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Fizzy Water

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I gave up pop (soda) a long time ago. Lately, though, I've been wanting to get a compliant sparkling water to have as a treat, but I remember someone (not here) telling me that you're better off not drinking carbonated beverages of any kind.


I'm wondering how folks feel about sparkling waters. Is that little bubbly kick a trigger to set off a slide to craving soda again?



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This really depends on your personal context.  If you think that sparkling water is a "gateway drug" to actual pop/soda, you should probably steer clear. For me, fizzy water is just.....meh.  For someone with a hardcore pop addiction, it's probably pretty close to the real thing and could be even too close.


Watch your fizz consumption too because it can cause bloating for some.

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Fizzy water makes me feel like this.  I have a cold brew pitcher and I'm making all kinds of infused waters.  Sometimes,  I'll add a few green tea bags with cucumbers, lemons, limes or berries.  It's really been the best part of a hot summer.  Cool drinks on ice.  No fizzbombs blowing around. :P  :D  


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Love it... I am one of those people who doesn't burp, unlike most of my family who are extremely talented at it. :P So I do get bloated as a result.


So... maybe I'll get a couple cans of LaCroix, but not get carried away.


Thanks for responding!



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I'll preface this reply with "I'm not an expert, and this is something I read somewhere, which I might not have remembered properly" however...


the fizz in fizzy water is (usually? almost certainly?) Carbon Dioxide - when dissolved in the liquid this can become carbonic acid (?)

If you drink a lot of fizzy water the acid in it will do damage to your teeth.  If you have a slice of lemon/lime as well, that's even more acid.


a slice in coke is really bad for your teeth if you're having loads of it, as the acid/sugar combo really does go to work on your gnashers.


but yeah, a glass or two now and then should be fine, as long as it's the plain sparkling water - as will all W30 check the ingredients list for additives, sugars, etc.


... and the sparkle can cause issues if you have IBS - which is one thing that W30 tries to sort out by eliminating triggers, and irritants.

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I love La Croix waters, which are sparkling and enjoy them throughout my W30.   I've never been a soda person other than a brief flirtation with diet pepsi that was quickly ended, so it's not a "gateway" issue for me as it may be with others.  I find the range of natural flavors -- Mango, Passionfruit, Apricot etc. -- keep me satisfied and work particularly well if going out and not having a glass of wine.  Polar Springs is another good option.

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