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Argh... digestive woes!

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And I think this is beyond what I have read ordinarily happens at this stage. (I'm at day 6.)

I had, um, issues starting Dec. 27, and have been having, um, issues since. Including two bouts of full blown diarrhea. (Sorry, TMI I know.) I'm calling the doc tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm struggling with staying on program as the foods that seem to calm things the most are, well, starchy carbs... HALP!

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hi wendy!

sorry to hear about your rough start. this is my second whole30, and i experienced the same issues you described today. this also happened about a week or so into my first whole30. i had uncomfortable BM's and my stomach made awful noises (all of which is happening currently). then it finally subsided and things were better than normal. i don't know if this is medically sound advice, but i really think my intestines were purging, perhaps sloughing off some nasty mucus caused by inflammatory foods (grains and gluten). sweet potatoes and pumpkin help me (on so many levels, too. not just digestively).

i know it's uncomfortable, but give it more time...it should clear up. you could also look into digestive enzymes to help you along while your body is adjusting to the increased fat and protein. good luck!

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I need help too! I am having the same problem in the bathroom and my stomach makes these weird noises sometimes. It sounds kind of like a stomach growling but different and LOUD. I am not sure what to do. This is my second Whole 30. My first one was at the end of August and I didn't have this problem. I ate well until Thanksgiving and was off to my bad eating habbits until the start of this Whole 30 on January 2. I have been watching everything I eat, drinking Kombucha for probiotics and taking fermented cod liver oil too. I am searching the forum for help and will head back to my book to see the suggestions. I will try the sweet potato to see if that helps but would love any other suggestions :)

Thank you!

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I was kind of waiting to see if things get better but I am going to start writing all my foods down to see if there is a pattern. I do eat most of my veggies raw but I do remember Melissa saying on a podcast to cook them if having digestive issues. I also enjoy nuts and sunflower seeds so I may try to limit those too. What do I look for when buying digestive enzymes? Should I try that first or a probiotic in pill form? Thanks for all your suggestions! Keep them coming please :)

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