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Bottomless Pit

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Hey Guys, it's day 8 for me and It's been really rough. I've felt like an absolutely bottomless pit.

Pre-workout: Larabar

Breakfast: A burger patty I made full of diced onions and peppers, then slices of tomato and half an avocado.

My breakfast was pretty late in the day and I had to leave my apt at 11:30 for a work event so I had 2 scrambled eggs then another larabar.

I got home then had blueberries, salmon, and broccoli. I tried to wait for a while becuase I was still ravenous so I had some rooibus tea and drank some water and was still hungry. So then I ate half an avocado, shrimp, then another larabar.

It's awful! I feel so guilty! I bought those larabars for pre work out and now I'm using them as a crutch. But I'm STILL really hungry!


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I'm pretty sure Larabars aren't a good idea. Stick to protein and fat pre-workout and make sure fruit of any kind (including that smooshed with nuts and wrapped in foil) isn't pushing veggies, protein and fat out of your diet.

Those suckers are pretty much sugar, and sugar makes you hungrier. Focus on the template and you won't feel like a bottomless pit because you'll be properly nourishing your body. That's my two cents!

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Ditch the Larabars! They are the equivalent of paleo granola bars - unnecessary sweet junk. You should try to increase the size of your meals until you're not hungry anymore. Did you have any fat with that dinner? Maybe that's why you wanted the avocado later. What serving of vegetables would you say you eat at most meals? I eat 2-3 cups, every meal. Also what about adding sweet potatoes, or some other starchy carb?

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Thanks guys!!! I could definitely stand to eat more vegetables! I think I'm kind of scared about gaining weight but I know that's irrational. I'll ditch the larabars from now on too. I DO have some sweet potatoes I can cook up as well. Thank you thank you thank you!

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a huge part of this process is re-learning to listen to our bodies...and to trust what they are telling us. the other day I wasn't hungry. at all. I am no longer on a whole30 so I chose not to eat until I felt hungry. today at lunch I ate a big burger with a great heap of mayo & mustard, a large helping of cauliflower fried rice, some zucchini and apple, and then I was still hungry so I ate an avocado. that's way more than some of my meals but for today it felt right because I felt hungry. eat until you're hungry!!

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I think I'm kind of scared about gaining weight but I know that's irrational.

For the rest of the 30 days, see if you can put this on the back burner. Try to focus on eating the right foods, and figure out what the right quantities are to keep you satisfied, even if it seems like a lot of food. It's true that you might have to make tweaks post-W30 if you're not getting the results you want, but if you really try to listen to your body, there's a good chance you will have nothing to worry about.

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