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Starting Sunday 2/18/13...Anyone else?


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So, I am starting the Whole 30 today! I have attempted this many times before only to make an excuse as to why I need to stop and start over again later. I have had no accountability before so I know for me this is key. This time I plan on posting every single day. If anyone is looking for an accountability partner, I'd love one!

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I am starting today ! Just finished one last week (my third attempt:)) fell off the wagon completely yesterday and moving forward today!!!

There is another day 1 Feb 15 post that a few started posting in wanting buddies. Maybe everyone can join forces:)

My encouragement also will come from reading It Starts With Food - highly motivational; and reading through the daily emails I received last year. Good luck to you and I am sure with this support we can all succeed!

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I'm starting again today- made it 18 days into my first one but had some restaurant food with a sneak butter attack and a headache following so I decided it best to restart so I can have a full 30 days clean. And no trying to eat compliant at a restaurant as they always sneak in something. Good luck!!

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I'm starting today! I've been so close to doing this for a while, I finally decided "what are you waiting for". It really only means giving up sweetener in my morning coffee, a little cheese here and there, and a few glasses of wine a week. I'm hoping this will be the answer to my plantar fasciitis that has constantly been plagueing me. Good luck to the rest of you starting also.

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Hi everyone! I am on day 13 and doing really well! I feel like I eat a lot, and have been worried that I won't lose any weight (even though I know I am doing great things for my health). However, I am already fitting into some clothes that I either couldn't wear or were pretty uncomfortable. What good news!

I do have some pretty strong sugar cravings--more than I had at the beginning. I hope that it's okay to try and satisfy them with fruit. I had some mango yesterday that was just. so. good!

I will also try the suggestion to blenderize my coffee with coconut oil--I drink a lot less of it, but would still like it sweet when I do have it.

I am so happy that I made it this far!

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Managed to get to the end of Day 6 when an unexpected restaurant visit combined with waiting too long for dinner pushed me over the edge and I gave into a full fledged wine and pasta meal with Caesar salad! Even had a brownie for dessert. I'm using today as my start over day and my official Day 1 (again) will be tomorrow. I am chalking this up to experience and realize that I need to be WAY more prepared when faced with a menu. My restraint seems to melt away despite being so disciplined at home. I really like the idea of posting daily to stay accountable. Keeps it all real! We are human after all.....

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hi - I'm back again. I had to quit a few weeks ago but I have started again, too, and will be following everyone's progress!

I have found my absolute favorite breakfast is a baked sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon and with a healthy blob of almond butter. It keeps me full for hours. My second fav is eggs sauteed in coconut oil with greens and topped with avocado. Good luck everyone! We can do it!

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Martha - my favorite breakfast is 2 eggs fried, greens with cherry tomatoes and avo dressing and a sweet potato cake (cinnamon, raisins and egg) yummy and very similar!!

Made it through today! I never really had cravings last time but today it was a little tough staying away from the no-nos at home. I pigged out on grapes and had huge meals. But it kept me compliant:)!

How'd everyone do today?

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I started yesterday! My husband is doing his own diet, so I'm on my own! Day 2 down! Feeling good about the cooking, so many great resources out there. This site is great and so is thefoodee.com and clothesmakethegirl. I might be eating too much bacon, but if it helps me through these tough first days, go for it right! Not weighing in going to be very hard, but it totally makes sense why we don't. I have fallen into that mental frustration trap before on every way of eating. Can't wait for big energy!

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Welcome! I started the Whole30 on Feb 15th. I've been Paleo since May of 2012 but after a while I found myself making excuses to often for a little bit of this or a little bit of that. You know, good all week and then eating that piece of birthday cake on Saturday. I noticed a trend: it was happening every week. Kinda felt like a hypocrite preaching Paleo. My husband and I have just returned from a cruise ( no, not that ship) and we really did ear quite well considering our choices and temptations. Now I'm ready for a complete commitment. No excuses! Not ever ever again, because I just feel to good eating good clean food. I would love to have an accountability partner, so count me in. Cheers to Paleo...we will rock this😃

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I started today! Only 29 more days to complete Whole 30. Goal is to break free of cravings and make a habit of choosing healthy foods. I heard about Whole30 from a friend and read through info at Whole30 website. I've just opened the book this evening. Very happy to have others on the plan for support and encouragement. I look forward to our shared journey.

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I think I have restarted about 5 time in past 2 weeks!! So tonight I reset the clock again and I am back on the wagon :) I decided to give it another real shot as I am feeling bloated and sick due to the first binge I have had since I did the first whole 30 starting Jan 1st. So I need to stop the sugar and really refocus..lovely to have a group for motivation..somehow it feels more accountable.

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I too am starting today and looking for partners. I followed the plan but on Day 6 went out to eat with friends and went off track. I cannot believe the difference in how I felt in just 6 days: better sleep, energy and mood. This time will be different so I look forward to reading ideas, suggestions, and just motivation from others. Good luck!

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Hi! I made it do Day 21 before falling face first into Valentine's Day Chocolates. (At least they were excellent, high quality Belgian ones...I did double check and I had told my husband I wasn't eating grains, dairy, sugar etc but he thought the holiday was exempt and they were just sitting there walking to me...)

Took 2 days off and restarted today. Decided to get the email supports. Need to track down my copy of the book. Spent yesterday cooking up a storm so I'll have good foods for the week. Will do some more today. (Kindergarden age son already ate two hard boiled eggs for breakfast...) Family is not following along but will eat what I cook. (Mostly... son loves livers but thinks he shouldn't so if he know what he's eating he stops...)

Would love a little extra support from people walking the same path, give or take a few days.

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Hi all,

I started Sunday as well. So day 2 today.

I just came off a very, very low calorie diet I did in January and hope to get my energy levels back - they are soooo down.

I would love to end the diet yoyo for good and be fine with what I eat and not have cravings and fall off...hoping this is it. Obviously I will have a terrible time with fat and not writing all down. But I will try.

My 3 kids (5,7,7) and husband will eat the same I do, but I might throw in some grains for them, they do eat a lot...

Let the experiment begin.

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I started my second W30 yesterday. Mainly to get rid of the wine! I've also just been having a lot of extras lately, chocolate for VD, chips for family visit....the list goes on. Need to restart my thinking and get back into it. I agree that restaurants can derail your W30 even with the best prep! I'm hoping to avoid them for the next 30 days. Good luck all!

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@Zippy I hate to jinx myself, but I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis for over a year now and it appears to have gone away. I'm on Day 12 of my first Whole 30.

Now, disclaimer, it's been really snowy and freezing cold, so I have not been doing my usual long walks with the dog, so it could be that, but my foot always used to hurt in the morning regardless of the amount I walked.

So, good luck!!!

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