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100 Days of Awesome "Whole 100" Group Log


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I can't believe I have forty days to go! I've done sixty in a row - I am amazed at myself. Eating better than ever, too. My goal for this last segment is to work toward reducing my medication. First goal is the anxiety medication, which is easier to get off of than the blood pressure medicine. I just have to not take it and practice other coping mechanisms - and see how they work, now that I'm not constantly amped up or crashing. I'm pretty optimistic. Ultimately I'd like to reduce my blood pressure medication, but I think that will wait until summer, when my exercise routine has been going longer - also, I'll have to consult with my doctor to see if/when it's advisable to reduce the bp meds. Anxiety meds I already have a green light to reduce when ready. Well, READY!!

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Wow - everyone sounds so busy...all moving forward and learning as we go. It's easy to see we are all finding the answers (little by little) for our individual selves - as varied as they are, they are ours. The best thing is that we take these gifts of knowledge and can apply them as we move forward beyond the 100. We keep them forever.

I feel like I'm finding my way back from an autoimmune flare. My eating is/has been fine - meats, vegetables and fresh fruits (and my home made coconut milk) + water. That's it. I discovered during this time so far that I can't monkey around with spices, nuts, nut flours, dried fruits, coffee, etc. I'm okay with this. My problem is huge, massive amounts of stress and the resulting lack of good sleep. My husband has finally been back in town for a couple of consecutive weeks and he is a huge support. Hopefully, I'll slog through the current stresses and come out healthier on the other side.

Sending good thoughts to all who are struggling.

Happy dancing for all your successes!!!


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Anyone else living where the sun has appeared to leave for good? Nothing but clouds and snow showers for days on end. The good thing is that I'm keeping busy in the clay studio making many new items. I'm thinking spring and warmer weather so lately I've been making numerous vases for flowers.

Juzbo, thanks for the idea. Yes, I will try increasing fat again to see if that helps.

Shelly, I'm loving the whole100 too. Its definitely a sense of accomplishment. I'm so thrilled that I haven't had any sugar for over 60 days. I don't think I've ever done that before!

Maryann, let me know if you ever make it back to Maine, we'll have to get together!

Amy, you have good goals to decrease the meds when you think you are ready. It certainly is liberating. After three weeks on the whole100 I decreased my asthma meds to 1/4 of the recommended dosage. Normally, winter is my difficult time as far as breathing goes so for me, decreasing the meds is BIG.

My new goal this month is to cut back on the amount of sunflower seeds I eat. I was consuming about 1/4 cup each day, some on my salad and some as a snack. I've cut it back to 1 Tablespoon for my salad.

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Juzbo - it's pretty cool to have this level knowledge though, huh? A year ago I was such a "toxic waste dump" inside, I couldn't have even begun to know all the things that made me sick/sicker/sickest. Now I can point directly to anything I consume or come in contact with and know with certainty that it was good or bad for me.

I'm okay with fresh fruits in moderation but really need to stay away from too many or dried fruits or I become an unwilling passenger on the sugar train. I think the nuts (maybe the coffee too) had the biggest impact of foods on my recent flare. The pain and swelling seem to be subsiding and, I think, my hair falling out is slowing.

Stay unflared!!!


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:( sad for you Lisa, but like me I know you are healthier/happier with whole30 foods despite the flare ups compared to SAD foods.

I overindulged this weekend and feel very bloated and my skin is also unhappy...


I was snacking on nuts, coconut, fruit, coffee and cocoa as an alternative to party food of pies, sausage rolls, hot dogs, chips, lollies, cake.. It was my sons birthday and we had 16 kids here

I look forward to the day I don't need to snack on healthy foods instead but it was pretty cool to not even sneak one sweet when I would have inhaled them last year.


Although I don't feel great today, it will only take a day of proper eating to feel much better rather than a week had I had gluten or sugar.

Happy Monday (already) here

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GO YOU - juzbo! What a great sense of success and pride you must be reveling in! Well done! :) It's a wonderful feeling to be exposed to all the things we used to indulge in and walk away better in many ways for having none!

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Juzbo - I feel SO bloated lately, too. I know I'm coming up close to my period, but I can't help but feel miserable. funny thing is, this is exactly how I felt right after the first 30 days (hmmm...28 day cycle...imagine that) and feeling like things weren't working/I should quit/etc. I also ate an entire cabbage in like 2 days.

