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Diva Cup


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I've been using a mooncup since '09 and find it great. I'd never go back to tampons. It only took a day or 2 the first cycle to get the hang of it.

There is a good guide to the different folding techniques here

The best thing for me is I used to always have this dragging ache and now I don't!

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I've been using menstral cups for around 10 years and have never gone back. It took me a year to get used to because I started with instead and they leaked on me and I'm allergic to the keeper . Once divcup was for sale in was a happy camper. I use a pad as backup on my heavy day and only need one. Pulling it out to dump in public restrooms was never a problem but menstral blood can stink so don't freak out if it knocks you over when you dump it. I usually dump once most days and then three times on my heavy day.

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I've tried it a few times but the first day or two of my cycles are really painful (endometiosis) and I haven't consistently used it as a result. It hurts to insert, more so when it pops open, and it always seems to creep way up during the day which makes it hard to retrieve. Any pointers?

I detest tampons.

Instead was way more comfy but awful at protection...

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I think the less you think about it, the easier it is to insert. I have a very heavy period and use to go through tampons so quickly. I don't have to change the diva as often. I don't think it should feel painful; perhaps you are not inserting it correctly Karen?

Also, I have two, so I can clean out the cup well, and usually carry the 2nd in my purse on the occasion that it may be strange to clean it in a public restroom......

09 was when I really got more "green" and was one of the reasons why I started using it.


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So each time you empty, you rinse it & re-insert? I'm curious about the public bathroom or camping situation.

Also, do you find it affecting cramps at all? As in making it worse? Sometimes tampons do that to me.

You really don't need to change it that often (way less often than a tampon) so unless you are out of the house ALL day you're fine. If i do need to change it when i'm out I'll empty it and wipe it clean with paper and change it properly when i get back home.

I found it lessened cramps & aches. Tampons are highly absorbant and suck it out of ya! whereas the cup just collects the natural flow :) all very "Red Tent" :)

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I think the less you think about it, the easier it is to insert. I have a very heavy period and use to go through tampons so quickly. I don't have to change the diva as often. I don't think it should feel painful; perhaps you are not inserting it

My entire pelvic region is incredibly tender with the start of my period, no matter what kind of protection. Pressure of any kind during my worst days are excruciating. I had endometriosis in my cul de sac, so perhaps the diva cup puts too much pressure on that area to tolerate. I can assure you, it's impossible NOT to think about it! Does anyone know if there is a smaller option, perhaps another brand?

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My entire pelvic region is incredibly tender with the start of my period, no matter what kind of protection. Pressure of any kind during my worst days are excruciating. I had endometriosis in my cul de sac, so perhaps the diva cup puts too much pressure on that area to tolerate. I can assure you, it's impossible NOT to think about it! Does anyone know if there is a smaller option, perhaps another brand?

Yes! There are tons of brands/sizes. Check out http://sizecharts.livejournal.com/ for detailed comparisons and dimensions.

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I know with the moon cup there is a size for if you've had a child and one for if you haven't.

I know my friend was using the wrong one and when she switched it made a huge difference.

As for washing and reinserting,it depends on how much you bleed.During my heavy days I have to remove several times during the day and night(I have a coil,heavier mens as a result).I do rinse every time before I re-insert..it is great when you get used to it.I have been using mine for 6 years and it's the best thing,I would never go back.

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You really don't need to change it that often (way less often than a tampon) so unless you are out of the house ALL day you're fine. If i do need to change it when i'm out I'll empty it and wipe it clean with paper and change it properly when i get back home.

I found it lessened cramps & aches. Tampons are highly absorbant and suck it out of ya! whereas the cup just collects the natural flow all very "Red Tent"

If I'm caught in public I just dump and reinsert instead of rinsing. I always have to dump once or twice at work on heavy days.

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Ive used my Divacup since 2010, both sizes, and I really like it. The only problem Ive had with it is this. I bleed A LOT so the first couple of days I tend to take it in and out many times. I find that after my period is done, sex with my husband really hurt, to the point where we had to refrain because my insides were irritated from the cup. So now, I use the cup for the first few days and then switch to tampons on my last days and that has seemed to ease the irritation and sex is back to normal ;-)

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I used a Divacup for about 2 years and switched back to tampons. I couldn't deal with the blood. I know that sounds wimpy, and that's why I persevered for two whole years but it got to the point where I was dreading my period and having anxiety attacks about emptying the damn thing. I didn't *want* to be the girl who freaked out about something so normal and healthy about her body, but that desire to not freak out did not prevent the freaking out. Eventually I admitted defeat. I didn't have any comfort issues though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I (too!) have used the DC since 2009 and I really really love it! From now on, tampons are emergency only. It takes some getting used too (maybe 2-3 days for me), but once you've found a good technique to insert it (I fold mine in half), you don't feel it at all! I can easily keep mine in for 10-12 hours. It's life-saving if you're on vacation and want to swim, it's really the best option for that in my opinion! Cleaning it is easy: rise or wash with gentle scent-free soap every day and boil it for 20 minutes after your cycle. It's also the best option for my wallet and the environment!

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