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Day 16: Feeling defeated

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I feel like there's something wrong with me, or I'm not doing this right. I have had no positive symptoms since beginning this. I practically feel the same as I did before. I've got plenty of weight to lose (30-40), and yet I feel like I've only gotten bigger since starting this. My clothes feel tighter, I'm not weighing myself although I'd really like to, but using my clothes as a measuring tool is making me feel like I'm moving backwards. I feel like I should have some more energy or sleep better, but those are also the same as before doing this. I didn't have any chronic pain or illnesses before this so I don't feel like I should be taking this long to see benefits from this. I've followed everything appropriately and where moderators or other members have offered suggestions I've taken them into account and built them in going forward and yet here I am feeling no different and possibly feeling larger. I get there's a bloat effect, but I'm long past that and this doesn't feel like bloat. It's really hard to feel like I'm moving in the right direction with this when all of the ways to measure (scale or other) aren't proving any positives. I feel like I'm going to get to the end of this and be exactly where I was before I started and that's a super deflating feeling. 


My meals for reference because I'm sure someone will ask:

1: 3 eggs, yams, onions, bacon

2: Steak (small ones, but I have 1-2 palms worth), asparagus, potato soup and a peach

3: Chorizo/beef burger with guacamole in a lettuce "bun", cucumbers, blackberries

(for portion reference I took about .8 pound of each the chorizo and the beef and mixed them and made five burgers)


I'm almost done with this rotation so next is:

1: Egg casserole: eggs (enough to have 3 per serving) yams, spinach, breakfast sausage, onion

2: Buffalo chicken spaghetti squash: squash, carrot, celery, bell pepper, onion, chicken, hot sauce, compliant mayo (there's also 3 eggs involved in the recipe)

3: Stuffed peppers with likely a chorizo/beef blend topped with guacamole


I'm trying to limit fruit. I don't think fruit is giving me any cravings for sugary things, but I read a lot of people cut them out so I might limit it to having only one at a meal. I'm trying to eat a wider variety of vegetables and not eat too many potatoes which is why I'm trying to limit those also to one meal. I workout most days of the week and I do know I have improvements to make with pre/post workout meals, but I really have no appetite to eat before them (I've typically either just woken up or eaten dinner) and no desire to eat afterwards. I cannot stomach the idea of meat or a hard boiled egg after a work out. I haven't eaten nuts or nut butter in days so I don't rely on them. 


I feel like I'm doing what I can and putting in the effort and I'm seeing absolutely no improvements. One week and nothing, okay fine, but I'm over the hump and feeling like I'm going nowhere. 

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dkmwf9 - Sorry to hear you aren't seeing great results yet. :( What is your water intake like? How about your sleep? I saw dramatic differences in my results (including NSVs) when I stayed on top of my water intake. I am also one of the ones who had to cut fruit out almost completely (one meal per week), partly because it was making cravings and poor choices unavoidable.


I also notice that there's no added fat in some of those meals - avocado, olives, etc. This could be preventing your body from making the critical adaptation to using fat as fuel, which would explain a lot of the things you're feeling. When you're counting fat, don't count the fat you perceive is in your proteins OR the fat you use to cook. I know it seems like a LOT of fat... believe me, my logic rebelled when a moderator told me this after about a week of feeling like junk... but I made the recommended changes and started seeing results. My results were amplified any days I hit my water intake and especially when I got good sleep.


I'm sure one of the mods will chime in shortly and provide an expert perspective, but more than anything else, don't be discouraged. It's inspiring that you've stuck with it so long and worked so hard despite not seeing results. Keep on keepin' on, working hard and reading labels, and pushing toward your better self! You can do this, and we will help!

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I get 7-8 hours of solid sleep a night, and I drink a minimum of 96 ounces of water a day. I'm confused when you say to not count the fats I'm cooking with in my fat count, because the template states: all oils and cooking fats, all butters. So why if I'm cooking with ghee or coconut oil does that not count if that's how they are recommending I add fat to my meal? Each of those meals has either ghee, coconut oil, coconut milk, or olive oil in the recipe or avocado (guacamole). 1-2 thumb-sized portions like they recommend.


