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Reintroduction question and doubts


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So I have successfully reintroduced Dairy and Legumes. I had no reaction Yay! I love Dairy so that was definitely a plus for me. I also reintroduced Legumes...nothing too serious with beans but some gas discomfort but no real bloating or anything too bad. However; I had organic peanut butter with just peanuts as an ingredient but I felt like it caused my throat to feel as if I had food stuck or like some phlegm stuck. Now A friend invited us to eat Pupusas, and since I'm good with cheese and legumes...I guess the pupusas would count as gluten-grain? Right? But I'm sure she will use some veetable oil, so I'm afraid if I get some reaction I won't be sure what it is that caused it. Do you think the minor ingredients, like the oils or dextrose and corn starch in the cheese she might use could cause some reactions? Or not too bad? I'm pretty afraid to eat anything now unless it's 100% the item i'm introducing, but then again, most grain foods like read have other ingredients as well...so how would I know what exactly causes the reaction? Sorry if my questions aren't clear!

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Added ingredients muddy the test. You can't know which component of a multi-component food is responsible for a reaction. Only by testing foods one at a time can you hope to figure out how your body responds.

The problem with reintroductions is that most people do not have severe reactions. It would be nice if we got a stomach ache or diarrhea every time we ate something that our body didn't like, but only a few people experience problems that clearly. Most of us experience symptoms that are so mild that we don't notice them. At least not within a few days. For example, with dairy, you might not notice any problems now, but you might notice next month that you are not sleeping as soundly as you were. Note: I don't know if dairy will mess with your sleep or not. I'm just making a point that some issues show up over time and they do not manifest in an obvious way.

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  • 2 months later...

I reintroduced dairy yesterday (milk in my coffee, cheese in an omelet, a plain Greek yogurt and more cheese with dinner.) Physically I felt ok, but today I am SO cranky! Even people at work noticed that I've been in such a good mood for the past month, but not today! I don't want to attribute every bad mood to food, but could it be????

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I did about 4 days of dairy and had reactions I don't think I would've had if I'd done just a little or only one day...for me it took a couple days for reactions to happen and I really noticed them when I took the dairy back OUT. :( I love dairy.

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I added gluten grains early this week. YIKES. I felt awful within 24 hours! Nausea, vomiting, and the like. This is the information I was looking for when I started the Whole30 process. Back to work eating foods that make me feel good! (Thankfully I have had no bad reaction to reese's peanut butter cups! )

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