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Supplements for clearing up skin?


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This is not really a serious condition but I've had keratosis pilaris (spots/dry skin on the arms) for most of my life. I was referred to a dermatologist when I was around 9/10 years and diagnosed with KP. He said it was just something I would have to live with and would probably clear up as I got older.

I'm 24 and It's cleared up to a certain degree, the skin is no longer dry but I do still have red spots/zits that never fully clear up. I was hoping doing a W30 would help to clear up my skin in general and it has slightly, I've had no major breakouts but still a few blackheads and I'm not sure if I notice any difference on my arms.

My arms tend to clear up most when I'm on holiday somewhere sunny so Vitamin D must help, unfortunately I live in Scotland so sun is in short supply! I try to eat plenty of oily fish, are there any other foods high in Vit-D? I've started using magnesium spray today to see if this helps as I heard it's good for clearing up spots.

Looking online it seems that absorbing more vitamin A and calcium is important for improving the condition. I also have white parts on my nails which I think indicates a zinc deficiency?

Would it be best to take some supplements to increase Vit-D, Calcium and Zinc or is it best to try to get these through my diet? Would it be dangerous to experiment without going to my doctor?

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I take a VitaminD3 supplement on days I don't spend time in the sun. I also take Natural Calm, a magnesium supplement, most every night because it helps with sleep. I get an upset stomach whenever I take a zinc supplement, so I don't. I'm pretty confident I get enough calcium and vitamin A from my diet.

Read through Dallas and Melissa's thoughts and practices with regard to supplements here...



A medical doctor is likely to be a poor source of information about diet, vitamins, supplementation. You won't get into trouble following a doctor's advice, but you are not likely to get meaningful help.

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I'm in Scotland too and take a Vit D3 capsul every day. I reckon at least 90% of the year even if the sun is making one of its rare appearances, the only bit of me it can strike is face and hands as neck to toe I'm covered against the cold :ph34r: so I reckon D3 is just good insurance.

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Thank you both for the advice. I will start taking D3 and see how I get on, even if it doesn't help my skin I'm more than likely deficeint in Vit-D due to the gloomy climate. Can't say I've felt any effects from the magnesium yet but it's only been a few days. Perhaps fish oil might be beneficial too.

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I've been reading a lot about this recently as I've already been eating whole30 style paleo 95% of the time for almost 2 years and my acne hasn't cleared up. Chris Kresser just did an excellent series on nutrients for skin health. This is the last article in the series but if you scroll to the bottom there are links to the other 3:


Vitamin D is a big one for sure. If you supplement with this one alone, Robb Wolf highly recommends the liquid droplets rather than capsules.

Vitamin A is one that I personally suspect I've been missing out on (liver is the only really good source of the kind that your body can use readily).

Probiotics seem to help a lot of people with skin issues.

Some people recommend trying low dose primrose oil, especially for those who see an increase in skin issues when they increase omega-3's.

I've read a lot of good stuff about the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend from Green Pastures. This stuff has a nice balance of Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Omega-3's from a real food source. It's super expensive though. I decided to give it a try anyway because many people swear by it for skin problems, but I've only been using it for a few weeks so I can't say for sure if it's working.

Also, one last thought... if you've just started paleo recently, it may just take some more time to clear up your skin issues. From what I've read, a lot of people don't see results until a few months in.

Best of luck!

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Wow thanks for the detailed reply Leigh! That's an interesting article, it seems sticking to a paleo diet should be beneficial for my skin in the long term. I've just reintroduced dairy and yoghurt doesn't seem to be causing me any issues so that should cover the probiotics along with other fermented foods.

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  • 1 month later...

You are probably correct! Like i said, I recently over-heard those numbers somewhere. Not sure if it was an article or interview, But I'm not 100% since It isn't something i've done much research on or am too familiar with. Although yesterday, the nutritionist at my local raw/organic/supplement store had said that her Dr. has her on about 5k a day so, there you go....

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"I've read a lot of good stuff about the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend from Green Pastures. This stuff has a nice balance of Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Omega-3's from a real food source. It's super expensive though. I decided to give it a try anyway because many people swear by it for skin problems, but I've only been using it for a few weeks so I can't say for sure if it's working."

I agree- try the fermented CLO. I don't use the butter oil blend, but Green Pastures is amazing stuff and the only fermented CLO on the market. It's good for oral health too.

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Rose- my daughter has KP and it gets better with Primal type eating and even better with no dairy at all. It does take a while to filter through though...patience....

Green Pastures is on my wish list for payday next month.....

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Green Pastures is on my wish list for payday next month.....

If you have some friends who are willing to split with you, buy a case at a time. My sister and I do and I think the last case she bought came out to about $35 a bottle....this was just the fermented CLO, not the butter oil blend. If you're interested, I can find out what site she purchased from.

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