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April Whole 30 group

Jessica Reagan

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Day 2 ... so far so good...I didn't realize how hard it would be to give up gum! I keep wanting to reach for a piece to just chew on something. I've gone for water or hot tea instead..not quite the same. Definitely got a headache this afternoon but knowing I would probably feel this way made it a bit more bearable!

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Day 2 successfully done!

Breakfast- 2 fried eggs with sweet potato hash and prosciutto "bacon" bulletproof coffee

Lunch- shrimp, sugar snap peas and beets. Snacked on some green olives while cooking dinner.

Dinner- shrimp green curry with coconut cauliflower rice and a banana. Hot herbal tea.

I fully expected to feel terrible today. Made it through the day without caffeine after lunch. Did go for a run this afternoon. I think it gave me the energy to make it through the evening. Still experiencing afternoon hunger.

Been having a hard time sleeping. Decided to try Natural Calm tonight. We will see how it works! Is this happening to anyone else?

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Day 3 done! Noticed that I seem to need way more sleep lately, and I'm also going to bed way earlier. Even more surprising considering our vacation last week was in a different time zone and if anything, I should be getting to bed later than normal. I had a slight headache for most of the afternoon, nothing that'd prevent me from going to the gym or make me consider taking pills, but certainly enough to postpone some of the intellectual work I gotta do this week. Slightly lower energy level today than normal, but managing ok so far. It'll be interesting to see how tomorrow goes.

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Day 2: I've been compliant as far as what I put in my mouth but didn't realize how far I regressed into my bad "not eating enough" habit. I also haven't been sleeping more than a few hours the last couple of days. Baby has an ear infection and super fussy, not sleeping well. I also just booked and planned a trip to Ireland for May, so I've been online for a ridiculous amount of time researching things to do, see, and all that jazz. I've got to get back on a decent sleep and eating schedule and I want to implement a decent exercise routine.

Looking forward to day 3, I'll get a few more hours of sleep tonight, but still not enough. Going to make sure I get a good breakfast first thing and prepare my other 2 meals for easy cooking later on in the day when I am busier.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well so far! Good luck to you all on your journey's. Looking forward to the rest of this month!!

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Wendy, the books says if you slip up on accident, then look at it as a learning experience. However, it also says that if you are non compliant because of a carving or emotional response to food that you should start your count over again. So if you mindlessly licked the peanut butter off your finger while making a sandwich for your kids, no need to start over, but if you ate the peanut butter because you craved it, were bored, etc, then you probably should start over. It is your Whole30 though, so if you feel it was a one time deal, then keep marching forward.

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Wondering if my experience is normal. I haven't had any of the energy crashes they mention in the emails, or food cravings that were uncontrollable. I also haven't felt a need to snack. I am eating compliant foods from the Nom Nom Paleo app three times a day and feeling okay. Am I in for a rude awakening soon, iris it possible to slide pass the ugly phase?

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Wondering if my experience is normal. I haven't had any of the energy crashes they mention in the emails, or food cravings that were uncontrollable. I also haven't felt a need to snack. I am eating compliant foods from the Nom Nom Paleo app three times a day and feeling okay. Am I in for a rude awakening soon, iris it possible to slide pass the ugly phase?

I felt the same at the start of my first W30. Make the most of it! To be honest I never felt terrible during it, but definitely had less easy days. This time I managed to get a cold on day 2 so feel like crap!

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I'm in as of today. My first whole 30 was in November/Dec 2012. Christmas at the in-laws sent me off the rails and it has been a battle ever since.

I have a hard time fitting in meals at work. They are usually on the move or at my desk while working. Tips for breaking that cycle welcome.

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Wondering if my experience is normal. I haven't had any of the energy crashes they mention in the emails, or food cravings that were uncontrollable. I also haven't felt a need to snack. I am eating compliant foods from the Nom Nom Paleo app three times a day and feeling okay. Am I in for a rude awakening soon, iris it possible to slide pass the ugly phase?

I feel the same way so far - no negative side affects and though I've had the passing thought that Easter candy would be good, I can't say I've had any cravings. Let's hope it continues for us both!

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My husband and I started our first Whole30 on April 1. No problems so far, I feel like I must be doing something wrong. We were already eating Paleo and had cut dairy, grains, legumes so maybe that makes it easier. I do, however, realize it's only day 3! ;)

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What I mean when I say I don't like eggs or meat for breakfast is that I don't like heavy food for breakfast. (I think this is what a lot of us breakfast-haters mean, which is why the suggestion to eat leftovers isn't real helpful.) I managed eggs with proscuitto, spinach and tomatoes this morning.

Sorry, I was just trying to help. I'm actually a breakfast hater too but mostly because I can't stand cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, and other traditional foods.

