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Not feeling it (even after weeks of research)


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Before starting my first W30 I did weeks of research, including reading the book twice, as well as reading "ISWF," lots of Google searches and reading through the site. Since starting 20 days ago, I have read through so many forums and found things I didn't even know to be true (smoothies? I didn't realize they weren't recommended. Nuts as fat? I hike a bunch and that is the easiest -and cheapest- whole30 compliant snack on a long hike).


I've been filling my plate with veggies, including starchy potatoes once a day, fibrous kale, things I never ate before like spaghetti squash, and I've found some recipes that I really like! (those enchilada stuffed sweet potatoes are YUM!). But, for the most part, this food makes me sick. Like, nauseous sick. I wake up in the morning dreading all of my options, and can't wait to get to day 31 and eat all of the things (I've already decided to extend to a whole 60, so those dreams are just that, dreams). I gag when trying to eat eggs in any form or the peppers, spinach, etc I eat with them, and I've literally puked a little while trying to get down some zoodles. As for snacking, I've tried to fill up before a hike and have a meal ready for right after, but I get light headed and dizzy and that's probably not safe at the top of the Ko'olua Mountains. I only snack on hikes, and otherwise stick to the strict 3 meals a day with at least 2/3 veggies. 


All of this to say that I have read through many of the forums here and found some good tips, but I still can't bare the thought of gagging from food that's so good for me. Food that I want to want to like, but I don't. 


On that note, pre whole30 I definitely had a poor relationship with food. I love "breakfast food," breads, sugar... I am usually pretty active, but the food is what gets me. Hence, my first Whole30. 


I'm just looking for support, tips, whatever I can get. Should I limit starchy foods even more? Since that's what usually gets me through not puking. I feel like maybe it fills my bread void haha. Thanks in advance for whatever I can get! 

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I forgot to mention that I did have to start over on day one and fourteen, first for habitually eating a noodle (yes, one) while preparing my kids meal on day one, and again on day 14 (yes, 14!) for habitually licking the peanut butter knife, and subsequently spitting out all of the pb and running to brush my teeth before I swallowed anything. But alas, I wasn't sure if I ingested any, so here I am at day 19 (could have been on round 2 by now!). Not-so-pro tip, don't make your kids pb and celery at the same time as your almond butter and celery! 

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I'm sorry you're struggling!

People's tastebuds totally can get burnt out during a W30, and it is the worst feeling. Food should be _enjoyed_, not forced.

Usually the cure for this is to find a new, exciting recipe to shake up the meals you're eating. I don't know what sounds great to you, but for me...a new pot roast or roast chicken recipe will get me any time.

If it's not food boredom, and more so that you just don't enjoy most of the foods/veggies available to you, I'd recommend you rely on the ones that you enjoy and can eat without gagging...leave the rest behind. All you can eat it is chicken thighs and roast carrots...I'd eat that at every meal.

Personally, i could never get sick of eggs, you can always do a billion different things with them, but i do remember being so tired of chicken that i wanted to throw it at the next person to serve me a chicken breast at dinner.

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I have definitely been branching out and trying new things (like the enchilada stuffed sweet potato!).  But nothing Whole30 approved sounds good to me. Normally I love broccoli and salmon, sautéed kale, green beans, eggs, zucchini, all sorts of yummy good-for-me foods. It's learning to eat my eggs without toast, or enjoy "non-breakfast" foods for breakfast. I've flipped through the book several times and spent hours browsing pinterest, Google, and the Whole30 recipes page on Facebook. All I want is the grilled ham and cheese my kids are currently munching on. I could (and have) eaten the same things over and over, but I'm so bored, and I feel like if I'm dreading eating every day that it's defeating the purpose of Whole30. No matter how long I go (30, 60, 90...) I feel like I'm just going to turn around and go back to all of the delicious food I love so much. (more cheese and ice cream, please!) 