Thanks for the words of encouragement though. It's really hard to keep a positive outlook on this when I haven't seen an ounce of a positive result. 

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I get 7-8 hours of solid sleep a night, and I drink a minimum of 96 ounces of water a day. I'm confused when you say to not count the fats I'm cooking with in my fat count, because the template states: all oils and cooking fats, all butters. So why if I'm cooking with ghee or coconut oil does that not count if that's how they are recommending I add fat to my meal? Each of those meals has either ghee, coconut oil, coconut milk, or olive oil in the recipe or avocado (guacamole). 1-2 thumb-sized portions like they recommend.


Thanks for the words of encouragement though. It's really hard to keep a positive outlook on this when I haven't seen an ounce of a positive result. 


I'm not exactly sure what the explanation should be, so I won't stab at it, but I know that one of the mods told me this - despite my protests that I used lots of clarified butter in my cooking - and making a point of adding olives to my meals did make a difference.


I did see one thread about too much water intake causing issues... how does 96oz compare to your weight? They recommend 1/2oz per lb of body weight.


One last thing: how does Whole30 compare to how you were eating before? You may not see any big changes if this isn't very different from your prior diet.

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I'm not exactly sure what the explanation should be, so I won't stab at it, but I know that one of the mods told me this - despite my protests that I used lots of clarified butter in my cooking - and making a point of adding olives to my meals did make a difference.


I did see one thread about too much water intake causing issues... how does 96oz compare to your weight? They recommend 1/2oz per lb of body weight.


I'll see if maybe one of the mods can explain it further. I don't like olives so I can't see myself adding 1-2 heaping handfuls of them to my meals. I just wouldn't enjoy it. Which then leaves me with either nuts and seeds (which is only recommended to have every other day, so not sure how that would get incorporated to every meal) or coconut flakes which don't really pair well with a lot of the things I'm eating. I'm struggling to see how I'm supposed to get fat in if the cooking fat doesn't count for anything. 


That calculation of water per pound would put me at 100 oz or so a day. Who knows now that I can't weigh myself and feel like a balloon, but should be around there. I get most of my water in during the day while I'm working and then any additional water I drink during a workout or after to replace the water I've lost. 

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Fat that you cook with often stays in the pan. But there is so much more than just the cooking meat fat, olives, nuts and seeds, and coconut!

I eat about half a cup of guac with my eggs in the morning and at least a couple of tablespoons of mayo with lunch and dinner. Sometimes I'll add oils, ghee, or rendered animal fat after I cook. I need to make pesto (since all the ones I've seen at the store have dairy and often sugar), but that's another good way to add fat and there are a ton of sauces that are good fat sources too. Sometimes I have to think outside the box to get more fat in.

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I guess I'm still struggling with the idea that I'm not having enough fat. For my meal 1 there's bacon, which a moderator told me is essentially a fat more than a protein, plus I used the grease from it to cook the onions. For meal 2 I had 12 ounces of coconut milk. For meal 3 I had the guacamole, probably at least 2 tablespoons, maybe 3. I feel like I'm following the template so I'm confused how that would be my problem. 

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Correction: there were 12 ounces of coconut milk in the entire recipe which I split into 4 servings. So 3 ounces per meal, which is a little under the 1/4 can of 14 oz of coconut milk recommended. I did cook the asparagus with oil and the steak with ghee so I would still think that between all of those I would meet the standard set by the template. 

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I think your fat looks okay - there's bacon, guac, mayo etc listed, and the coconut milk you mentioned in your soup - although in fairness I'd always say it's pretty hard to overboard & lean towards a lot of fat in my meals personally, and I only see one meal with fruit so I don't think there's any real concern there...

What was your diet like preWO? Do you have any pre existing medical conditions? Do you take any meds? How are your stress levels? Do you get adequate time outdoors (I'm thinking vitamin D here specifically)?