Really any combination of protein and veggies will do. It can be a salad, something random like hardboiled eggs with a side of carrot sticks and beets, egg "muffins" with massaged kale, a light scramble with spinach, etc etc

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Day 2 has gotten off to a good start so far. I had a great nights sleep last night for the first time in a very long time. I'm sure it is just coincidence since it is still so early in the program, but I feel so much better because of it. I've been using a sleep tracker app on my phone to try to help me identify why I wake up exhausted so often, and this morning it confirmed what I was feeling, my sleep quality registered at 100% (first time ever and I've been tracking for over a month).

I'm having a bowl of my hearty beef and veg stoup (I've decided it is neither soup nor stew but a lovely combination instead). I'm looking forward to enjoying a passionfruit green tea after my food. Here's hoping for a better day today.

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hi all!

some breakfast suggestions (from one who never liked b'fast and now looks forward to it!) (AND is allergic to eggs) - so what works for me is to keep away from onions and strong flavors ... eg

- smoked salmon with thinly sliced chinese cabbage, celery, and avocado

- (homemade) pork sausage pattie (in food processor: pork, apple, sage) with sauteed kale, apple slices, and rosemary

- bone broth with turkey, shredded sweet potato, parsley

- turkey burger w/ rutabaga "home fries" and steamed bok choy

we leave in the morning for 10 days hiking (in THIS weather?!) in cumbria and scotland .. no doubt breakfasts will be as challenging as the hills .. not to mention the weather! but I'm bringing iPad for encouragement and to keep up with forum on our journey-to-good-health!

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Made it through yesterday morning with some super hunger cravings. We had to go out for a work lunch to a sports bar - I was super worried about what to get. I read the menu beforehand and was prepared - got the spinach salad (eggs, onion, tomato - no cheese, no dressing, no croutons) and to my surprise - I actually enjoyed it! I also found myself able to avoid drooling over everyone else's burgers!

Last night I made homemade mayo, and then used that in some chicken salad. Added in walnuts, apples, scallions and celery - YUMMY!

I do need to work on getting in more vegetables - I feel like I am eating a lot of fruit (3-4 servings a day) - But hey - it is better than eating a donut or crackers! I'm not going to worry too much about that unless I think it may start to be a problem.

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Wondering if my experience is normal. I haven't had any of the energy crashes they mention in the emails, or food cravings that were uncontrollable. I also haven't felt a need to snack. I am eating compliant foods from the Nom Nom Paleo app three times a day and feeling okay. Am I in for a rude awakening soon, iris it possible to slide pass the ugly phase?

My first Whole30 was amazing. Very little cravings, felt amazing from the get-go, had NO trouble staying on task, no desire to eat after dinner, etc. etc. That was January. Day 3 of my second W30 and this time around is much harder. It might be because paleo has become my normal diet now so this isn't new and fresh and fun but necessary.

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Today was interesting, I had a business lunch and browsed the listed menu ahead of time. I ended up ordering roasted chicken and double veg to avoid the (bread-thickened Romesco) sauce and taters they offered. A chat with my companions over the reasoning behind my choice and one of the other diners went ahead and ordered the same thing, with the intent to do a little reading on Paleo afterwards. Fair enough, she certainly gave me plenty of homework :)

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Day 3 is in the bag... along with the eating changes I am also trying to get to be 30 minutes earlier on work nights...so far so good on both food and bed. I am happy to be heading to bed without a headache for the first time since starting - I hope I don't wake up with one tomorrow. It was bad enough last night to wake me up at 2AM.... No real cravings at all...though it has been hard to not try the kids mac & cheese...

Good Job everyone!

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Wondering if my experience is normal. I haven't had any of the energy crashes they mention in the emails, or food cravings that were uncontrollable. I also haven't felt a need to snack. I am eating compliant foods from the Nom Nom Paleo app three times a day and feeling okay. Am I in for a rude awakening soon, iris it possible to slide pass the ugly phase?

Nah, I'm in the same boat, and I'm a day ahead of you. Here's to hoping it stays this way as long as possible.

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we leave in the morning for 10 days hiking (in THIS weather?!) in cumbria and scotland .. no doubt breakfasts will be as challenging as the hills .. not to mention the weather! but I'm bringing iPad for encouragement and to keep up with forum on our journey-to-good-health!

Jealous, sounds like an amazing vacation!

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I had my first real desire to have something off plan this morning while I was fixing the kids yogurt and granola breakfasts. Completely resisted and went on to make a delicious morning mix. I noticed myself snacking on fruit more today than the other days. Not sure if it has anything to do with starting the day with apples or what but am going to try and have fewer servings tomorrow.

Had a friend over for lunch. Made the delicious chicken salad from the Nom Nom Paleo app with apples and curry. Yum! Can't wait to eat this again tomorrow. Might add half an avocado to get in some extra fats. She was sweet and looked up a paleo fruit salad to bring over. Was very delicious...apples, oranges, pecans and cinnamon.

This afternoon I really had no desire to snack but was completely worn out. Tried to take a nap but my 2 year old wouldn't have it. Hoping for a little bit more energy tomorrow.

Leftover green curry for dinner tonight. Was delicious the next day and I did not feel compelled to eat everything in my bowl. I stopped when I was full and satisfied...success!

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow :)

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