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How bad is soy in the scheme of things?


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Hi all,

I've done 2 Whole30s, one in October 2012 and one in Jan of this year. Since then I've pretty much stuck to the plan, with just being a little less demanding at restaurants lol! But what I've really missed are cappuccinos.

Anyway, the other day I decided to have a soy cap, and it was SO GOOD. Better than cow milk (which I've also had once since I finished my most recent Whole30). So what I'm wondering is, how bad is the occasional (as in once a week or so) soy cappuccino in the scheme of things? I didn't have any noticeable reaction, and I looked at the ingredients of the milk they used, it wasn't too horrific.

Any thoughts?


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It Starts With Food focuses on the problem of soy on pages 119-120. Basically, soy contains plant estrogens that our bodies recognize as female sex hormones. They stimulate some estrogen receptors in the body and block others. As a man, I don't want to consume a substance that acts as female sex hormones in my body. And as a woman, you may not want extra hormones. Scientists don't know a lot about what effect soy has in the human body, but it is definitely a hormonally active substance. Eating soy is kind of like taking a drug without knowing the safe dose or all its possible effects. To me, no coffee drink tastes good enough for me to roll the dice with how it may effect my health.

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My brain went a different direction than Tom's - I was thinking about soy and thyroid function. If you have any thyroid issues, your body will do better without soy. (I have the lab tests to prove it, woah!)

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Ok thanks guys, you've successfully turned me off :) Yes it is organic/non gmo soy, however I do have thyroid problems as well as other hormonal issues so I guess I should give it a miss! Boo :( Does anyone out there know how successfully froth coconut milk? :P

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I've reintroed just about everything with out a problem but choose to stay mostly compliant, just because I really don't crave " oatmeal" or "dairy" ...

Then I went for sushi ( I had reintro rice with no problem) and this time I had soy sauce.... Mistake!!!! Next day my joints hurt so bad and I was sluggish and in a bad mood for about 48 hours.... I know it was the soy... So no more soy anything for me....

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