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Day 27...bloated & thinking of extending my W30?

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Hi Everyone!

Day 27 here (OMG)! And I am still soooo bloated – and have no consistency if ya know what I mean…

I have tried incorporating more fats in my meals, and avoiding high fod map foods – wondering if it is time to try that magnesium supplement everyone is talking about regarding this topic.

Before W30, my gastrologist prescribed me having Metamucil daily which I stopped on W30 figuring I would become more regular as the time went on due to the low inflammatory foods. But now its day 27 and still no luck.

I have included a sample of my meals below (I do realize there are a few high fodmap foods in this, this is just an example).

SO – my first question is, should I try the magnesium tablets without knowing if I am in fact magnesium deficient? Also, which magnesium supplements do you recommend?

Second of all – since I am still feeling bloated on day 27…is now the time to re-evaluate if I should add another 15/30 days for my whole 30? Would you suggest that I do add more time? OR do you suggest going through the reintroduction anyway and see how I feel? 

Other things that may be helpful to know: I was diagnosed with esophageal ulcers and a hiatal hernia in October - unsure they cleared up yet.  

Thank you! Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!

Rock on whole 30ers!


B: 2 hard boiled eggs, butternut squash, brussel sprouts (includes olive oil)

L: Chicken Wings & Salad with Tessemae’s balsamic vinegrette

D: Burger with Avocado, Pickles, Potatoes, Snap Peas & Asparagus (includes olive oil)

S: Almonds

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I would add some extra days, and honestly I'd start taking Metamucil capsules since those are just psyllium husks and gelatin... and you'd be taking them on doctor recommendations. Doctor's orders always trump Whole30 rules, and I think it's a good thing to give your body a fighting chance to adjust to a new way of eating if you're still having problems with the change. I wouldn't do the powder stuff, but the capsules look like they should work.

I would NOT suggest taking a supplement without speaking with your doctor about it, especially if you have no idea whether or not you're deficient. Find out, get feedback from your doctor, and go from there.

The only thing I can really see from your meals is that meal 1 looks a little light on protein since a serving of eggs (when the only protein) is as many as you can hold in your hand, and even my small hands can hold 3... and snacking on nuts would probably tear my insides apart while wrecking havoc on my hormones, so I'm not sure if that's a potential issue for you also. (That said, though, both Brussels sprouts and asparagus tend to make me gassy if I'm not careful with how much I eat of them, so is it possible that you're bloating might be related to gas-causing foods?)

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I was in the same situation with so much bloat I looked 5 months pregnant. I completely cut out the high FODMAPs and it went away! I stopped taking any probiotics also. I miss onions, garlic, apples and brussel sprout in the worst way but when I eat them I am seriously bloated. I am continuing my Whole30 through February but I did add pure stevia (no polyols) to my coffee with no problems! Hope this information helps.


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