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Green Bean Pasta


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Pasta substitutes (like shirataki noodles) are not compliant with the program even though the ingredients are. However - zoodling a zucchini or using spaghetti squash is a suitable pasta substitute because it's just a vegetable or a way of cutting a vegetable. I guess I'd want to know what this product is? If it's just a bunch of dehydrated beans that you rehydrate, then sure, go for it. If it's actually the beans processed in some way (maybe dried and then powdered, mixed with water to make dough and then extruded) then I would say no.

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Definitely a better option for grain-based pasta if you already know that grains mess with you! 

I've also made "pasta" with that bagged broccoli slaw mix you can get in the produce section of the grocery store. It's a nice change from zoodles sometimes and yummy with a hearty meat sauce.

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