I am thinking a lot about our end (I know it's still a month away, but...) and am feeling kind of sad. seriously! strange to me. we are going up the northern coast for a couple days for a little family mini-vacation on March 31-April 3. I am a bit nervous about it and a bit on the fence about introducing some dairy on the trip. I have time to decide but I just wanted everyone else's opinion.

I was also curious - I've read in other forums about people having coconut whipped cream on berries/etc at celebratory functions. I thought this was against the whole30 plan. again, just curious what you all think of it. I think I mentioned that both my daughter's will be baptised on March 30th and have thought about this...I actually think I will skip it because I don't think it would be worth it for me, but just curious what you all think.

I guess that re-introduction and lifetime eating has been on my mind a lot lately. even 30+ days away I already have serious anxiety about it. I am such an all-or-nothing person I am just terrified I will go back to my old way of eating. my husband ordered pizza tonight and I was just craving it hard core.

all right, enough of my babble tonight. I worked all day today and, again, watched patient after patient come in with serious health problems eating "food" that was processed/sugar-fied/junky and unwilling to change eating, instead looking for meds. sigh. so I'm tired. and have a spinning brain. so TIME FOR SLEEP!

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Jess, thanks for feeling miserable with me LOL. I think having a swypo meal is against the spirit of the whole30 but not considered enough of an abberation to require a reset except in cases of really poor eating habits or not making new good habits... And therefore a number of people do it. Also what is swypo for some isn't for others so again it's a hard rule to interpret. Most advice on this requires us to make a decision re whether the choice makes us less healthy or more healthy. So if having it is a rare occurrence, doesn't set you up for cravings or failure and prevents you from breaking and pigging out on really bad choices then arguably it makes you more healthy. It comes down to what your goals are and what you consider will make your whole30 successful for you.

Jess with a bit of luck you will reintro pizza, go yuck and not crave it again! That's the easy solution. After my first whole30 I had a lolly snake and it tasted so alien I spat it out... I was at work... I couldn't believe how it made my mouth feel, not like real food at all

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I consider coconut whipped cream and berries a nice treat unless eating it turns you into a treat dragon. I see so many Paleo treats around the internet, I wonder if the enthusiasts ever eat meat and veggies.

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Come on people! We aren't posting much anymore! :)

I had a great day today - whole foods had cedar wrapped fish and veggies on sale the other day, I bought some cod but I always buy stuff like this and then it goes to waste because I don't cook it (fish...) but I made it today and it was AMAZING! I made a nice sauce with home made mayo, dill, garlic, and lemon juice.THEN I went out to dinner with my parents to a resturant called Rok - great food and completely compliant! I couldn't believe it! Super expensive so I won't go much, but I had a groupon. They bring you your meat on a stone heated to 700 degrees and you cook it to your liking at the table. I had a filet. They had sautéed veggies but in OLIVE OIL! I always see it in butter, but not here. So I got a side of veggies and a side of fruit, grilled my pineapple on my stone, and to top it off they have their own house made dipping sauces - one with NO added sweetener, just olive oil and spices. Can you tell I was excited?! The end of the meal my parents and girls got chocolate fondue with fruit, cake, marshmallow, pretzels...it looked amazing but I didn't even think of having any. My little one had chocolate all over her fingers and I WIPED them clean instead of licking them.

OK so enough with my awesome day. I'm actually even looking forward to tomorrow since I have one cod fillet left and a chicken to cook in the crock pot from the farmers market.

I am anxious to see if I go through the cycle of emotions and cravings I did the first 30 and again the second 30. I missed my CF today but I didn't feel like I could ask my parents to babysit since I worked all weekend and I know they were maxed out. So tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday (fingers crossed)

Night all!!!

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Good Morning!

Happy Day Day 64? Geez, I lost count.

I am in sunny California and want to just share a few awesome food experiences I've had since I got here.

I lived here for 11 years and forgot how food friendly L.A. is. Fresh off the plane I went to a favorite restaurant with a friend and ordered a burger (my go-to) I requested no bun, no chesse etc. The waitress says "Lettuce ok?" Well sure it is. They bring me my burger with grilled onions and mushrooms and avacado wrapped in lettuce and wrapped in paper just like a regular burger! It was heaven I tell you.

