eating… not finding all that much enjoyment in it right now.  Has it gotten any better for you?

Elizabeth, how are things going for you?  8 miles is excellent!  Are you marathon training? 

Repartee, one of the hardest things for me has been to stop grazing!  I don’t like eating large meals and would rather just grab small snacks throughout the day when hungry.  Out of habit I still find myself in the kitchen sometimes, opening the refrigerator door and then wondering why I’m there.

Kannk, I love your idea of a massage for a treat!  Does anyone else have ideas or favorite non-food treats for yourself?   

Christine...I am feeling much better...still bloated on some days, but feeling better about this whole thing all around! I am marathon training right now in hoping to run LA in March! I'm so excited!!! 

Congrats everyone on getting this far!! It seems like there is only a few of us left! Thanks everyone for keeping me from quitting! I am so glad I didn't! 

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Hi, all! It has been so nice to read everyone's input and experiences.  As of this morning, we are 60% done with the main program and 45% done with the whole program.  I cannot wait for a nice slice of pizza and a cold glass of chardonnay.

Other than those two things, I'm absolutely blissful.  Obviously, there is more prep time, more dishes, more cost at the grocer, and some creative engineering involved.  But, my skin is clear, my digestive issues have all but settled, chronic heel pain lasts just a day when it flairs (compared to 4-5 days), and I'm proud of my compliance and progress.

I had a few outings early on for work and fun and either stuck with water or brought my own food.  Last night I had another business dinner and didn't want to be "that" person when it was dinner rush (for the benefit of the wait staff, kitchen, and the new guest at dinner).  I called Firebird's in advance, talked to a manager about a few menu items, and then had my order written out on a note when I arrived.  Beef kabobs and steamed vegetables were delicious (AND I didn't have to wash the dishes).  However, I had a very, very uncomfortable night of sleep.  I think I ate too much protein and then drank 3 glasses of water.  Completely my fault, but it made me worry about the reintroduction phase.

So far, progress has gone pretty well as scripted.  Not focusing on the book's recipes has made meal prep AWESOME.  Mayo hasn't had the impact that I had hoped, but my daughter (15) LOVES the ranch.  My worst days were Day 8 - sugar waves & felt like I was going to pass out & Day 9 - crazy pregnancy-like hormones.  Both have not reappeared once since I took the advice of a moderator on here and increased my salt and fat intake.  I'm still not a fan of adding salt to my food, but I'm following the rules.  (Oddly, my father told me that he has been hospitalized twice for low sodium levels...so this might be a biochemical need for me.)

Looking beyond day 40, I've made a date with family for Italy-styled pizza.  But, my daughter and I have been talking about living Whole30ish daily, but strictly 3-4 days a week.  I'm wondering if you repeat-30ers have any insight on this.

Thanks again, everyone, for sharing.  WE GOT THIS!


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2 hours ago, Neftes said:


Looking beyond day 40, I've made a date with family for Italy-styled pizza.  But, my daughter and I have been talking about living Whole30ish daily, but strictly 3-4 days a week.  I'm wondering if you repeat-30ers have any insight on this.

Thanks again, everyone, for sharing.  WE GOT THIS!

I am still looking at this board even if I "gave up" on my 2nd Whole30.  I am replying to you because I am eating on program when I don't have plans.  I had a lot of plans pop up in August.  I didn't have anything on my calendar when I made the decision to do it in August.  I went into the Whole30 in August to re-set before I set to this as more of a lifestyle.  I had to cut it short, but I do stay on program about 6 days a week right now, sometimes it is even just one meal that is out of wack.  

I must say, eating on plan when I am home has been awesome.  I feel really balanced and really happy about making this decision. I have made better food decisions when I am out because of the way I am eating at home. If you think it is reasonable for you and your family to still eat on program on the daily, then I would encourage it. I am lucky enough to live in an area where this is easy, fresh produce is always available and I know a meat farmer (who ships nation wide, no antibiotics and pastured everything if anyone needs a great source of beef, pork, lamb, etc.) so it is easy for me to have on program foods on hand all the time.  I realize that not everyone has this option. So again, if you think you can, give it a try. 



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On August 17, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Alicia C said:

Stay strong everyone.  I note that a lot of you are much younger than me (I'll be 58 in about a month) and am so proud that you have all taken this challenge at this time in your life - I've been eating poorly for many years and have a bit of damage that I have done to my body over those years of overeating - wish I would have done this earlier.  So stick with it.

Hey Alicia - I just celebrated my 59th birthday and understand your wish about a rewind on the damage already done.  We are caring for ourselves today!  Day 19 is nearly a wrap!  We can do this!

Here are two sayings that keep me hopeful and motivated:

"It's never too late or too early. Right now is a good time. Life is now." Author Unknown


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