I don't WANT to be negative. In fact, I'm trying really hard not to be! I'm so excited that I get to nourish my body with such nutrient dense food! I'm excited to see how I feel in the next 10 days! But I am DREADING doing another 30 days (to experience some healing of my adult acne and eczema and really get these cravings under control). 


I am literally about to cry. Food shouldn't make me feel this way! 

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I want to be supportive and I totally get what you are going through with the food nausea stuff. It sounds to me like your mind and body are throwing some major temper tantrums right now because they want breads and dairy NOW and if they do not get them then you are gonna PAY!

What helps me whe I do have issues is writing it out. By involving more of your senses you are reinforcing the good reasons for being on plan. Instead of a negative list try writing down what you LOVE. 

Here are some of my loves as an example:

I love how W30 has gotten rid of my morning aches n pains

 I love that I am no longer coffee dependant and that I am over craving it

I love buffalo chicken salad with the OP ranch and buffalo sauce

I love tuna salad made with OP mayo, Apple and celery dice

I love chili over baked potatoes

I love green grapes and walnuts in a protein salad over a bed of spinach and lettuce 

I can't get enough of the carnitas with homemade guac and salsa in butter leaf 
taco shells"


By doing this you can remind your body and mind of the tasty stuff. If you salivate your on the right track. Visualization of how GOOD it tastes will Be another weapon in your arsenal. Make a mental commercial of the food, and someone slowly savoring it. Mentally smell it, taste it see it. By picturing yourself doing this it helps reinforce these foods as GOOD to your mind and it can help get you to want to eat these foods not as punishment, but because you honestly DO like them.

This isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change. Think of it like going to a favorite restaurant and picking something different off the menu. All the options are still there, you have chosen something else. NO one is denying you. You are in control!

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OMG, I feel the same way! Just threw all my dinner to the trash can because I was about to puke. I got started on the fruit again, it's the Only thing that I can bare right now. I'm scared of gaining weight because I only want fresh fruit and nuts. I'm desperate. 

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I sometimes have my stomach turn over at the thought of veggies in the morning.  

When this happens, I go with fruit.  I cut up a banana and apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and ground vanilla bean, and dip it in cashew or almond butter. 

I realize this meal would probably fall into the "less recommended yet compliant" category, and usually I do need to eat a protein snack a couple of hours later (like celery with almond butter or a hard boiled egg), which also falls into the "less recommend but compliant" category   However, it's way better than crying or barfing in the morning!

Maybe if you do this at breakfast your body will be more amenable to veggies and protein at lunch?

also, just a thought - might you be pregnant? 





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23 hours ago, Taurita said:

OMG, I feel the same way! Just threw all my dinner to the trash can because I was about to puke. I got started on the fruit again, it's the Only thing that I can bare right now. I'm scared of gaining weight because I only want fresh fruit and nuts. I'm desperate. 

I'm sorry you're struggling. Unfortunately the best way to teach your body not to rely on fruits and nuts is not to rely on fruits and nuts. 

This is a hormonal balance issue and will eventually resolve if you can push through. Try making super palatable, simple foods and eat as much as you can. If that means you have to go back to that meal or make another one in 2 hours, that's fine. Chicken salad stuffed in a sweet potato, scrambled eggs and sauteed mushrooms, try some pureed soups with protein mixed in. 

Truly though, the best way to get used to eating protein and veggies isn't to eat fruit and nuts, sorry.  Go check out the Whole30 instagram page, there's a picture of a creamy looking soup and they are talking about protein aversion and give some ideas. It's for pregnant ladies but you might find some tips there.

And yes, @LKBG - the items that you describe are technically compliant but aren't really solving the long-view problem so much as the short term one. And note, celery and almond butter would be considered a veggie and a fat, not a "protein snack" as you've mentioned.

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I am sooooo with you.

