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HELP! Stomach bug, weak and snowed in

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I am on day 21 of my second attempt at a whole30. I apparently have a stomach bug and woke up on day 2 of sickness feeling weak. Since we just got a foot and a half of snow dumped on us we are unable to leave to get supplies. I am kinda burnt out on eggs and potatoes so are there any other suggested foods/drinks to ingest to help with energy and to settle my stomach?

Thanks in advance.

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Do you have any broth or soup? It's hard to recommend specifics since you can't exactly run out to the store and pick up anything, but in general, go for mild flavors, nothing too spicy. Grilled or baked chicken, sweet potato, winter squashes like butternut or spaghetti squash. If you have peppermint or ginger teas, those can help with stomach issues. Be sure you get plenty of fluid, and rest as much as you can.


Hope you feel better soon.

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I only had a few bananas and chicken (but the chicken didn't agree with me). All of my broth is store bought and non compliant. I went slow and choked down eggs and apples and bananas. by midday i was able to stomach a little tuna. Roads are a little better today so maybe hubby can get ingredients for soup a little later. Thanks for all of your help I really appreciate it. I think this snowstorm was the most challenging part of my Whole30. Thanks also for your well wishes. I am feeling a bit better today.

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Day 28. I think I jacked my last week up. I'm still compliant but the stomach bug kept me from being able to really eat for a few days. That combined with the after effects of the snow storm (sick children and no school for a week ) My meals have been off. I haven't had as much energy, have been getting lightheaded from time to time and just haven't been feeling my best. my meals have been chicken vegetable soup, chili, 3 eggs with veggies and olives/nuts. Egg salad with compliant mayo or tuna with celery and onions.

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Day 28. I think I jacked my last week up. I'm still compliant but the stomach bug kept me from being able to really eat for a few days. That combined with the after effects of the snow storm (sick children and no school for a week ) My meals have been off. I haven't had as much energy, have been getting lightheaded from time to time and just haven't been feeling my best. my meals have been chicken vegetable soup, chili, 3 eggs with veggies and olives/nuts. Egg salad with compliant mayo or tuna with celery and onions.

Try and hit the meal template with vegetables (1-3 cups per meal) protein and fat at every meal... what you listed looks awfully slight altho it's hard to tell by the way it's listed if you're only listing your mains or if that's really the sum of what you ate... if so, that is precisely why you would be feeling lightheaded and poor. Eat up! Coming back from sickness and stress is a time that your body NEEDS nutrients so it can get itself back in line... eating scant amounts is going to make this process much more difficult and you're going to feel bad for a lot longer than is necessary.

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Try and hit the meal template with vegetables (1-3 cups per meal) protein and fat at every meal... what you listed looks awfully slight altho it's hard to tell by the way it's listed if you're only listing your mains or if that's really the sum of what you ate... if so, that is precisely why you would be feeling lightheaded and poor. Eat up! Coming back from sickness and stress is a time that your body NEEDS nutrients so it can get itself back in line... eating scant amounts is going to make this process much more difficult and you're going to feel bad for a lot longer than is necessary.

Thanks for your help.

I have been eating as much as I can stomach... each of those is a meal that I typically add an orange or a vegetable to. I was getting full quickly and I hadn't had the time to really prepare my meals with everything else going on around me (Whole30 realization: It's been kinda difficult cooking 80% of my food separate from my daycare's and family's. I hadn't anticipated just how much MORE time I'd have to spend in the kitchen).

I will start today back on template. Actually, my dinner last night was a healthy portion of carnitas, atop green leaf lettuce with a guacamole and pico. More veggies but now that I think about it, I wasn't able to finish that meal either. Should I try 4 small template meals until I can stomach the full meals? 

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