I'd also like to give you a gentle reminder that this is a 30 day program and MANY folk don't see/feel any magic happen until the latter stages depending on where they were coming in to this journey... Bear in mind also that although the timeline suggests that some bloating is normal around days 8 & 9 that not everyone follows the timeline exactly, or in some cases at all - it's merely a guideline so perhaps you're following a few days behind...

When you work out, how intense a work out are we talking? Does it significantly raise your heart rate? How long for? You said you've often just eaten and don;t feel like a preWO meal - are you used to training fasted? Could you not stomach even a few mouthfuls of a lean protein postWO which would help with muscle growth & repair and in turn recover/energy etc?

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I think your fat looks okay - there's bacon, guac, mayo etc listed, and the coconut milk you mentioned in your soup - although in fairness I'd always say it's pretty hard to overboard & lean towards a lot of fat in my meals personally, and I only see one meal with fruit so I don't think there's any real concern there...


What was your diet like preWO? Do you have any pre existing medical conditions? Do you take any meds? How are your stress levels? Do you get adequate time outdoors (I'm thinking vitamin D here specifically)?

I'd also like to give you a gentle reminder that this is a 30 day program and MANY folk don't see/feel any magic happen until the latter stages depending on where they were coming in to this journey... Bear in mind also that although the timeline suggests that some bloating is normal around days 8 & 9 that not everyone follows the timeline exactly, or in some cases at all - it's merely a guideline so perhaps you're following a few days behind......

When you work out, how intense a work out are we talking? Does it significantly raise your heart rate? How long for? You said you've often just eaten and don;t feel like a preWO meal - are you used to training fasted? Could you not stomach even a few mouthfuls of a lean protein postWO which would help with muscle growth & repair and in turn recover/energy etc?


I have no medical conditions. I don't take any meds other than birth control. I'm not a very stressed person and probably this not working for me is my only concern currently that would be causing me stress. I do spend time outside, more on the weekend, but during the work week I probably only get an hour or so a day. 


I've never eaten a preWO or postWO pretty much ever. So yes I have done all my training fasted. I can try eating some protein after a workout, would jerky count? I could probably stomach that. I'd have to buy it online because I haven't found any in store that are compliant. Three of my workouts are circuit training based so my heart fluctuates, but yes it does get pretty intense. I also do yoga once a week, trying to maybe go twice. Otherwise I walk or jog or a mix of the both. 


I understand that I shouldn't fully expect to follow the guideline exactly, but I was a rather healthy person before so I feel like it shouldn't be this difficult for me to experience some level of magic. I ate healthy 4-5 days a week, typically slipping on the weekends and I have always worked out this much. It also doesn't feel like bloating, it just feels like solid mass being added, mostly around my stomach area. 

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Ok, stick with the fasted morning training if you feel that it's not a problem, and don't worry about a preWO for later training sessions if you're still feeling full from your earlier meals. PreWO is a very personal thing & many folk do well without it. Do try incorporating the postWO though - yes, jerky would count and it need only be a few bites (25g protein is considered plenty in sports nutrition circles) - I'd suggest trying this out just on the more intense days for now.

Re the solid mass around your tummy area - is it possible it's muscle? Muscle is more dense than fat, and it could be that you've traded up with the protein you've been eating. You could also try cutting your protein to 1 palm sized piece per meal - no less though - and see how you go, although you will likely find you need more fat to stay satiated for the recommended 4-5hrs. How long are you currently lasting between meals? 

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I will try the jerky post workout and see how that goes. I mean could it be muscle? Sure maybe, but wouldn't I feel leaner? Isn't it supposed to take up less space than fat so shouldn't my clothes still feel looser? I feel fine in between my meals, typically only getting extra hungry if I go longer than 5 or 6 hours. 

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Are you new to lots of veggies or have you added in a new variety?  Is it possibly bloat pushing everything out?  There are some veggies/fruits that literally add 3 inches to my waist.  I have no idea how it happens - I never feel "bloated" (like gas needs to come out of one end or the other) but man oh man does my middle blow up like a balloon.  


Looking at your menu - avocados cause problems for some people - did you eat a lot of them before?  


