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Nanette's whole30 log


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Day 22 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee - no butter

Herbal Tea


Tomato, Avocado, lime juice smooshed together

Creamy Sweet Potato and Chicken Soup

Grilled chicken wings

Really had no appetite at all. My FDN friend tells me the worst is over with this bacterial infection, but I need to keep taking my natural supplements through to March 1. I'm looking at the upside - My clothes are fitting looser, my skin is looking smoother, I'm sleeping straight through the night, and the hot flashes are gone - really gone!

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Day 23

A full days work ahead of me again today. It is so blasted cold here. We're talking 10 degrees. Yesterday when I left for Kenosha it was 3 degrees. I hate to admit it, but I'd rather have snow and warmer temps.

Everything is ready to take to work today . . .feels so good to have food on hand that tastes good, looks good and fills me up ;)


Broccoli, Italian Meatballs and Creamy Sweet Potato and Chicken Soup - I never thought I'd say this, but, I love eating the food my dh and I cook. We used to eat out all the time - now we share meals at home, and talk "with" each other - food just tastes so much better this way ;)

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Day 23 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee no butter

Herbal Tea - lots at work


Creamy Sweet Potato Soup

italian Meatballs Broccoli

Chicken Wings


I just love grilled chicken wings and was so glad we had some leftover from dinner last night. That was a really big lunch today - so 3 small chicken wings were just right!

It's pretty amazing how my appetite has changed in just the past few days. There was a time when a big lunch only signaled a bigger dinner. And my tummy has been a lot happier lately. So, my decreased appetite is no longer due to feeling nauseous from taking my supplements and dealing with the die off of the bacterial infection - H.pylori. I really believe it's because I'm getting better about listening what my body really wants and needs.

With this Whole30 - my clothes are fitting much looser - last time I lost a couple of pounds, and that after 60 days of strict Whole30 eating. I'm looking forward to taking some measurements at the end of 30 days. Who knows, maybe I'll get my "brave" on and post some before and afters like my friend the "amazing" Derval ;)

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Day 24

I can't believe this is the first snowfall we've gotten this year that's stayed on the ground! And still freezing our butts off, 5 degrees this morning. . . .

I've been laxed in making food for this week. When I get home from work, I've been flopping down on the couch with my laptop a cup of hot tea and my fuzzy slippers. Just gotten lazy with all the hours I'm putting in at work. I'm used to working from home in our business, not at an office in someone else's business. It's an adjustment. The paycheck sure is a blessing!

I've got stewing meat to fix into something so it's time to pull out the crockpot this evening. I've got a bunch of kale yet too - ready to steam, stir fry, or make into kale chips.

Just the best feeling to know what veggies, fruit and meatsI have on hand, what I can make with them, and that none of it has to go to waste. On Saturday the cupboards and fridge fill up and by the following Friday, it's all gone. Pretty friggin' amazing . . .

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Day 24 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee - no butter

Herbal Tea

Black Tea

Peeled Green Apple

Sun Butter

Creamy Sweet Potato Soup (chicken)



Pork Chop Grilled

Avocado tomato salad

Retire our Grill? NO WAY!


We're just dusting off the snow and planning our next meal . . . .

Today's my meeting with my gal pals. Can't wait . . . . And yes, feeling better. Had a bout of "extreme evacuation" last night. Glad I was at home at least . . .

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Day 25 and I ate:

Bulletproof coffee - no butter

Black Tea

Herbal Tea

Smash burger - no bun, grilled onions, tomato, lettuce, mustard

Sweet Potato Fries (was assured no sugar, no trans fats by mgmt)

Bacon, Avocado, Onion, Tomato mash

Grilled chicken legs

Ravenous at lunch time - not hungry at all toward mid afternoon. I had a 6:30pm meeting and rolled into bed after at about 8pm or so. I was totally exhausted . . .

