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School Lunch Ideas/Recipes


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I am looking for recipes or breakdowns for school lunches. My son is in 2nd grade and loves taking his lunch. He's not too picky but they also do not have access to a microwave to heat up their home-brought lunches. I need help with a lunch plan for him. He enjoys packing his own lunch so I would love ideas where he can still either put things together himself or where I can maybe help a little too. I keep finding web searches that either appear to be complicated (not time friendly) or have things that aren't fully Whole30. We are starting our first Whole30 on Feb. 1st, I am making meal plans now and am just drawing a blank for school lunches.

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23 minutes ago, krystalmiller09 said:

I am looking for recipes or breakdowns for school lunches. My son is in 2nd grade and loves taking his lunch. He's not too picky but they also do not have access to a microwave to heat up their home-brought lunches. I need help with a lunch plan for him. He enjoys packing his own lunch so I would love ideas where he can still either put things together himself or where I can maybe help a little too. I keep finding web searches that either appear to be complicated (not time friendly) or have things that aren't fully Whole30. We are starting our first Whole30 on Feb. 1st, I am making meal plans now and am just drawing a blank for school lunches.

Have you looked on the forum for this?  https://www.google.ca/search?q=whole30+school+lunch+ideas&rlz=1C1GGRV_enCA753CA754&oq=whole30+school+lunc&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i60j69i57j69i60l2j0.3263j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

The first hits there are on our forum and then there are a few blog articles... you can change the search terms too but if you put 'whole30' at the front, then you usually get forum threads first.

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My 12 year old did a Whole30 recently.  He only packs a lunch one day per week because we homeschool, but I often sent a cold chicken leg with sides.  Invest in a thermos and you can send favorite warm leftovers that way.  Today that son took a thermos with leftover roasted carrots topped with a leftover pork chop and a large dish of applesauce.   As far as him packing it himself, you may have to pre-portion things.  You could get baggies of raw veggies ready and then add one of those guacamole packets from Costco (pricey, but worth it) or a tiny dish of approved ranch or nut butter.  Fresh fruit is easy to grab and go.   Compliant hot dogs and lunchmeat can be eaten cold.  Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with the thermos. My son has taken chili, vegan mac & cheese (pre Whole30), etc. When I was worried about what to send b/c my kitchen is Whole30 complaint now, the thermos was going to be the saving grace. I may buy a second one so I can make sure we can just rotate.
My 2nd grader takes his lunch A LOT b/c of a dairy intolerance. He loved the meatballs I made this weekend and asked to take them to school (he likes them without any sauce or noodles). I packed it, plus fresh fruit, carrots & grape tomatoes. 

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