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Day 1 of no Calorie Counting.


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Hi all,

Today was Day 1 of Whole 30 and Not Calorie counting.

It was exciting, frightening, liberating and some what anxious.

I have no idea how many calories I've eaten, however I haven't eaten off the Whole 30 way and I'm not starving.

I am though, feeling anxious because I'm worried about becoming so comfortable in this lifestyle that I will forget and have a slip up.

I'll just take one day at a time. Thanks for the encouragement! :)

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I hear you, having calorie counted for the past 20 years it's a change to no longer do that. But it's just a matter of developing the new habit of not doing it. I've been not doing it for a few months now, and when I start to do it I make myself think about something else. It gets easier!

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It's totally weird, isn't it? Especially since we are so encouraged to eat things we haven't eaten freely in...welll.....ever. CHICKEN SKIN!!!!

I'm on Day 6 of my second Whole30 and pouring the oil and ghee on so freely I'm a little concerned...but I'm going longer between meals and my muffintop continues to shrink, so I guess it's fine. AND my food is so darn delicious I can't even believe it, but I have no desire to overeat - even my most delicious coconut milk curry thing - when I'm satisfied I stop. WOW, that's a change - with calorie counting if I was satisfied, I was sad because I knew I ate too many calories, and if I ate the "right" amount, I was never quite satisfied. The feeling of "DAMN that was good and I ate enough of it" is incredible. It helps that I'm really enjoying my cooking, and I know that if I liked it that much, I can always make more for the next meal.

It does get easier, and now I don't even look at where my scale WAS in the mornings. That was a really hard habit to break, but again - soooo liberating.

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It's totally weird, isn't it? Especially since we are so encouraged to eat things we haven't eaten freely in...welll.....ever. CHICKEN SKIN!!!!

I'm on Day 6 of my second Whole30 and pouring the oil and ghee on so freely I'm a little concerned...but I'm going longer between meals and my muffintop continues to shrink, so I guess it's fine. AND my food is so darn delicious I can't even believe it, but I have no desire to overeat - even my most delicious coconut milk curry thing - when I'm satisfied I stop. WOW, that's a change - with calorie counting if I was satisfied, I was sad because I knew I ate too many calories, and if I ate the "right" amount, I was never quite satisfied. The feeling of "DAMN that was good and I ate enough of it" is incredible. It helps that I'm really enjoying my cooking, and I know that if I liked it that much, I can always make more for the next meal.

It does get easier, and now I don't even look at where my scale WAS in the mornings. That was a really hard habit to break, but again - soooo liberating.

Wait What? You can eat CHICKEN SKIN!?!?!?!?!!? How the heck did I miss that one?!?!

It IS a good feeling isn't it!? I CAN NOT wait to hop on the scales because even my "skinny" clothes are getting too big for me! :)

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I wouldn't eat it on a nonorganic chicken, but if it's organic, that skin is fair game. And YUMYUMYUM!!!!! I am bummed I'm eating Thanksgiving at a friend's house because I was really looking forward to savoring that crispy turkey skin for the first time since I was a kid. Think I'll order an organic turkey and do that anyway. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm. As Dallas and Melissa say - I'm an adult - there's nothing stopping me from buying myself a turkey, and nothing stopping me from making a roast turkey on a day besides T-day. Duh.

So sad for your skinny clothes....off to the back of the closet they will go with the fat clothes. Replaced with NEW skinny clothes.... Mwahahaha!

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