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Day 26

4 more days, really? Actually not, not for me anyways. I'm going through February with this supplement protocol I'm on. I've been feeling like a really bad replay of the Exorcist lately. Those pesky little demons, whatever, bacteria, parasites are waging war - they must really like me . . . and aren't real keen of getting kicked out of their house.

Today I am def going to find the energy to fix some food - creamy soup, shredded pork and/or beef all sound good. I've got a thing going on for kale chips - so that's on the agenda too.

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It was a great meal out Derval! After reading more of the posts lately on this forum I'm finding my food logs lacking in veggies - it hasn't been intentional I don't think, but I'm just gravitating toward more easily digestible foods while on this H.pylori protocol. Otherwise, my stomach whazzes out and TMIF foillows . . .not a fun day.

I am going to work on making sure I get more creamy soups with veggies whizzed up in them ;)

Check it out, Panera goes Paleo here in the US - do you have Panera Breads in Ireland? I know, weird right? Panera "Bread" going paleo:

January 26, 2013

Panera Bread Goes Paleo-Primal?

"Posted by Karen De Coster on January 26, 2013 06:32 AM

To me, Panera Bread ia a place known for serving dessert for breakfast, and sugar + bread at all other times. Horrible, get-fat foods, unless one sticks to the salad menu. Thanks to consumers becoming more informed and market pressure, Panera has come up with a brilliant solution: a bunch of real food piled into a bowl for breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. This mimics what I often do at home for my lunches at the office. Glass bowl + kitchen sink food assortment = great meal. For whatever reason, Panera is keeping these items cloaked in secrecy on its "Hidden Menu."

Developed by
Scott Davis, Panera Bread's Chief Concept Officer
, Panera's "off-the-menu" dishes offer nourishing options that make sticking to New Year's resolutions simple. All of these meal selections are an excellent source of protein and contain limited processed carbs. But you won't find these items on banners in our cafes, or even on the menu board.

Here's how you get the dishes -- just tell one of our associates that you're ordering from the "Hidden Menu", and they'll take care of it from there.

I'm not sure of the marketing reasons behind this "Hidden menu," but the photos of the food options are gorgeous: steak, chicken, turkey, eggs, veggies, and fresh herbs. Just what a hungry person with a healthy body needs in a pinch."

I'd much rather "homemade", but in a pinch - this is progress . . .

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We don't N. Robin analysed that new menu in another thread if you do a search.

You're not missing much my friend. Only in a pinch . . .thanks for the heads up on the thread.

Terez, bulletproof coffee no butter means I don't use any butter in it during the Whole30. I make it with bulletproof coffee, coconut milk, and bulletproof MCT oil. I know, a little obsessive, right? I purchase it from the Bulletproof Executive at this website:


Thanks for the +1 - we don't always get it perfect and eat out occasionally, but we're working on progress not perfection ;)

My BA Salad for the day:


Home made salmon salad with homemade mayo, onions, dill, & onions. Heirloom lettuce, roasted beets, orange pepper, tomatoes, and a sprinkle of olives. This should hold me for a while.

Terez - thanks for the inspiration to eat my colors!

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Day 26 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee - no butter

Roibos Tea

Tangerine & 1/2 Avocado

Salmon Salad on top of a BA Salad

White Fish w/Ghee & Garlic & Lemon Juice Grilled



Can't believe all the work I got done today, grocery shopping, got the propane tank filled up for the grill, brought in all the bird feed, nuts & seeds for the birds & squirrels (my husband as a "thing" about the feeding the critters in the back yard), got the laundry washed, dried and put away. Oh, and I carried in bags and bags of kitty litter - 4 cats and we go through a lot of litter . . ..

Didn't feel much like doing anything this morning - but once I got up and started moving - I couldn't stop. Plan to sleep well tonight!

