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completely fell off the wagon

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I guess this is what the sugar dragon is? I did my complete whole30 in March. Knocked it out of the park, felt fantastic, lost 25 pounds to top it off. And then....I went on vacation, and its been downhill since then. I keep telling myself, "today is the day we start a new 30", and then 4pm rolls around and its craving city. I try telling myself, have a cup of tea, get some water, you can work through this, but literally, no self-motivation is helping! Any advice/tips would be MOST appreciated! I need to get back on track.

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Set some new goals that you can only achieve by completing another whole30! Make the commitment to you - set a start date, other than "today is the day", circle the beginning, circle day 30, start planning and just do it!

You already know how good you will feel! I can say that whole30 #2 was easier than #1 and I had a lot of fun doing it!

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Thanks! I definitely think part of it is that I'm not prepared like I was before. I think I can just jump back into it, but apparently it's just not that easy. It's time to get serious. It's weird because I didn't deal with this bad of a sugar craving during the first whole30.

Fun meal plans here I go!

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Yep, set some goals, declare the start date and prepare. I have heard that starting a second is harder than starting the first, I've found that to be true. I have not tried to start a second but I've tried to stay compliant during the week and this month's been kicking my butt. After I completed my first in January I went off track in February and then committed to a W15 because I had an event coming up that I knew I would not want to stress about compliance. I was able to stick with that and felt good. I plan to do that again after my beach trip next weekend. It's already in my phone calendar to remind me!

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Thanks Krista! I'm thinking a W15 is probably what I need to kick my butt a little. The 15 is a whole lot less intimidating than 30. But in reality, its convincing myself (and sticking with it) that Paleo really is the right way to eat, for me.

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Maybe don't think of it as "Paleo" but as food that's going to increase your health rather than take away from your health. When I'm going through my day I'm not thinking "Paleo," I'm thinking, "nourishment."

Seems semantic, but if you have issues with the paleo label then don't use it. If you are not convinced that W30 food makes you healthier than whatever else you are eating, I agree it will be hard to find motivation. Did you read ISWF last time around?

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I agree with Beets. I sometimes need to remind myself that everything I put in my mouth either makes me healthier, or less healthy. When temptation calls, I ask myself if I'm willing to eat this, knowing it will make me less healthy. So far, the answer is 'no'. I've come too far to want to go back. But this question is the ONLY thing that works. Otherwise, I tend to see myself as a deprived victim who 'deserves' a 'treat'.

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I fell of too.. hard. I promised myself that I would get back on board when I returned home from my parents Monday, so what did I do Tuesday? Order Chinese for lunch. :( Today is another day and I will move forward and hopefully make better choices. It's so hard to become motivated once you have fallen. :(

It's certainly about mentality, I have to get my mind wrapped around the fact that I WANT to do this as well as NEED it. Until the past month and a half I had been breezing along about 95% compliant with some occasional dairy(sour cream or a little parm cheese).

I will be as compliant as possible this week and on Sunday we will begin a Whole90.

Good luck Stacey, I hope you a whole15 works for you! :)

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I so needed this thread today, I too had good intentions after finishing my whole 30 end of April. Then a trip to wine country did me in. I felt so amazing during the whole 30 I desperately want that feeling again. I've been trying to start back for almost a week now. Why is the second time so much harder to dive in?

The suggestions of picking a day circling it and starting and preparing are perfect. I think Sunday will be the day!

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I'm with you guys. This is exactly how I've been feeling. I finished my 1st W30 4/16 and I've been slowly slipping into old habits. I'm probably about 60/40 right now which is not where I want to be! I was feeling good, losing weight and really happy. I need a kick in the A$$ to recalibrate. I'm starting a W14 on 5/26. I would do another whole 30 but my birthday falls right in the middle and I intend to off road a bit!

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I'm totally there with you! Finished my W30 in late February, already back eating gummies, M&Ms, etc.

I'm not sure I'm going to go 100% W30 or whatever, but I'm definitely cutting out most of it. Cheese and beans might be the only things I keep for a little while (if only because I don't react to either, and I'm moving back to the US from Europe in 3 months...we NEED to eat the food that's in our house like whoa...most of it can't be shipped back across the Atlantic).

I made mayo today so I could have veggies at lunch (I can't stand them without dip and even the organic mayo we bought tastes terrible AND has an awful texture. Ugh. Doesn't matter how much balsamic and spices I mix in, it's awful. Hubby thinks I'm crazy, but I just about ended one bottle of light olive oil and I'm totally buying another one this week because I will be eating more veggies.

Hubby's having really bad allergies, so maybe I'll help if I don't fall face-first into leftover Reese's eggs for the next week or two while I'm resetting. *sigh*

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I feel for you! I had to go to a family members funeral which took me away from home for 4 days. It was hard. First day it was a good breakfast, Lara bar for snack, then another snack of canned sardines. By the time dinner hit, we ate at the house and there was nothing but junk food. For the next few days I ate out a lot, not sticking strictly to the guidelines, but trying to as much as possible.

I have found, when I eat high carb foods I am continually hungry!! I was hungry the whole time I was gone. It has been a few days now back on plan, hunger has subsided and I feel in control...it was a struggle though. Purge your home of temptations and stock up and prepare, after a couple of days your hunger might subside as well.

Good luck!!

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I too have trouble. I have done 3 w30's so far, and I have had trouble doing each one afterwards. I am usually good with compliance until I did reintroductions, then ice cream became my nemesis. Today is my first day post Whole30 and I have already eaten bad stuff. My friend had a birthday on the weekend and brought food over, cupcakes and a piece of a small cake. I had one cupcake and a piece of cake (really small) and 2 chocolates. :P Felt terrible, had horrible stomache pains after. For most people that would probably be enough to dissuade them. I'm not sure if that's the case for me. :( However, I had a really good lunch (ground beef, asparagus, red pepper in coconut oil and w30 approvable dried tomato slices (sulfite free). It was satisfying in a way the sugary crap was not. I think there's a lesson in there somewhere.

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