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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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There's blowback when an Ima tells everyone what she's going to do.

Mellows will be marshed and potshots will be taken from across the bow of the ship.  

Show us what you've got!

Never let 'em see your wheels spinning and spinning. Birds of a feather fly together.  

Surely, you can leave the nest but don't call me Shirley. 

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Flip the Switch!

I cannot enable binge eating or food addiction.  I care.

I have the right to remain silent but I do not have the ability. 

I cannot give someone permission to keep binge eating and don't be tough on yourself and all that jazz. We are talking about addiction. 

Older folkaronies will tell you, all you have to do is step away from the table.  It's as simple as that.

That is a bunch of hooey.  

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Felicias may be working on New Year's resolutions but don't get caught between completely overreaching and underachieving....

Between gung-ho and ho-hum.

Don't give yourself permission to go all soft on yourself.

Snap out of it.  Right now.  

Between New Year's optimism and I wasn't born yesterday is 

I can't fool myself realism.

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Did you know that food addiction/disorder can be all about perfectionism.  

Flip the Switch!

Point that arrow of perfectionism in the right direction. Reach for happiness every day.  Embrace all the healthy.

Laugh entirely too much.

Write yourself into the upright position.  

Paint much more. 

Music lots more

Yoga some more.

Complain much, much less.

Cut bangs not at all.


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Years ago, there was tough love.

It stings but Felicias, it works.

Can you really feel anything from a virtual hug.  No.

It's like sitting by the side of the road imagining there's a big buffet in front of you. You're still very, very hungry.

There's a season and a time for everything.  Imagination is good but it won't put food on the table.  

That takes movement and action. 


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Lofty thoughts and blathering and foaming at the mouth won't put dinner on the table.  Words matter but they won't feed a starving man or child. 

Ima gonna do this.  Ima gonna do that.  Ima, we'll be the judge of that. 

On the first part of the journey, we have to throw everything up against the wall and see what sticks.  Food prep, shopping list and tiny steps for tiny feet. 

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Lofty thoughts and blathering and foaming at the mouth.. like too much dessert.  

Too much and you're gagging, rolling around on the ground. 

All blather and foaming makes Felicia an easy target.  


Image result for photos gagging rolling around on ground


Foamers = All talk and No Walk

No action.  No nothin', spinning and spinning and spinning. 

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Tough love is not Mrs. Preachy Pants but's not all over-the-top nurture-y. Don't confuse tough love with self-care and talking like a baby. 

Describing your relationship with food in such childish terms.  

I was a really, really good girl today.   Naughty and nice. 

Save that for the dogs.  

Image may contain: dog and text


Food addiction is a chronic disease of food rewards. 

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Adults can lean on children too much.

When we start having very adult conversations with tender sprouts it can bring confusion into their life.

Let a child be a child.  They're not  science experiments.

Role reversals can really mess up a child. 

Children need freedom to be a child without lofty thoughts, blathering and foaming. 

Teach your children well.  



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Do you put a wishbone into your pocket before you get on the scale. Getting on the scale is not Shawshanking it.

Do you live or fall apart by the numbers.

The biggest loser needs wishbones and lucky charms. 

Do you clean your scale with windex before you get on it because dust weighs something.

Do you weigh bags of sugar and flour on the scale before you get on to make sure it's calibrated correctly.

Do you hit the scales before you go on your dates or out with your hugger.

Do you think the scale is talking to you.

Being fixated on weight is the new norm.

Has it changed everything for you then?


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Scales have power.

Digital scales can tell you what you weigh to the tenth of a pound.

Body Water Monitors can even measure your percentage of water weight.  There are body fat analyzers that assess your fat content.

Buyer Beware.

If you're a winner and a biggest loser...is that not another disconnect for the brain.

Disconnect.  The Whole 30 is not a diet.  But immediately repeating to yourself...I know this not a diet but I'm here for the side effects of weight loss is a disconnect for the brain.

The brain cannot make heads or tails out of that thinking.



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If you're a winner and a biggest loser...a disconnect for the brain.

Pulling the wool over your eyes. 

The more you weigh yourself, the more vulnerable you are to giving up or falling headfirst into binge eating, food addiction and disorder.


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If  belly selfies and Before and Afters really fixed everything for the rest of your life there would never be a need for another diet ever again.

If one diet fixed everything, you would not be doing another repeat cycle.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

One diet will never fix anything and one diet will never be enough.

You can't fix a broken dieting brain with a broken dieting brain. 

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We don't inherit disease.  We inherit susceptibility.

We don't inherit fat, we inherit susceptibility to lay it down in our body, certain areas of our body.  It's genetic, take a look around at your forebears, elders, ancestors and folkaronies. 

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DNA can solve crimes.  Now we are using it to identify all of the ususal suspects that predict our disposition to disease.

Low calorie, low fat diets won't rebuild your metabolism. 

Add high fiber foods to your proteins and fats, Felicias.