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Terez, bulletproof coffee no butter means I don't use any butter in it during the Whole30. I make it with bulletproof coffee, coconut milk, and bulletproof MCT oil. I know, a little obsessive, right? I purchase it from the Bulletproof Executive at this website: http://www.bulletproofexec.com Thanks for the +1 - we don't always get it perfect and eat out occasionally, but we're working on progress not perfection ;) Terez - thanks for the inspiration to eat my colors!

Love the colors!!! :)

On bulletproof coffee, you mentioned elsewhere that you found it too rich with butter before your W30. What did you use instead of butter in it? Or is this the way you always have it, W30 or no W30?

I've got several pounds of coffee stockpiled in my freezer and thought I'd try official bulletproof beans once I work my way through my supply.

Is bulletproof MCT oil better (as in healthier) than coconut oil? (And if it is, is it much better?)

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Love the colors!!! :)

On bulletproof coffee, you mentioned elsewhere that you found it too rich with butter before your W30. What did you use instead of butter in it? Or is this the way you always have it, W30 or no W30?

I've got several pounds of coffee stockpiled in my freezer and thought I'd try official bulletproof beans once I work my way through my supply.

Is bulletproof MCT oil better (as in healthier) than coconut oil? (And if it is, is it much better?)

I'm really not very good at remembering info and data but I am good at cutting and pasting. I suppose the following info from the Bulletproof Executive should be taken in context in that he is selling his product. I'm a fan and have noticed a big difference in my energy levels - even with this detox protocol I'm on, and have cut way back on my coffee consumption as a result. Here goes:

Try Upgradedâ„¢ MCT Oil and get upgraded energy levels immediately, or your purchase is on us.

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) work directly in cells to give you an extra boost to maximize your performance. Very little MCT oil is stored as fat because it is used for energy so quickly!

Tired of constantly craving caffeine? Want a thermogenic immune boost with your energy?

Say goodbye to coconut oil and hello to energy 6x stronger. Upgraded MCT Oil benefits:

  • Fast Energy - Upgraded MCT oil converts into energy faster than other oils*
  • Better Blood Chemistry - Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, controlling LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and boosting HDL (good) cholesterol levels*
  • Nutrient Absorption - Improves the body's absorption and use of vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium*
  • Immune Protection - Works to control harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi inside the body*
  • Healthy Cell Membranes - Serves as stable building block of cell membranes*
  • Easy Storage - No refrigeration required and liquid at room temperature*
  • Make meals more Bulletproof - Flavorless and easy to add into diet. Mix into any smoothie, soup, sushi (my favorite!), or most recipes*

Upgraded MCT oil is extracted from palm and coconut oil in a time consuming process, making it the most potent MCT on the market. No metal catalysts are used in the manufacturing process, and every batch of our MCT is tested for heavy metals. Upgraded MCT is 100% capric and caprylic acid and has a perfect 8-10 carbon saturated fat level.

Upgraded MCT oil is suitable to cook at temperatures under 320o F. It does not trigger the following allergies: celery, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, lupin, milk or its derivatives, mollusks, mustard, peanuts (including peanut oil), sesame seed or its derivatives, soybean or its derivatives, Sulfur Dioxide, tree nuts, wheat or its derivatives, and more. It is highly, highly purified.

I hope that helps answer your questions Terez. He has a lot more info on his bulletproof coffee too, same site. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry Terez, I completely forgot to answer your initial question. Yes this is the way I drink it, W30 or not W30. I would feel nauseous within minutes of drinking it with butter in it. Looooved the taste - but couldn't handle something in it, maybe all the fat, the casein, I don't know. Just didn't sit well at all. And, that was prior to starting my protocol for getting rid of H pylori as well.

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Day 27

It's a good day for kitchen time :D - the laundry is all done, folded and stashed away, the veggies are prepped, the meat is thawing and my schedule is clear for the entire day. Life is good.

I woke up this morning to my cat, Oscar crying at something dangling in front of him. It reminded me of how I used to feel when passing the "jewel case" (my DH and I fondly refer to as the bakery counter) at Whole Foods.


and all this for what . . . . .