Then on Sunday a girlfriend and I met in Pacific Palisades for breakfast at another great restaurant. I had scrambled eggs, veggies< BACON & a little fruit. I asked if the bacon was cured or had sugar or maple syrup in it and was told no, they don't do that! I LOVE THIS!! Eating hasn't been this easy in ages. And then last night we went out to mexican food. I had the most amazing shrimp and veggies and left off the beans and rice. They had a salsa bar that was to die for!

We also went to the Farmers Market on Sunday and I spent $35.00 and walked away with so many beautiful vegetables and blue berries. Me and my tummy are very happy.

My daughter came through her surgery really well and is on the mend. It's been really great to hang out with her, be a doting mama and cook good food for everyone. I am so glad I came.

The sunshine isn't hurting either. It's been in the mid 70's everyday.

Today my sister and I are going to one of many canyons around here with her dogs to hike.

Wishing you all a good day!

BTW, I'm not experiencing any drags in mood or energy like the first and second 30's. Hoping that it all goes smoothly from here.

Who is left of us?

I'm still here.



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Linda, that all sounds wonderful! My daughters are still young (9 year old twins) but I can already feel that pull toward independence and I love that you still get to be a caring mama sometimes even when they're grown. I'm so glad she did well and that you're having such a positive experience.

I'm on my second-to-last day of antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. The infection has cleared, thankfully, but I'm dragging from the effects of the antibiotics themselves. Hopeful that once I stop them my energy will start to return.

I'm going until April 10, but I never know what day it is in the Whole100 timeline.

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Okay, Jess is right. We've been slacking. I've been reading along, but not posting.

I finally decided to cut my coffee budget officially in half. For at least 30 years I have made enough coffee for 2 large mugs every morning. I needed those two mugs to get my day started. For the last month or so, I haven't been drinking the second cup. I'll get busy and forget to pour it, or I'll pour it and leave it somewhere. I finally realized I no longer need two cups of coffee. So now I am only making one. I have also made the leap to black, something I never thought I could do. But the coconut milk is pretty tasteless anyway, and the bulletproof coffee just tasted oily, so I am now officially a black coffee drinker by choice, not because I have to be.

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Away from home this week. The nice thing is that I brought all my own food and am making meals just for me. (At home, I cook compliant dinners for everyone but it's challenging because they want "more" than just meats and vegetables. I struggle to keep them happy.) Me - I'm totally used to my super simple and easy way of eating.

I do struggle with eating enough when it's just me. I'm simply not hungry. Breakfast is my hardest meal because we're "supposed" to eat it and keep the protein high (autoimmune and sleep problems plus I work out). Just not hungry in the morning. From what I've read, earlier humans (hunter gatherers) typically had only one or two meals a day and the big one was "dinner." But I understand eating breakfast can help get the adrenals/pituitary working better for optimum cycling for sleep.

Anyone know anything that disputes or supports? Thanks!


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I haven't been on the forum much. Dealing with the joys of parenting. The food part of all this has become so natural that I don't struggle much with it anymore. Boredom almost did me in. As an emotional eater, I did not think that would be the emotion that got me. I held strong, reminded myself that food is fuel and that I really have too much going on to not feel the best that I can. I'm loving all the different veggies that are coming in season. My garden is off to a good start. I'm trying to make time to find new recipes so I don't get bored with my usuals. We had meatloaf tonight, and it was delicious. Funny how a different presentation can make such a difference.

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Back from Orlando. Compliant food failure!! Monday morning apple and nuts. Smacking on dried fruit on the way up. No protein. Salad with some turkey for lunch ( not satisfying). Snacked on dried fruit befor dinner capital grille for dinner-- salad, steak and green bans sautéed in olive oil ( I wanted a martini and the shallot butter on the steak---felt like this is getting boring). Best part was that my colleague didn't drink at dinner so it was much easier. Tuesday morning veggie omelette for breakfast. Damn snacking on dried fruit just because it was there ( I really need to address this!). Can of wild planet tuna for lunch ( I couldn't bear another green salad with boring vinegar and oil). More dried fruit and nuts on the way home.

We took my sister in law back home with us. She was "dying" for pizza so I picked one up for her on the way home. I really was not tempted just aggravated when I got home at 8:39 after driving 3 hours and I had frozen all my leftovers frm the weekend. I had one leftover already cooked sweet potato and put eggs on top. And the boring green salad from the pizza place with more boring oil and vinegar. It's really hard when there is no time to prepare and/ or just too tired.

