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Whole30 for life?

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I really LOVE the way I feel on Whole30. Yes, it's only been a few weeks since I started, but I already feel like I don't want to add in many things that I used to eat (especially dairy and many grains). Is it doable to continue Whole30 as a lifestyle? or do most people switch to a more lax Paleo type diet for the long run? Just curious to hear thoughts.

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Hi Maria, I think it is certainly possible to commit to only eating healthy foods for the rest of your life... But some of the whole30 rules are to change behavior and speed up healing and those restrictions arent needed post whole30 to stay healthy. For example paleofied treats and snacking.. No problem unless it makes you crave junk, white potatoes... No problem if they don't affect you, 85% chocolate or fruit juice or vegetable smoothies again not really an issue post whole30... Of course some people react to the cant mentality then blow out so if that's you then you need to break out occasionally.... The only foods I see myself adding back in occasionally are juices, perhaps maple syrup, and definitely some chocolate. The rest is gone fo good

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I did my first whole30 a few years ago, and like you, I felt so good I couldn't see ever going back to my old way of eating. I did a strict whole 30 for about 80 days and then added a few things back in (cream in my coffee, dark chocolate and the occasional paleo "treat" like homemade almond flour baked goods made with honey. I'm doing a whole30 again becaue, over time, my dark chocolate became a weekly thing rather than a once in a while thing. I also had started snacking more (mostly on nuts) rather than focusing on getting in 3 good meals (I'm doing this whole 30 nut free to break that snack habit). I do not ever eat any kind of grain, legume or soy and I never again had any coke zero or artificial anything after my original whole 30. I enjoy eating this way and I really enjoy how it makes me feel :)

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The idea of Whole30 is to help change your relationship with food and help your body heal. After it, by doing a controlled reintroduction, you can see just how your body reacts to different foods. Now :ph34r: that's not what I did :ph34r:

I did a W60 then remained 95% compliant now I'm doing another W30. Before I started it I was already gluten and dairy free. Since finding W30, everything I've read has convinced me that grains and legumes are not good for us, and since I've had a lot of digestive issues, they'll stay out of my diet forever. When I came to that conclusion, you've no idea how much food I had to throw out (had a raw vegan background). How is it possible for one person to stock that much amaranth? :blink:

I decided that as a long term strategy, I would continue to avoid all *nasties*, carrageenen, sulphites, artificial anything etc. but wouldn't stress over sauces or pickles having the odd bit of sugar or honey. I would also relax about eating out, I do it very rarely anyway and already have to make sure my meal's completely dairy and gluten free so I wouldn't stress about any inadvertant non compliant items.

Like Lisa, I started having the odd bit of dark chocolate after dinner which I really enjoyed. However, I found I started to expect it every day and when I found I was going back for a second helping I thought 'right, we nip this in the bud' and so here I am on another W30 :). When it's finished, it will continue to be the basis of the way I eat plus what I said above. I guess we're all different and, post W30, we just have to find what works for us.

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I know how you feel Maria! I'm only on day 16 of my first w30 ever, but I've decided I'm going to extend it to at least 100, and likely stay with it ongoing. Like most people there are a few things I'd like to add back in, which have never really been problematic for me - 85% chocolate, perhaps the occasional goat's dairy - but on the whole I want to stick pretty close because I feel so much better for it!

I think everyone makes their own rules post-w30 (from what I've been reading here anyway). Just being mindful of any bad pre-w30 habits and monitoring them after, as well as keeping an eye out for any new ones forming will let you settle back into your own routine/balance. Good luck!

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Post whole 30s I eat 80-100% compliant foods, but always three good meals per day. Three solid balanced meals with enough food gets rid of the snacky feelings, the cravings, and the diet noise...it's probably the most important thing I took from whole 30 and I always make an effort to eat this way every day. Adding in the occasional non whole 30 foods or compliant foods in a SWYPO manner (always with meals) really helps with my food neuroses and keeps me from getting too caught up in perfection....if there's no perfection then I don't get depressed and binge eat when I have some non whole 30 thing plus that little leeway allows me to eat at parties or restaurants without freaking out or being weird food girl :) I always listen to my body and just eat what I want in a way that makes me feel good. I'm not always successful, but that's what I strive for.

Whole 30s have led me to a place where the non whole 30 things that I want are really not that bad in the grand scheme of things...it's 85% dark chocolate, whole wheat bread or maybe a PB and banana smoothie...not fast food, chips and processed desserts, I don't touch that sh*t because I don't like how I feel when I eat it :) I am a firm believer in eating food that you love that makes you feel good physically and mentally, nothing more, nothing less! Good luck!

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