A "smiley face" balloon I bought for my husband for his birthday a couple weeks ago. Eventually the balloon deflates, life goes back to normal, until the next Birthday or Holiday with smiley face balloons and of course Whole Foods double layer, butter cream frosted cake, rolls around.

A good reminder for me that cravings for birthday cake can come but, they can also go . . . if I let them . . . Better yet, an incentive to make my own birthday "treat" and let our cat chase the never ending desire for a "smiley face" around the living room. . . .

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Terez, I make my bulletproof with ghee and coconut oil. It's fabulous. Coconut oil is an mtc and ghee....well you know. :) I recently bought a milk frother from amazon. Much easier to clean than my blender. It's a tiny little thing and I froth the mixture up right in the cup I am drinking it from.

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Day 27

I love "lazy" Sunday Mornings.

Here's what I fixed for breakfast:


Sauteed onions in CO and a little sea salt, then added in Sweet Potatoes sliced with pumpkin pie spice. Covered and let simmer for a while.


Finally B) added in my chopped kale greens, swooshed around a little and let steam for a while. Fried up some


And . . . .


Breakfast! Soooo good :P

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I'm sorry Terez, I completely forgot to answer your initial question. Yes this is the way I drink it, W30 or not W30. I would feel nauseous within minutes of drinking it with butter in it. Looooved the taste - but couldn't handle something in it, maybe all the fat, the casein, I don't know. Just didn't sit well at all. And, that was prior to starting my protocol for getting rid of H pylori as well.

Thanks for all the info, Nanette. I have quite a bit of coconut oil on hand and won't be switching to MCT anytime soon but I can see I'll want to give it a shot.

Terez, I make my bulletproof with ghee and coconut oil. It's fabulous. Coconut oil is an mtc and ghee....well you know. :) I recently bought a milk frother from amazon. Much easier to clean than my blender. It's a tiny little thing and I froth the mixture up right in the cup I am drinking it from.

Susan, I'm making mine the same way (although lately I've been omitting the coconut oil). I had tried using my immersion blender in my coffee cup and splashed half of it out onto the kitchen counter. So I've been using my blender, which does an amazing job. Of course, then I have to clean the blender!

Which frother did you get? On one hand I hate to buy yet another kitchen appliance (especially since I had a frother that I gave away about two years ago!). On the other hand I like the idea of having something small to clean rather than messing with my blender in the morning...


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Looks amazing!

Thanks Derval - I was stuffed for hours after . . .

Thanks for all the info, Nanette. I have quite a bit of coconut oil on hand and won't be switching to MCT anytime soon but I can see I'll want to give it a shot.


You are most welcome Terez!

Day 27 and I ate:

Bulletproof coffee no butter

Roibos Tea

Pastured pork sausage

Sauteed Kale, Onions & Sweet Potato


Grilled Turkey Leg fit for a cave woman:


There's nothing like a meatloaf filled with bacon, carrots, onions, spinach, homemade paleo ketchup, grassfed ground beef to make a person snatch a taste :P


Can't wait for lunch tomorrow . . . .and no, it wasn't me who bit off a chunk of my meatloaf - it was my dh :lol:

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Day 28

Whew! Busy, busy day today. The printer broke at the office with a gazillion docs to print and get out . . .oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Today I ate:

Bulletproof coffee - no butter

Herbal Tea



Sauteed Sweet Potato, Kale & Onions

Grilled White Fish

Broccoli w/ bacon

Avocado & Tomatos

I got lots of meatloaf to eat this week - and sausage - and sauteed kale with sweet potatoes. I'm going to thaw out a beef brisket tonight and crockpot it tomorrow night for Wednesday. In the meanwhile - I'll mix it up with some more salmon salad - sunshine sauce with veggies . . . .It's a good feeling to know I always have "go to" foods in the fridge and pantry ;) .

Early morning again tomorrow - headed for Kenosha and Aunt Sally's house . . .Crap! I shoulda washed the car after work.

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