Ima talking about vege and fruits.  Together.  Eat them together.

They're good mates, a healthy marriage of digestive enzymes and fiber and elements that they've not been able to completely identify under a microscope. Yet.

There are healthy elements in both of these whole foods and codes that are only now being unlocked. The half has not been told.

Eating whole foods without restriction is a WINNING strategy and I promise it won't make a biggest loser out of you or me, Felicias. 



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Food addiction is not about quality of food it's about quantity of food.

The food addict wants that stuffed to the gills feeling. So stuffed that they burst at the seams feeling.

Here's just what my doctored ordered for me and it works right in tandem with the Whole 30.... 

  Image result for photos tandem bike 

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The WINNING strategy is to eat as many vegetables as you want with your fruit and proteins and fats.  Don't limit your quantities.

Water seeks its own level.  

Your body and hormones will balance themselves right where they want to be.

I'm in my Happy Place.  Motivation and momentum are a gift. I don't take them for granted.  Not one single day.

Living for the binge ruined my life.

I have new routines and cognitive behaviors.  

Felicias, get yourself into the kitchen and find a large plate or bowl.

I start with a kale kit, lurve 'em sooo much,  then I might add a shredded angel hair cabbage kit, find the greens you like and mix up your choices every single day.  Broaden your horizons with food.  Think broadly not narrowly.

I throw in my wonderful olives and berries, fruit of your choosing, add my cooked proteins - meatloaf or fishes or fowls, maybe a hard boiled egg or soft cooked egg, the sky is not the limit and it never was.   Fruit for a condiment and nuts for a decoration.

Might use a nice balsamic reduction or even a great mustard with that balsamic reduction.  You can use your mayo.  I always stretch my dressing out further with a great vinegar.   

This belly buster, busts the doors down,  blows the doors off of binge eating like TNT.  You cannot overdo with the Belly Buster.

You can do the same thing with all of your cooked vege.  But when you are in the throes, ready to tie one on and go on a food bender, this strategy knocks it right out of the ring.

No more rope-a-dope for the Felicias.

I've been doing this for 3 years.  I'm still standing.  I have not relapsed or rebounded with one single pound.  My mellow is not marshed with highly engineered to be craved foods.

I'm in my Happy Place.   

Spruce yourself UP.  Don't be a slob...see that reference a couple pages back. 

There is a way out of the coal mine.

Ima Post Whole Digger and a Soul Miner's Daughter.

Crawl out of those deep holes you've been digging for yourself.  It Starts With Food and it ends with food.

Much Love. Felicias.  Much Love. 

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Hutlifr,  you out there?

Do you remember when I kept searching for the maintenance plan.  I was looking for 6 months and then one day the dawn finally lit. 

We talked and I said,  guess what, the Whole 30 is the Maintenance Plan.  That was before I figured out how to create my own Positive Food Management Plan.

How do I know?

When wicked swarms of scale locusts and sugar demons descend from the sky and wreck havoc on weight loss efforts everywhere__

Do we...stay inside. Turn off the lights and cover the windows. Protect our heads. Wear a hard hat if we must go outside.

Basket-case is not our default setting.

Failure is not falling down. 

Failure is not allowing others to help you get back UP on your feet.

Family stuff tends to occupy almost all of our brain space. Some have more room on a free wheeling approach to eating than others. 

The only way to maintain post Whole 30 results is with a Slow Roll. I appreciate the lack of mental drama surrounding food. 

I am not on a diet. 

Thrill eating gave me a nice temporary buzz.

Thrill eating leads to constant binge eating.

There may not be any golden trumpets to mark our good choices. No crowds cheering us on from the sidelines...You go, girl. 

In fact, nobody may notice all of the quiet sacrifices we are making every day in our snackless corners. After 3 years, I know what it looks like to pass up immediate gratification for long term satisfaction.

I used to run right by every mirror in my house. I could brush my teeth without ever looking into that bathroom mirror.  I know how to look like something the cat dragged in.  I know what it looks like to be really in the Whole 30 pocket.

I know what it looks like to make the minute by minute, meal by meal, mile by mile choices that will eventually add up to all of our success.

And then, go on making those same good choices for the future.

So I told myself, you'd better get used to it because this is what healthy and strong looks like.  My snackless quiet corner is now a happy little corner of the Universe.  

Food addiction is not my default setting.

I will continue to pass up immediate gratification for long term success. 





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Myth: Olive oil is not 100 percent extra-virgin if, when placed in the refrigerator, it doesn’t cloud up. Any number of experts, from lipid scientists to investigators in the European Union’s antifraud office, will tell you that chemically, it’s difficult to tell what is extra-virgin and what is not. And because of factors such as the ripeness of the olives when harvested, how long the oil is refrigerated, and at what temperature, the fridge trick is not an accurate way of determining the quality of an olive oil, for different extra-virgin oils will respond differently.



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