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I posted before I read through pages 2&3 of the discussions. My apologies. I'm going to try the picke juice hack. Thanks! And I'm feeling reassured that Tylenol is "OK" due to fitting the "don't suffer" rule/guideline. I do remember that from reading the "Can I Have?" about cold medicine. Would Zyrtec fail into this category too. I'm in upstate SC and allergies are hitting me harder than ususal and could also be contributing to headaches and achiness and fogginess. 

I"m still intersted in feedbak about my FODMAP question. I can provide a summary of my last few days of meals (or basic average meal ) in detail if that helps. 

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The general stance is that medications/doctor's orders take precedence, so I think a few Tylenol as needed would be fine. In another post, one of the mods confirmed that it was OK for someone to continue to take her birth control pills even though they tasted slightly sweet and may have had a very small amount of sugar in the coating.

I also know that the general recommendation is to complete one full round of regular Whole30 before switching to a FODMAP/AIP/etc. protocol. At Day 18, you are pretty close!

One more thought on the headaches--are you getting enough water? I have not been trying to do a low-carb Whole30 but I know my carb consumption is lower than before, and for me that means I need to drink more water throughout the day. Unless I am very tired or caffeine-deprived, most of my headaches stem from mild dehydration.

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I follow this guy on Instagram "coachingbydrake" and came across this mixture he recommends for intermittent fasting.  I took 1 gallon of water, mixed in 1 teaspoon of NO SALT (brand), 1/2 teaspoon of pink himilayan salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.  I drank 1/2 gallon of this mix last night and by the time I went to bed a few hours later my headache had disappeared.  Woke up this morning and still no headache.  I had experienced the headache since starting the Whole30 5 days ago.  Glad I found this mix...may be the ticket to dealing with the headaches.  

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