If it is bloating maybe some kombucha or a good probiotic would help?  


Lastly, in my W30s this magical progress that many report (I feel leaner already!  On day 2.5!) never happened to me.  Like you I ate "pretty healthy" before (paleo) so W30 wasn't a drastic change and I've always needed 60 days to see much progress.  And you know when I always seemed my largest?  About halfway through.  So, keep plugging along.  Assess on day 30 - you may be in for a good ol' whoosh :)

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I will try the jerky post workout and see how that goes. I mean could it be muscle? Sure maybe, but wouldn't I feel leaner? Isn't it supposed to take up less space than fat so shouldn't my clothes still feel looser? I feel fine in between my meals, typically only getting extra hungry if I go longer than 5 or 6 hours. 

I probably didn't really word that right - I'm wondering if you're building muscle/bulk with the quantity of protein you're eating. That's why I'm suggesting cutting back slightly in your meals to just the one palm sized piece. You know better how you feel though - I can only guess from your posts.

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Are you new to lots of veggies or have you added in a new variety?  Is it possibly bloat pushing everything out?  There are some veggies/fruits that literally add 3 inches to my waist.  I have no idea how it happens - I never feel "bloated" (like gas needs to come out of one end or the other) but man oh man does my middle blow up like a balloon.  


Looking at your menu - avocados cause problems for some people - did you eat a lot of them before?  


If it is bloating maybe some kombucha or a good probiotic would help?  


Lastly, in my W30s this magical progress that many report (I feel leaner already!  On day 2.5!) never happened to me.  Like you I ate "pretty healthy" before (paleo) so W30 wasn't a drastic change and I've always needed 60 days to see much progress.  And you know when I always seemed my largest?  About halfway through.  So, keep plugging along.  Assess on day 30 - you may be in for a good ol' whoosh :)

I've always eaten vegetables, but mostly spinach or carrots or green beans or asparagus, so I am using a variety more so than I have before. I didn't eat a lot of avocado before. 


It is really hard to read all these people who were worse off before having these fantastic results already and I'm struggling to get one drop of a positive thing. I'm going to keep going of course, but I feel less enthusiasm each day I wake up and feel like I'm going in the wrong direction. 

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I probably didn't really word that right - I'm wondering if you're building muscle/bulk with the quantity of protein you're eating. That's why I'm suggesting cutting back slightly in your meals to just the one palm sized piece. You know better how you feel though - I can only guess from your posts.

Is this also saying that I'm building muscle/bulk but I'm not losing fat? So it's just making me feel larger because the muscle is there under the fat and even though that's a good thing, because I'm not losing fat it's just making me feel bigger all around? I will stick to one palm size and see how that goes for the next few days. 

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I'd just add that I concur with littleg re the avocados.... Avocado and I had a very messy break-up many moons ago. In fact we're so over we need a new word for over etc etc etc...

If you're in ANY doubt that it might actually be bloat then removing the avocados would be a good place to start.


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Is this also saying that I'm building muscle/bulk but I'm not losing fat? So it's just making me feel larger because the muscle is there under the fat and even though that's a good thing, because I'm not losing fat it's just making me feel bigger all around? I will stick to one palm size and see how that goes for the next few days. 

Yes, pretty much, although I think the fat loss will come.

Honestly, stick with it - keep checking in and we can keep helping you tweak - it might just take longer than the 30 days but I don't think you'll regret it.

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Nothing like already feeling like my body is only getting bigger and then finding out I got my first ever sinus infection. Maybe I'm not supposed to get tiger blood, maybe I get sloth blood or Eeyore blood. Those seem more appropriate so far. 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

I can sympathize!  It's not really working very well for me, either, and I'm on day 28.  I'm not sleeping better, my aches and pains are about the same, I am thoroughly sick of cooking ALL THE TIME (and watching my family eat things I can't ) never going out, etc.  Never felt "amazing" and never got the "tiger blood."   I did South Beach diet a few years ago, so my sugar intake was already lower than it might have been.  Right now I'm just craving cheese. 

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