Now I should be sleeping but I'm not. Drank the Calm took the Relora with theanine. I'm up!

I never had a real sugar dragon-- haven't had sugar since last May. What's up with this sudden dry fruit craving?????! At this stage of the game!!! I am not buying any more dried fruit for the remainder of our W100. That's it!!! We'll see if I have my first real withdrawal from anything. I did not have it from sugar, from alcohol, from almond milk in my coffee. What's up with this dried fruit thing???!!!!!

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Hey Shelley, I hear/feel your frustration. Do you think it's because 100 days is too long to put ourselves under restrictions?? I do think some of my non-optimal eating is because of this... I am not planning to eat very differently after the whole 100 but I am curious to see if I will feel differently about my eating and perhaps even eat less when I no longer have to try so hard... Food for thought!

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Juzbo--could be 100 days is too long. But maybe there's just more to learn for me right now.

The only foods that really seem to satisfy me are meat or chicken with green vegetables and some kind of squash and either leftovers of the same or eggs for breakfast. . ( getting a little concerned about cholesterol). Fish and salad just don't do it for me. Even though I like it.

I eat out a lot and unless I am going somewhere for a good steak or hamburger it just is too difficult. Most chicken preparations in restaurants don't work. I have to eat out a lot and its hard. Tonight I have a work cocktail party. There will be nothing there for me to eat and i will wait til i get home. I had to wake up extra early this morning and roast sweet potato and Brussels sprouts and I grilled some sausage.

It's hard not to eat an apple before the cocktail party. I will probably do that just so long as I stay away from the dried fruit.

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Juzbo-- Part 2. I don't follow the template either. I just eat til I'm full. It's more meat than a palm size for me. Despite that I have lost 14 lbs since last November when I started my first W45 and I do feel really good about being back at what I consider to be my normal weight with good energy and better sleep (more often tha before). Hot flashes completely gone.

So, I'm not sure what to do when the 100 days are over. I know I will never have soy again. I have no desire for pasta or bread or dairy. I think main difference might be that I will eat "off road" at special occasions or when going out to a great restaurant and otherwise just stay compliant. Also, it's so hard with the cooking oil out-- what are they sautéing in? Is there soy in the oil? Maybe I won't be so concerned about that part of eating out. Or the sugar in bacon eating out. Or the butter in sauce eating out. Those things would make my life easier when we are done.

Definitely not sure about alcohol. Would that be a slippery slope? Requires a whole post.

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Sorry you're having such a tough time, Shelley. Orlando has got to be one of the least Whole30-friendly places on earth. The entire town is geared to the tastes of the family on a SAD. My hat is off to you that you didn't cave on the pizza. The "old us" wouldn't have been able to resist, at least once we got it in the car and had to smell it all the way home.

Don't know about the dried fruit thing. Is it possibly an unconscious substitution for something else you aren't eating? I have read that there are studies that show people who give up alcohol wind up consuming more sugar. Something about the pleasure areas of the brain that are stimulated by both. Of course, the study I'm referring to was done on former drinkers who were members of AA, so their alcohol issues were probably far more severe than those of social drinkers, but is it possible that the combination of no alcohol, no added sugars (even in the things we normally don't pay attention to as having sugar in them) and no grains or simple carbs (which convert to sugar) over this period of time are joining forces in an attempt to get some stimulation of those pleasure-centers that aren't getting any from other sources? If so, this may just be another form of detox, while your body rebels at the changes.

Don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, sometimes my brain runs away with my ability to express myself clearly.

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MaryAnn-- I am thinking its delayed detox. Haven't had sugar or a drink since last November (except on Christmas Day) so I don't know why a all of a sudden it's dried fruit I am looking for. I am only a social drinker when I do drink-- although I did have a drink with my husband every night (that I will never do again,). I had no withdrawal or cravings for sugar or alcohol when I stopped last November. It wasn't hard at all. That's what is curious for me now about the dried fruit.

I wonder what i would have done about the pizza if we were done with our whole 100. I love it, I drove 3 hours, I was tired and it was there. Nothing good was waiting for me in the food department at home. Would I have eaten The pizza? What would have been the consequences?

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