The research I did let me know that it would not all be a bed of roses. But I was not expecting it this bad. Cravings and temptations have not been the problem, but the nausea. The whole reason I started this program was because I would frequently have random bouts of nausea and diarrhea. After 3 days on W30, I have the same issues CONSTANTLY! After 3 days of that, I thought it was settling down. But, no. I struggle with these every day. I do have some slight reprieves, but I am definitely feeling that if I am still going to feel like this anyway - after 10 days of it - I'd rather feel like that eating what I want and for a lot cheaper.

ALL of the food I have eaten has been good and I have found some new, extremely delicious, recipes. Yet thinking on these options still makes me feel sick. 

I finally have windows where I am hungry and want to eat, but then after only a few bites I am having to force it down. Last night I had some AWESOME grilled steak, and only enjoyed about 4 bites of it. Could still taste that it was good and that I should be enjoying it. Yet it ended up being a chore, instead.

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Sometimes a short term fix gets you through to a long term solution.  

If the choice is between staying with the whole30 imperfectly yet compliantly or quitting because you're barfing all the time, I'd suggest the former.  

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@ladyshanny , I totally agree that putting fruit and nuts on my plate every morning is not going to solve the problem. I've even had to tell my husband several times that, no, I won't have frozen mango while the rest of the family eats ice cream, because although I'm technically "allowed" to, it's defeating the purpose. I am REALLY trying to enjoy this, but here I am on day 29 still feeling like I want to run back to the foods I once loved. I am totally with @Mamba when she says, "I finally have windows where I am hungry and want to eat, but then after only a few bites I am having to force it down. Last night I had some AWESOME grilled steak, and only enjoyed about 4 bites of it. Could still taste that it was good and that I should be enjoying it. Yet it ended up being a chore, instead. " Eating is a chore. I am, and always have been, a morning eater. Big breakfasts, decent lunches, and small dinners. Now, regardless of how hungry I am in the morning, I'm lucky if I can get a few bites down.


I've tried lots of new recipes over the past 29 days and found some that I would normally love, but the thought of eating leftovers also makes me gag. I'm normally all over those leftovers! I have yet to find a love for the kitchen (I still dread anything about that part of my home except the yummy treats I'm "choosing not to eat right now"). But alas, barf. I'm not having fun with real food. And no, @LKBG , I am not pregnant. I have been twice and never had morning sickness, and took a test just in case, too ;)


Thank you @DesertDebbi , for the ideas and tips. Thank you, moderators, for your support. Thank you, fellow newbies for sympathizing with me. Part of me feels like another whole30 is necessary but my tummy keeps screaming at me when I think about it!! What do you think??

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@SarahAD - aw, so sorry to hear this. You said you were always a good eater, can you describe your meals/eating before Whole30 and how it's changed in the last 29 days? This sounds like either you are sick (which doesn't make sense for 29 days, but anything is possible) or that your hormones were seriously out of balance and it may take you longer than 30 days.

If you haven't already, please also describe 2-3 typical days of eating including portion sizes, veggie & fat types, meal timing etc. 

Let's see if there is anything that stands out that we can help you with.

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Reading through this thread, because these feelings are familiar! The last times I've done a 30, I've definitely experienced the nausea, the feeling like I had to force food down - even when it was delicious. I have always chalked it up to adjusting to more protein and fat, and off of the tons and tons of simple carbs and dairy that I had been eating.

I guess the good news I can share is that these feelings did eventually resolve themselves - but it took a while. Three weeks, I would say? But when I start a 30 now, I can remember that a) these feelings pass; and b ) I will eventually feel so much better overall that I know it's worth sticking it out.

14 hours ago, ladyshanny said:

This is a hormonal balance issue and will eventually resolve if you can push through. Try making super palatable, simple foods and eat as much as you can. If that means you have to go back to that meal or make another one in 2 hours, that's fine.

Thank you, @ladyshanny, for mentioning this - it had never occurred to me that it's hormonal! Getting my hormones better regulated is one of my prime motivations for staying on-plan.

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